Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dolly Wink Cream Eye Shadow (Rainbow Crystal) Review

Hello bloggies!

I feel like it's been a while since I posted XD I am currently freezing my ass off cuz it's -16F here in Colorado and my central heat sucks and my space heater isn't warming up enough... (´д`)  *dies* I have to put both my guinea pig and my bunny in my bedroom when I sleep so they don't freeze in my living room O_O and I am really looking forward to the morning when it will be -6F or higher hopefully  ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭  I. fucking. envy. you ppl. on the other side of the world. who are. enjoying. summer. -_________- (sorry for the f word, I'm so cold!!!!)

 Anyway, Moving on to my review! Today is another Dolly Wink product, the cream eye shadow!

As you all know, there are two cream eye shadows available. One is white and the other is gold. 
 I got mine in #2 because I already have a gold cream eye shadow base.

Cream Eye Shadow in #2 Rainbow Crystal
I got mine from JpMon.com. I don't think this one is available at the moment, but the gold one is.



I think I'd buy the products just to collect Tsubasa's promo pics... XD Seriously though this is the first time I'm keeping the packaging! hahaha

Here's the cream eye shadow!



It is... very... unexpectedly... glittery 囧

My first reaction upon swatching this was... er... what is this?

To be honest, I feel like I'm kind of cheated by the advertisement =_=
If you look at the product promo pic on the Dolly Wink official website
It just looks like a nice wash of shimmery white eye shadow.

BUT in reality... it looks like this:
little chunks of glitter... it's not shimmers...




As you can see, there are purple and green flexes in it.

So my thoughts on this product...

- Very glittery (now I understand why it's called Rainbow crystal XD)

- The texture is kind of hard to explain... very silky/slippery but at the same time with little chunks of glitter? Not that the glitter stands out in texture particularly but you can feel it.
- From the Dolly Wink official website I definitely could NOT tell it is a glittery cream eye shadow... if I had know I probably wouldn't have purchased it... I was expecting more of a shimmery cream eye shadow :T

- Glitters fall off very easily when you apply eye shadow over it, especially if you use a sponge applicator. What's worse the glitter sticks to the sponge applicator... well that's what happened to me when I tried to use the sponge applicator that comes with the Dolly Wink eye shadow palette...

- I think best results comes with patting your eye shadow on top of this cream eye shadow with your fingers. If you use a brush, the glitters come off easily. If you use a sponge applicator, the glitter come off easily AND stick to your applicator.

Really not the best cream eye shadow in my opinion especially if you're using it as a base... cuz it kind of takes a while to "set."
And the glitter is just not my style. I'm actually considering selling it cuz I don't find myself reaching for this at all O_O...

I hope some of you found this helpful!

Okay I'm gonna go make a cup of hot chocolate to warm up my fingers T_T

Night everyone!

<3 Frances


  1. Looks pretty! Maybe use it as a cheekbone highlighter? xx

  2. It sounds like a let down.. I'm not too sure about dollywink eyeshadows in general .. Hmm thks for this review, I'll be giving it a miss

  3. Ehh! Too shimmery/sparkly >__< I hate it when that happens..you buy something and it's totally different from what is shown or what you expect :\

    Ah -16?! That is WAY too cold :X Aww poor pets! And I thought it was bad in the east coast..I'm not looking forward to the predicated freezing rain =.=

  4. is the consistency like this even when you use a primer? i agree with desire, maybe you can use it to highlight your cheeks or just the brow bone, no point in wasting it right? >< great review though!

  5. Hoho. Are you still jealous if I tell you that it's like ~40degrees celcius here atm ; SOOOO FREAKING HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. Wanna collapse ;;!

    But yes, that is so shimmerryy! ...I like it x)

  6. thanks for this. now im starting to have second thoughts about purchasing this eyeshadow collection. though i heard that the brown one was pretty good. anyway i envy you that it's so cold there. sydney is freaking 42 degree today. so bloody hot i'm melting -.-

  7. Hey Frances,

    I'm wanting to buy from JpMon.com, is the currency TWD & would you be able to give an estimate of how much shipping to Australia is? xx

  8. love the silver shimmer! it looks really pretty. heh I'm always a fan of sparkly silver stuff

  9. soo sparkly. i like sparkly

  10. Thanks for the review and always leaving comments on my blog! I really appreciate it! This cream eyeshadow is pretty glittery. I don't like wearing glittery eyeshadows bc they don't really look "natural". lol I think some UD shadows are too shimmery for me too. It always looks different online!! I swear. well at least 99.9% of the time. hahaha I would want to do a blog sale, but I don't have time to ship stuff off especially with work and stuff. Because the dang post offices are closed by the time I get out! I really don't know how to deal/charge for the shipping costs and stuff too. I think I'll have to just clean out my makeup and give them away to my friends and family. hahah I bet there are takers!!

  11. Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! I love this!! I'm a big big big fan of glitters and this is perfect! Maybe I should buy it... cuz its pretty... but if you don't want it let me know cuz i'll buy it off you :3
    seriousely, if ANYBODY asks me about dolly wink products, I'm just gonna give them your website! You're like dolly wink guru!!!! *hugs* i want hot cocoa too but its too freaking hot here!!!

  12. whoooaahh...that is one glittery product! XD But it does look pretty on the site photo and application picture..very misleading..
    Anyway, maybe you could use it on top of your lipstick or lipgloss.. ^^ I think it is still quite pretty..

  13. It sounds like a let down.. I'm not too sure about dollywink eyeshadows in general .. Hmm thks for this review, I'll be giving it a miss

  14. hi sweetie, i cant seem to see the picture in your post ><'"

    1. I know >< was having some bandwidth issues with photobucket. you should be able to see them now :3


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