Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What's popular among Taiwanese girls nowadays LOL

Hello my bloggers and readers out there ^__^!

I have made it back to the US in one piece!!!!!!!! woot woot!!! (although... I'm homesick already. No woot woot for that) OMG it was such a long trip. Made longer by the fact I got stuck in LA (got deplaned THEN my flight got cancelled WTF so had to spend the night in LA and didn't get home to CO until like 10pm... basically lost a whole day T_T)

Anyway, since I'm back, that means it's business as usual!!!! I'm gonna get back into blogging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have loads of stuff coming up, as well as a little surprise ^_^ (well I guess it's not a surprise anymore now I've announced it har har har XD but anyway look out for that :D)

Today's post is about a "trend" that I got into while I was in Taiwan... which is... GLASSES. Minus the lenses. hahaha XD omg. So having almost perfect vision, I never got to wear glasses. I know most ppl would say "omg that's so awesome that you don't have to wear glasses you're so lucky!!!" but to me I've always been really curious about the world of glasses XD and contact lenses as well (that's why in every single one of my Japanese makeup look I didn't wear color lenses... well cuz I don't know how to wear them. Pretty sad).

So one day I met up with an old friend and half way through our afternoon dessert/tea I realized... her glasses did NOT contain any lenses!!!

Me: Errr... am I just blind or are there no lenses in your glasses?
(so tempted to just poke my fingers through her frames to see if there are lenses XD)

My friend: MUAHAHAHAH nope there are not!  It's just an accessory B-)
(by the way my friend is near-sighted and was wearing prescribed contact lenses underneath the glasses that have no lenses wtf ROFLOLOLOL)

Me: O M G YOU ARE SUCH A CHEATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha. I know it's probably nothing new, I'm just really late on the bandwagon. LOLOLOLOLOL

Now I finally know what I look like with glasses!!!! XD

likey? XD
I think I look so much smarter with glasses O_O
Don't mind the blue glare; had my laptop sitting in front of me
The super huge big frames are the more popular ones, but large frames make me look hilarious XD so sad cuz I thought large frames are so cute

I like my hair tied up when I'm wearing "glasses" ^_^

By the way I was wearing Laneige foundation in these pics.

So that's all from me today.  Nothing exciting... more like... a camho post 囧 I haven't camho'd in so long! lol

Okay good night guys ^_^ ummm I'm gonna try to go to sleep. Even though I'm really tired from traveling I don't feel sleepy cuz I'm jetlagged. Maybe I will unpack. Dah!


<3 Frances


  1. the glasses look cute on you!~ ^^ I have the same ones! Except they are very weak degrees hahaha~ the black lenses are extremely popular in asia! (:

  2. I was very interested in your post title, to find out what is big with Taiwanese girls now haha!! Welcome back!!

    Big glasses seem big everywhere now. I really can't get used to wearing glasses without any lenses at all!! I'm sure in Asia when everyone is doing it it doesn't seem so strange...but there is this shop girl at the Korean grosser I go to (in country Australia!) who is always wearing these huge red frames and you can tell there are no lenses...I'm just like....but WHYY!!

    I fell victim to this trend too, but I went out and got myself actual real glasses instead!!!! - raybans! ('luckily', the optometrist told me I was subtly long sighted! lol). But people still ask me all the time if they are 'real' =_=

    Trust me you look adorable with glasses. You would look adorable with bigger frames too. You have the face for it!!!

  3. Good that you arrived safe and sound. ^___^
    That glasses look cute on you!

  4. Love those glasses! Glad you're back :)

  5. your skin looks really nice here! i think everyone looks smarter when they wear glasses haha

  6. Yay more posts :D How was your trip?
    Your skin looks amazing btw! :]
    I've noticed that with a lot of HK bloggers (like BeautyQQ and Ava and another MUA youtuber I watch lol) So weird since many people with glasses want to switch to contacts. They want to add frames instead xD I can't even imagine how I look without glasses anymore (have had them since I was in the 3rd grade!).

  7. LOL nice idea XD ill wear my lenses and a glasses w/o lenses ahaha!

  8. Omaikot, love your haircolor! xoxo

  9. You're so cute >_<! You look great with glasses! And that foundation looks good too. I know it won't match me (totally different tone than you) but I love your reviews so reviewwww plz! Lol!

  10. You're so cute >_<! You look great with glasses! And that foundation looks good too. I know it won't match me (totally different tone than you) but I love your reviews so reviewwww plz! Lol!

  11. LOL nice idea XD ill wear my lenses and a glasses w/o lenses ahaha!

  12. I was very interested in your post title, to find out what is big with Taiwanese girls now haha!! Welcome back!!

    Big glasses seem big everywhere now. I really can't get used to wearing glasses without any lenses at all!! I'm sure in Asia when everyone is doing it it doesn't seem so strange...but there is this shop girl at the Korean grosser I go to (in country Australia!) who is always wearing these huge red frames and you can tell there are no lenses...I'm just like....but WHYY!!

    I fell victim to this trend too, but I went out and got myself actual real glasses instead!!!! - raybans! ('luckily', the optometrist told me I was subtly long sighted! lol). But people still ask me all the time if they are 'real' =_=

    Trust me you look adorable with glasses. You would look adorable with bigger frames too. You have the face for it!!!


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