Monday, June 13, 2011

Who's a procrastinator?! *raise hand!!*

Hope you guys didn't like I did XD

Today was pretty sunny out, and I got off work early cuz I had an exam in the evening (still have to finish this one course before I'm off to pharmacy school! And yes you still apply/get admitted even without completing all the prerequisites, just make sure you get your grade in before the deadline).

So guess what, of course I was procrastinating, even with my exam only a few hours away XD
And guess what else I did! I camwhored!!! XD lol vain me vain me!

Who else likes to study on the floor? XD

Who on earth poses with their textbook?! ... apparently I do...... *nerd*
And yeah it's microbiology. Any science person out there? ^_^ 

Forgot if I've ever mentioned... yeah I got my hair dyed in Taiwan... it's a light golden brown now. And I hate it. LOL. I specifically asked for cool ash! What the f happened?!

This pic pretty much says it all. I WAS BORED. LOL.
(I wrapped myself comfortably in my pink blanket XD even though it was sunny out it was a little bit cold in my apartment)

So in the end I think I did okay on my exam. Will find out soon enough XD

In conclusion... this is a complete pointless post. And I wish my face would STOP breaking out. It hasn't stopped ever since I came back to the US. And just now as I stepped out of the shower there's a new one on my chin!! Not even a pimple, it's really itchy. Think I might have reaction to something.

Oh actually, there is one thing I wanted to mention!

Fanny from Fashion Parade created this random post for some of us girls!


She created this post just to tell us how much she likes our blogs, how sweet is she?! >_<  I am seriously touched. Seriously, who does that????!!!??? Thank you so much again girly <3
If you guys haven't checked out her blog, go take a look, she has tons and tons of stuff on it ^_^ 

Okay I'm going to bed, gotta get that beauty sleep!

Oh and I wish you girls who are having exams... GOOD LUCK!!!
(If you're a guy... why are you reading this?!?!?!?!?! GO AWAYYYYY lol I'm kidding!)

Night guys ^_^

<3 Frances


  1. adorable!

    please join my giveaway!

  2. HAHAHA <3
    I'm doing the same thing. My final exam is in two hours and I'm still cruising on the internet XD

    Hm even though you didn't want your current hair colour, I still think it looks nice on you ^^


  3. Hehehe, I'm procrastinating too.. my exam's in 15 hours :D
    Woo hoo - Science buddies~ But i'm not doing Pharmacy.. Fail XD
    Your hair looks great!! :O Idk why you hate it!!

  4. me!!ii am seriously a full-time
    i'm trying to get better at it, but
    heyy....procrastinating never ends ahah
    awww that award is soo sweet,
    congratulations(: your blog is way cute^^

    -Love, Maki

  5. I actually like your hair color, but I do think it'd look nicer a bit darker! :)

  6. *hand raised* still have no clue about when/how I'm moving in a month and a half, i really should get a move on that :(
    i agree with the others, your hair isn't bad at all! maybe you just aren't used to it quite yet, cuz it definitely was quite a bit darker i think. give it some time :)

  7. Aw, that is sweet. =D Oh and I'm part of the procrastinator club

  8. I guess I posed with my Chemistry book before for a picture, rofl.

    Your hair doesn't look bad btw. I like it (:

    Cute blog btw.

  9. *hand raised* still have no clue about when/how I'm moving in a month and a half, i really should get a move on that :(
    i agree with the others, your hair isn't bad at all! maybe you just aren't used to it quite yet, cuz it definitely was quite a bit darker i think. give it some time :)


I'd love to hear your thoughts =) Please provide a link back so I can visit your blog too if you have one =D

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