Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Hey bloggies!

Sorry for the lack of posts/comments, AGAIN O__________O

Okay I have a legitimate reason XD

PCAT is coming up!! So I've been studying.
(If you're wondering what PCAT is... it's Pharmacy College Admission Test)
Not at all ready O_O started studying far too late (>_< BAD!!!) so I'm already planning to retake it. But still gonna give my best though.

And as for now I have unpacked all my boxes/suitcases and still haven't found my camera... so I'm buying a new one after PCAT is over. So I've decided might as well save my posts for my new camera :D

Until then, I hope everyone stay well ^__^

<3 Frances


  1. You will ace it! and then have fun camera shopping afterwards :D

  2. Good luck with your test!! You can do it! You can make up for lost time.

  3. Ooh good luck... My friends all said it was REALLLLLLY hard >< but one of them got in anyway hehe~ At least it counts as percentile score rather than raw score

  4. Good luck!! I have a cousin that just got into Pharmacy school. =]

  5. Heyy just letting u know that I tagged you in a post! :)

  6. Heyy just letting u know that I tagged you in a post! :)

  7. Good luck with your test!! You can do it! You can make up for lost time.


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