Monday, November 29, 2010

"Cheap" Urban Outfitters Finds =)

Hallo Bloggies! =D

LOL I realized I haven't done a OOTD post in so long, but that's because I hadn't shopped for clothes in FOREVER and I'm glad that I did purchase a few items over the past few weeks :D

Here's my clothing haul from Urban Outfitters (all the stuff I bought were on sale XD muahaha. I am willing to spend a lot on makeup because those are to be used on my face regularly. Not for clothes, though. My style changes ALL the time I figured it's not worth the money... unless it's something classic/key item)

They're just some basic T's... I wanted to buy some clothes that I don't have to think about... throw on and go you know =D (although I love fashion I rarely spend time dressing or following trends.... haha)

They're not cheap "cheap," but they were on sale XD like half original price =D

lol I don't know but I think this is super adorable
panda shirt =D but why is there an "X"? =((
peacock shirt haha! I didn't even like the print I just grabbed it cuz it was like $9... but surprisingly it fit me pretty well
I don't have any purple shirts! I think the color is lovely and warm :)
I think this is such a pretty pale pink :) (don't know what happened to the flash? excuse the lighting =T)

Okay this is the only item I bought with original price. It was an impulsive purchase XD but I don't regret it it goes great with a lot of stuff =) definitely will go well with most of the shirts I bought

 Here's the scarf on me =)
As well as one of the shirts XD

Haha I know I haven't showed my face in a while (my vids were all filmed quite a while ago XD) and already my bangs are not straight anymore =T went back to side-swept lol


Lol I just realized I'm always buying summer stuff in the winter and winter things in the summer... haha

Lately I've been replacing my love for F21 with Urban Outfitters... I don't know I feel like F21 has a very disappointing collection this fall/winter.

Where do you guys usually shop for clothes?

<3 Frances


  1. Awwwwww cute T-shirts and that scarf looks real warm and cosy and suits you! Love your bangs :D

    I usually shop at Peacocks, Primark, H&M and New Look mostly, as I am a cheap skate haha!

    Kitty x

  2. Those are very cute shirts! I do find F21 a bit disappointing though.. but the shoes are fine. :)

  3. oh I wanted that peacock shirt! but they didn't have my size at the sales section! LOVE your buys :D

  4. great finds !!

    i am the same way... i spend more on makeup than clothes...

    even though I have a lot of clothes, i still wear the same thing everyday.. LOL...

    I shop at F21 mainly because it's so cheap.. but sometimes... I think i need to invest in a better quality store because of the cheap price, comes cheap quality... i've had a sweater rip on me after one wash.. =(

    love you lil haul.. and esp love the scarf! =D

    btw.. thanks for the dove facial soap recommendation for my brushes.. i will have to try it out sometime! ^_^

  5. The first shirt is all kinds of adorable :o! Love the scarf tooo. I used to hate buying basic stuff but now I see they have a role to play in my closet as well XD

    Good to see your doll face again :D

  6. i love your first shirt and scarf!! you look cute as always!

  7. You got some cute clothes! I agree about the scarf. It will really match a lot of the stuff you have. =]

  8. So cute!
    And I also agree about the scarf
    still loving your blog!

  9. cuuuute! i totally agree with you! I would spend money on branded make up but clothes are only sale buy! Now days I'm into just taylor making my clothes cuz its sooo much cheaper!!

    Love all the animal tees. I'm a big fan of animal tees and I really love the pea cock one!! Its sooo pretty <3

    and the scarf is lovely, and impulse buys are most of the time none regrettable! Loving it on you ;)


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