Thursday, May 6, 2010

New haircut... and color?!

Hello hello....!!!

Okay I'm officially done with school for now XD WAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. so freaking happy!!!!
Don't get me wrong I love school... minus studying and exams and homework (which is pretty much 90% of school?! hahaha)
You guys ready for summer? ^__^

Anyway here's a much much delayed post... my "new" haircut XD nothing too exciting really.

So this time my stylist suggested giving me a razor cut (basically using a razor to cut your hair instead of using scissors... haha fancy). I don't usually do razors cuz they tend to harm your hair more (dragging the blades down your hair essentially O_O) But I didn't mind roughing my hair up a little... easier to manage if your hair is a little bit damaged to be honest XD (virgin hair is always the hardest to work with). And she gave me choppy layers (hmm I can't tell if they're choppy but I do like my new layers? ^-^)

So I ended up taking 3 inches off... WAHH!!!!! THREE freaking inches! ok that was stupid of me... but I thought well I'm spending this much money on my haircut... I want to see a difference... hence the 3 inches... (originally was gonna keep the length T^T) I ALWAYS do this whenever I go into a salon... no matter how many times I told myself that it took me forever to grow my hair out so I should try to keep the length... I never came out of the salon with the same length. NEVER. XD

As for the hair color... I thought it was sort of a waste of money =_= it's not nearly as ashy as I hoped... it still has hints of red in it, although not as pronounce. (The color technician said in order to get rid of the red/gold in my hair she'll need to add more ash to the color... I was like oooh is that how it works?! mental note XD Gonna pick a super ash/green-based blonde next time XD)

 In conclusion... I don't look any different, except I have less hair now XD hahahah.

It was funny she didn't really touch my bangs cuz I already cut it XD she did trim it a tiny bit so I can do either side-swept bangs or straight bangs. Nothing special really... cuz I can do that myself lol.

Here's my hair in its natural state...
Loads of short layers, can you see? ^-^ love my new layers.

With a bit of hair-styling products
I love tousled hair look ^-^

Since my hair is shorter now... gonna think up some new ways to style it ^^
Anyone getting a new haircut/style for summer? :)

By the way, I got my haircut at Toni & Guy's at Park Meadows Mall, and my stylist's name is JLynn (this information is for my friends who stalk me here but never leave comments XD)

<3 Frances


  1. Nice hair!!!! *thumbs up*

    "virgin hair is always the hardest to work with," I totally agree with you!!!
    I didn't realize this until I got my hair permed and dyed for the very first time.:D

  2. heehee thanks :D

    and once you start dying your color... you just get addicted to it XD

  3. i really like your hair <3 reminds me of Bubz hair! :) do you think someone with thin hair will be able to pull off that kind of hairstyle?

  4. @ Anonymous: thank you <3 haha I know I think they're pretty much the same thing... tons and tons of short choppy layers does the trick I think. Definitely! Cuz I don't have that much hair myself (definitely not as much hair as Bubz... I think I'm in between. Not too much hair but also not too thin) and I've been wearing this kind of hair style forever... like since middle school O_O! And shorter layers help with creating volume ^_^ long layers tend to weigh your hair down.


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