Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My cheap way to store makeup brushes!

Hello guys ^_^

Hohoho today I finally have time to sit down in front of my computer and just browse =DD and read blogs and stuff. It was storming earlier and that strangely put me in a really good mood XD hahaha. Okay I'm just rambling, gonna shut up and go read/comment on blogs =D

LOL at my thumbnail face!

Hope you guys like it ^_^

<3 Frances


  1. Cute :P I haven't even seen a styrofoam block that big before haha Do you have to remember where each brush was place since the brush sizes are different?

    I got the package! Didn't get a chance to email you so here's an update ^__^ I can't wait to try it. Hopefully it'll work better than the ones I've tried so far. Thank you tons (again) hehe :]

  2. That's really cool storage! :) I wish they had pink styrofoam lol!

  3. I think that the styrofoam idea is really good! I've also people do something similar where they fill a box/jar with beads and then stick their brushes in there =) I haven't watched your full video yet since my internet at work isn't the best T_T

  4. lol that was what I wanted to do originally! But I couldn't find any glass beads =T the only beads I managed to find at my local craft stores are the plastic ones -__- which really aren't heavy enough to hold the brushes. Plus I couldn't find a good container I like lol!!! that's why I just settled for the styrofoam.... it's so cheap wahahahah XD

  5. hahahahah yeah I think I got the biggest ones XD well at the beginning I had to, but after a while you just remember XD I actually like it better this way cuz before I put all my brushes in this Anna Sui brush holder and I just don't like them kind of moving around in the holder lol.
    Yay I'm glad you got it! I assumed it didn't melt? XD hehe do keep me updated ^_^ and you're welcome!

  6. lol that would've been so awesome! XD

  7. very creative bun bun :D btw bun i have an award for ur blog http://amz88.blogspot.com/2011/07/pictures-awards-and-my-giveaway.html

  8. This is so smart & cheap way to store makeup brushes~ XD I don't have enough brushes to have to get one of these though >< hahaha~ I only have like.. 4 brushes ): I keep my brushes in like a boba cup! LOLLLL I'm so cheap too! :D My bangs are starting to look a little better now that it grew out a little >< I didn't get to cut the straight bangs cause I saw your video after I cut my bangs but I really want to try it sometime soon! (:

  9. Wah, this is a really good idea! I'm so lazy...just leave my brushes around the dresser T.T And I love your videos!!!!!!!!! Your voice is so cute and you are so pretty <3

  10. Aimee Bun Bun thanks for giving me the awards =DD I will work on it as soon as I can ^_^

  11. LOL boba cup XD lol Mimi you're so cute XD aren't those really light though? wouldn't they fall over?? Hahaha I started out with only 1 brush for like... yearrrs.... it's not until last when my brush collection rapidly grew :D I'm glad your bangs are looking better ^_^ I hate it when I accidentally cut it too short too! (that happened a lot when I was in high school XD) hehe no worries it's best to try it when your hair grows out a lot more longer so that way you have less chance to mess it ^_^

  12. Hahahaah I used to do that when I only had one brush! but then my brush collection kinda got out of control and I can no longer let them sit around XD and thank you Aisha <3 (hehe I'm gonna call you Aisha :D <3) I hate hearing my own voice in videos!! >< I never want to go back and re-watch my videos after I'm done editing XD

  13. awww, you have a really sweet blog i like it! :D i just followed you <3


  14. Thank you for visiting my blog and the sweet comment ^_^

  15. Hehe...I love how you tell us to stab it with our brush. ;) I like this easy way of storing!

  16. ahahhaha stab it like there's no tomorrowwwwwww LOL glad you liked it ^_^


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