Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dolly Wink Long Mascara Review

Hello there!

How's everyone? I hope you're all doing good! I'm kind of having a bad day here T_T... have some problem with registration with this ONE class I have to take... so frustrating. Trying very hard to resolve the problem... but not very hopeful. Anyhow! Let's not talk about the depressing stuff I'd hate to bore you guys with it lol!

Here's my review for the Dolly Wink Long Mascara!
I got mine from The website information is also listed on the upper right corner of my blog!

For Chinese readers out here =)

For Japanese readers :D



My thoughts:

- Water-proof, stays on, doesn't flake. 

- Lengthening is good, nothing too dramatic.

- Softest mascara applicator I've ever used. It feels like soft rubber? Doesn't scratch my eyelid which I love! =)

- This mascara has an interesting formula... definitely not your conventional mascara. And this mascara seriously DOES NOT CLUMP. Even when I reapply the mascara after 8 hours, it applies on like you're freshly applying mascara, it's insane cuz I've never used a mascara like this

- Major drawback of this mascara: it doesn't hold curls well =*(  my lashes will droop a little after applying this mascara, but it's not bad. But because of my personal preference, I have to curl my lashes again after using this mascara.

- You know how sometimes when you curl your lashes after you apply your mascara, if you're not careful, the lashes would clump together? Well this mascara doesn't! I love it for this! Even if I used more strength to curl, it still doesn't clump! ohhh I LOVE!

- It takes forever to get off UNLESS you use warm water to take it off lol! Kind of like Fiberwig mascara. But the formula is definitely different from Fiberwig. 

I really think this is a great mascara! (Aside from the fact it doesn't hold curls well), it DOESN'T CLUMP WHATSOEVER I'm telling you it has the most NATURAL finish ever. And I have used quite a number of mascaras out there!




Not clumpy at all =)))

Had to curl it again after application to make the lashes stand up more since I lost some of the curl with this mascara

I think you will truly love this mascara if you love natural, clean-looking lashes ^_^ 

And... I want to add that unfortunately, I'm one-mascara-at-a-time girl, so I probably won't be reviewing the volume mascara at least in another 3-4 months...

Hope you enjoyed this review =)

<3 Frances


  1. great review ~! i've always heard lots of good things about dolly wink! esp the eyeliner..

  2. Awesome review !!
    Hmmm, I want to try this out just for fun ! <3

  3. oooooo I so want to try this!! It does look like it works so well!

    Kitty x

  4. Sounds great! I like non clumping mascaras and like the "clean" mascaras. hahah

  5. wow that mascara looks gorgeous on you!!!!
    i tried the dolly wink brown eyelner pencil it was HORRIBLE!!! =.=
    lol your lucky you got something you liked! hehhehe <3

  6. *slams head on wall for not buying this mascara when it was RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER* gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! i want it and why did I not want it! It looks sooo goood.
    What I'm confused about is that, you wrote water proof but it comes off with warm water... so it will stay on even with all the water, just not with warm water?

    and thanks for the link! and yay! I'm a japanese reader :D

  7. Suuper review<3 love it!! I was not sure about this dolly wink mascara cos of course it looks so cute but I like using one mascara at one time too... (although I'm working on 3 atm ;^;") but it looks just great and I love when it does not clump! So I thought maybe I should get this too lol (>.<)awww

  8. Ooh! We're so different when it comes to mascara.
    You -- one mascara at a time gal
    Me -- Can't wait to open and try every single new mascara such that I've got 6-7 which I'm using alternatively.

    I totally hate it when mascara weighs my lashes down. No matter how lenthening or volumizing, once it weighs lashes down, it's a total fail coz most of the time you've to curl again and this result in clumping (like what you said) and dirtying of curler. But the part about not clumping even after curling sounds promising. It sorta cancels out on the bad point. Maybe it's worth a try. I wonder if we have it in our SASA or Watsons here.

  9. fantastic review! just ordered this online. hope i love it as much as you do xo p.s. when i googled this mascara .. your blog was the first one that came up =)))
    lots of love faye

  10. Wow this looks great! Thanks for the review! Im also a one mascara at a time girl but Im slowly drifting off hahaha. so far I have a few favs but I'd love to try this one!

  11. fantastic review! just ordered this online. hope i love it as much as you do xo p.s. when i googled this mascara .. your blog was the first one that came up =)))
    lots of love faye

  12. *slams head on wall for not buying this mascara when it was RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER* gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! i want it and why did I not want it! It looks sooo goood.
    What I'm confused about is that, you wrote water proof but it comes off with warm water... so it will stay on even with all the water, just not with warm water?

    and thanks for the link! and yay! I'm a japanese reader :D

  13. Awesome review !!
    Hmmm, I want to try this out just for fun ! <3


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