Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Spice up your eyeliner looks! PART II

Yo yo yo here comes part deux =D

3. Little eyeliner, lots of lash look (I know I know I'm so lame XD need to be more creative but I'm so lazy hahaha)


So I noticed most of my followers are very young... I think this is the perfect eye look for you guys =)
Sometimes less is more. You really don't need to put on a bunch on eyeliner to make your eyes stand out.
So basically I only tight-lined the upper lash line. Make sure you fill in the gaps between your lashes well since you're not lining your eyes. The reason why I only tight-lined and did not add any upper eyeliner is because I want to make my lashes stand out. If I have lined my upper eyelid, then the dark liner wouldn't allow my eyelashes to show as well-- They wouldn't look as long.
Extend the eyeliner a bit further and draw a slight cat eye. Note how I didn't bring the eyeliner all the way down to the corner of the eye this time. This is because I want the angle of that cat-eye flick so that it blends in with your lashes.  For this look feel free to add lots of mascara to your eyes XD I have two coats of mascara on the upper lashes, and three coats on the bottom (if you know me in person you know that I basically have NO bottom lashes at all haha). And I always prime my lashes before I apply mascara.
*** If your bottom lashes didn't come out the way you wanted it (like weird angles) you can always adjust them by using a tweezer!!!!

4. Partial Cat-Eye?!
This is so pretty :) See how her upper liner only starts toward the last 1/3 of the eye?
I thought this application is pretty smart cuz you can have that thick, dramatic cat eye, but at the same time it leaves your lid clean, making the lid space look wider, as well as emphasizing the natural fold of your eye :)

1. Tight line the upper lash line
2. Extend the upper liner all the way pass the corner of the eye
3. Thicken the 1/3 upper liner and draw a cat eye
4. From the flick of the cat eye, extend toward inner corner to line the bottom lash line. Make sure the line is thicker on the outer corner and thinner/only on waterline on the inner corner
5. Since the outer cat eye is quite thick, I applied some brown eye shadow over my folds to emphasize them, so the folds of my eyes are not overpowered by the eyeliner.

It's important t apply the brown eye shadow over your folds/crease to make them stand out more ^-^

5. Puppy-eye/Tear-drop Eye
Not sure why it's called tear-drop eye but that's what it says on the mag XD

Here's the map from the mag:

I'm including my own map anyway lol...
For this look, make sure the upper liner extends all the way pass the corner of the eye as well. Make sure the lower corner is thicker.
This kind of application looks very similar to the #1 regular eyeliner look on me XD Well for those who have a different eye shape from mine, it'd prob produce a nicer effect :P
Of course you can add lashes that'd make the effect even better... but I'm tired and lazy >.<


Okay guys... that's it for part 2. I think I do have a part 3 coming up as well XD

By the way I made a new header ^__^ I didn't realize I could do that until I saw some other bloggers doing it XD it's very roughly made cuz I SUCK at photoshop T_T... gonna touch up on it later I guess??? You guys like it?? ^-^

Okay I'm off to take a nap... had 9 hours of sleep in the past two days O__O      byeeeeee =)

<3 Frances


  1. whoa cool kitty eyes~!

    yea u might want to fix that header, but still cool!

  2. ooooo these are interesting thanks :)

  3. The partial cat-eye is so pretty. I've never worn eyeliner that way before. Thank you. :)

  4. aw such cute eyeliner. I want to try that ^^. And yup since you live in colorado with me you should check out the mall for the sale ^^

  5. i've been experimenting more with my eyeliner too! these were very helpful :)

  6. i've been experimenting more with my eyeliner too! these were very helpful :)


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