Monday, March 15, 2010

Talk about getting too scissor-happy....

Hahahaha.... sooooo....

I got wayyy too happy with my scissors last week... I was trimming my bangs, then it got too short so I just went ahead and chop them all off and gave myself straight bangs


My oops face. AHAHA.

I don't normally like straight bangs... because it's just not me lol. Too cute for me. Well I guess it's good for the next few Japanese looks I'm working on. Another reason why I don't like this kind of bangs is because I'll always have to style it... like scrunch the crown of my head to make my hair more voluminous and have more texture... without scrunching I think head just looks too round?! lol! (And yes I'm lazy like that... usually I don't even do anything with my hair hahaha. occassionally I would use water to fix my hair but that's it lol!!)

A lot of ppl including myself are scared of getting straight bangs in the fear of making their face appear too big/round by doing so... My advice would be to keep the width of your bangs within the ends of your eyebrows. At the end of the eyebrows/or starting at the arches of your eyebrows, start gradually tapering the hair out, so that the longer part of your hair can frame your face and cover up your cheeks. If you have rounder face like me,  you definitely do NOT want to have wide straight bangs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The most classic (classic? lol!) representation I could think of for straight bangs will be Rainie Yang (YAY!! :D )


This kind of hair style is really cute when you put your hair up too :)


See how her bangs start tapering out at the arch of her eyebrow? (though she already has the perfect face shape for this hairstyle lol...)

Here's an even better example:


To demonstrate my point better, here's the map of the bangs:


The first vertical line marks where her eyebrow arch is, then the second line shows how her hair starts tapering out/transitioning into long strands of hairs. The last line shows how the long hair covers up her cheeks for a smaller face (also creates shadow on your cheeks= face look slimmer! =D).

Hope this helps some of you out there who wants to try something new for your bangs :D If you're trying it out... Good luck!!!!

Have an awesome week guys!! And ps... "style" section is coming up soon :D

<3 Frances


  1. nice blog..

  2. nice blog..


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