Thursday, March 10, 2011

Update on my life... :)

Hi there dear bloggies!

This post is not beauty-related... so please feel free to skip if you're not interested in my personal life XD

I know I don't talk about myself/my life a lot on this blog... because I want to dedicate this blog to makeup/skincare/fashion... I like to keep my different interests separated :P

But I do want to share with you guys about my life since there are going to be huge changes later this year :)

So the reason why I was absent almost the whole month of February was because I was busy with interviews with pharmacy schools. I didn't want to say anything then just in case I didn't get in XD And the good news is... I DID get accepted!!!! Last week I got my acceptance letter from University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, so I will be moving to Baltimore this fall :D This is so exciting for me, cuz I've been really wanting to get out of Colorado for the longest time... lol >< And not trying to brag or anything, but the school of pharmacy at UMB does rank top 10 in the US... I'm only saying this because for once in my life I feel like I have accomplished something that I can be really proud of >< I mean I haven't really done much in my life to call anything an accomplishment, but this is definitely an accomplishment for me :) I'm never particularly outstanding at anything, and to be recognized by the admission committee of UMB made me feel like I'm actually worthy of something :P  But of course I can't claim all the credit, I had AMAZING people helping me along the way, and I am really really really grateful to have these people in my life, or else I couldn't have done this well!

Anyway, just want to share this happy news with you all :) in a lot of ways you guys feel like friends to me <3 Can you believe I'm moving from the mountain west to East Coast?! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited but also so nervous/a little scared at the same time. lol! Many many things need to be done!

Another exciting news is I'm going back home to Taiwan in less than a month :) I am so so SO excited!!!! I haven't been home in 2 years, I CANNOT wait to see my parents and my other family, and my old friends!!!! I will be in Taiwan for two months, hooray!!!! =DDDDD Even I'm not leaving until 3 weeks from today, I've already started packing... that's how excited I am XD

One thing that is relevant to this beauty blog is that I am planning to host a mini giveaway on my blog once I got home :) hehe if I'm giving something away it has to be something that's not that accessible in the US XD I'm also planning to open an online store??????? Since I will have access to A LOT of Taiwanese/Japanese/Korean beauty products. Not sure if anyone's interested, but I will get into more details on that later.

That's it from me for now :) Hehe sorry it's all writing and kind of long. If you actually read this post... I LOVE YOU. XD

Be back with more beauty stuff soon <3

<3 Frances


  1. Lots of good news! Congrats on getting excited ^__^ Pharmacy requires so much hardwork and dedication! Good luck :] Hope you have fun in Taiwan and eventually Baltimore!

  2. Wow Frances! That is a huge achievement! I mean, pharmacy school is no joke! Congratulations! =D Do well okay ^^

  3. Getting into ANY pharmacy school would've been an amazing accomplishment, but yes, one in the top 10 is something to definitely be proud of :)
    Oooh I can't wait for your mini blog giveaway, I hope you do it before I hit the road too

  4. WOOOO! Congrats on getting in!!! :''D RISING TO THE STARS, girl! Hahahha : D I'm super happy for you! You definitely deserve it!
    I know the feeling of having accomplished NOTHING way too well : / so I really wish you the best and lots of success with your studies : D Go go go Frances fighting! \(^o^)/ <3

    Oh! And have a fabulous trip to Taiwan! I wish I could travel, but oh well.. I better get my life together here first. lol. I'm definitely looking forward to the giveaway : D

  5. Congrats babe! Wow, that really is an achievement and no, you are not bragging. You have every right to be proud of yourself!

    Finally saw your new hair. Actually it looks almost the same when you sweep your fringe to the side but yes, it’s significantly shorter.

    My hubby and I thought of bringing my parents to Taiwan for a holiday but I read that the best time to go is now till May (which hubby and I can’t make it) coz June onwards would be sweltering and I do so much want to bring them when it’s much cooler. Oh yes, you can start to open a blog shop. I would buy Mezaik from you! I think that should be available in Taiwan.

    Re your comment:
    I totally agree with the plummeting part. I experienced that just a few months ago which was my last major illness and it’s not a pleasant feeling knowing how tiring it is to keep up the positive thoughts. Letting it all go and falling sick seems a lot easier.

    I think I’ve caught up with some sleep. I’ve got a 3 day mc but the 2nd day is my off day and I’m going back on my 3rd day (later today).

    P/S: Big decision is pending. When the time comes, you’ll know. =)

  6. congrats on getting into pharmacy school!! :) my husband is a pharmacy manager with walgreens hehehe.. and ironically i'm originally from maryland!! you're gonna have a great time marylands a great place to live :)

    and OMG i'm from taiwan too!! muhahah.. i feel like we have so much in common hahah.. omg you are so lucky i would LOVE to live in taiwan for 2 months.. i went back for a week last year and it was so funny.. so much yummy food, lots of shopping and i stocked up on lots of beauty products.. you're a lucky girl!!

  7. Congrats on getting into pharmacy school!! I hope you like it!!

  8. Wow congratulations! What a big news! I'm very happy for you! I hope you're gonna enjoy it!

  9. Lots of good news! Congratulations!! I'm very happy for you :) What an exciting transition...keep up the good work!

  10. Oh btw, I am COMPLETELY interested if you start an online store! That would be so awesome

  11. Congrats on getting into pharmacy school!! I hope you like it!!

  12. Wow congratulations! What a big news! I'm very happy for you! I hope you're gonna enjoy it!

  13. Getting into ANY pharmacy school would've been an amazing accomplishment, but yes, one in the top 10 is something to definitely be proud of :)
    Oooh I can't wait for your mini blog giveaway, I hope you do it before I hit the road too


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