Saturday, March 26, 2011

Handwriting Tag!

Hello everyone ^__^

Today I have a tag for you! It's a handwriting tag lol!!! wah I feel a bit self-conscious about my handwriting lol!
Thank you Hussy from BEAUTY PRODUCT HUSSY for tagging me ^__^ check her out! she's very sweet and have the most beautiful and perfect red lips ever O_O










I'd like to re-post the ppl I'm tagging in case there's any confusion :P I feel like such a stalker for wanting to see your handwriting XD

1. Mandy from Lavenderlilac Dream. Hello there girl! Hope you're not too busy with school ^__^ Post more when you've got a chance :D And thank you for sticking with me for the longest time! >__< *hugs*

2. Jolene from Jo's Jumbled Jardiniere. I know you're super busy XD please only do this at your leisure! And I've seen your handwriting before (the little lyrics you copied :D) but I think it's fun to tag you anyway XD 

3. Leenda from Ramblings of a Numbers Nerd. You always post food pictures and recipes that make my mouth water to no end.... XD Thanks for always sharing recipes =D I might brave myself and try the strawberry cupcakes XD

4. Nani from NanCakes. Thank you for your always cute comments ^_^ and blogger is definitely being stupid... just now when I was trying to link you it told me your blog cannot be found... -___-||| and sorry if I totally failed at writing your name in Korean!!!!! LOL

I'd like to end my post by posting the songs I mentioned in my tag :)

Cruz, by Christina Aguilera

This song speaks for me lately ^__^ I can never get over her powerful vocals and her mad singing talent/skills... lol.

I love the live performance for this song as well ><

Bound to You, again by Christina Aguilera

This track is from her movie, Burlesque, which I love XD

I am AWARE of how she totally messed up the national anthem... and I was beyond horrified. But that doesn't change the fact she's an amazing and skilled singer. =D

That's all I have for you guys! Hope you guys didn't find this too boring XD Night everyone ^__^

<3 Frances


  1. Thanks for tagging me! I will definitely try to post more. Maybe I'll find a weekend and type them all out/edit all the pics.

    I've already been tagged to do this but have been pushing it off because I don't have a favorite quote xD Rather lame excuse but yup..=X

    Your handwriting is so cute! :D Hehe Love the dog! I was able to read more or less half of the chinese (mainly because it had a lot of basic words LOL).

  2. I love that quote because it's so trueee. & don't be self-conscious about your handwriting! It has personality, it's cute!

  3. Thank u dear! I'll do the tag! Your fan ti zi chinese character very nice! Over here, we use jian ti zi.

  4. I love all your quotes! inspirational~ =D

  5. Yay I ccan see your handwriting ^^ It's pretty unique, I like it! I learnt Simplified Chinese and it definitely looks simpler to write than Traditional, but traditional looks better in my opinion :)

  6. Very cute, I was tagged for one of these too! (Well kinda, the person tagged everyone who was reading and I really wanna do it hehe!) But I'm just waiting for a good time to do it. Thanks for sharing!^^

  7. Thanks for the tag! handwriting is probably looks like a dude's handwriting, but I will get around to thsi tag! hahah Have you seen burlesque? I liked that movie and have been a fan of christina aguilera since I was young. =]

  8. OHHHH you are the sweetest EVER <3 Hahah! MUST DO TAG! ò__ó Nani fighting! And don't worry : P I write in Korean super shitty myself... -hides-
    I love your handwriting btw! YAY for Christina Aguilera.. Her 'Stripped' album is a freaking MASTERPIECE! <3

  9. wow your handwriting is so pretty! ^__^

  10. Your handwriting and drawing is cute!

    (Thanks for answering my q's =)

  11. haha, i love how you even drew out the scene for the quick brown fox. :P

  12. omg! id be so self conscious to show people my real writing! ahh!

  13. Christina!!!!!!

    You listen Christina Aguilera, you'are perfect.

  14. omg! id be so self conscious to show people my real writing! ahh!

  15. wow your handwriting is so pretty! ^__^

  16. I love that quote because it's so trueee. & don't be self-conscious about your handwriting! It has personality, it's cute!

  17. Very cute, I was tagged for one of these too! (Well kinda, the person tagged everyone who was reading and I really wanna do it hehe!) But I'm just waiting for a good time to do it. Thanks for sharing!^^

  18. You have such cute handwriting :3 I could read some of the Chinese (the simplified ones at least lol) This seems like a really fun tag xD

    1. hahahahaha I feel almost guilty reading this comment XD my handwriting is usually a mess (at least when I take notes and stuff). I did make an effort of writing as neatly as I could for this post LOL!!!


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