Thursday, December 29, 2011

Korean-Inspired Natural Simple Makeup

Hi guys!

Before I go on to ramble about other stuff, I have a tutorial for you guys ^_^

This look is inspired by all the Korean dramas I've been watching lately

Been wearing this look a lot ^_^ at first I wasn't used to seeing myself without lower eyeliner, but now I'm used to it ^_^ it actually feels really nice for my eyes to take a break from all that eyeliner.

The eyes are super simple. Thin eyeliner, and very subtle "highlighting."



Here's the tutorial if you guys are interested ^_^ Hmmm didn't really want to call it a tutorial since there's nothing too fancy about it, but don't know what else to call it. Makeup is only as complicated as you want it to be =P

Okay now moving on!

I know I've been neglecting my blog and the whole blogging world orz... I know I said I have a lot of posts lined up (well I do xD) but I've just been enjoying being lazy over the holidays XD Not doing much these days. Just finished watching "Dream High" and really liked it ^_^ it's the only drama I watched that's somewhat realistic =P and it's very inspiring T_T the last few episodes made me cry so much (and I don't usually cry when I watch dramas lol did not shed a tear at all when watching City Hunter even though I was touched in a lot of scenes xD) my favorite characters from DH have to be IU and Jason ^_^ I LOVE IU's voice!! I've listened to her music before but for some reason didn't really impress me??!?!? Now I'm like how can you not like her voice >_< *runs to find her album* IU and Jason are so cute, hehe. Here are some of my favorite songs/scenes from the drama ^_^

I'm absolutely OBSESSED with this song. The original song is by Mandy Moore.

Mandy Moore's voice is sooo beautiful. Love her voice so much!

fast forward to 1:05 to hear the singing =P

Hmmm so yeah haven't been doing much. Other than watching drama and eating loads (-__-|||) and sitting on my ass xD I'm heading up to Boston to visit friends next week so I'm really excited =D Might do a travel bag video/post???? =D I definitely plan on making a post about my top products and worst in 2011 ^_^ Will be working to get these out in the next couple of days. I'm taking a break from all the drama watching for now xD so I wouldn't get too tired of it. Plus I'm sick of sitting in front of my computer hahaha XD I'm planning on watching "Personal Taste" next =D By the way I went to the Sherlock Holmes 2 and I was disappointed. I really really liked the first movie and I don't think the second one was as good =T in fact I was completely lost until like literally the last 10 minutes of the movie -__- lol!

Hmmm what else? Been catching up with some reading ^_^ any good and light reading you guys recommend? I finished "The Hunger Games" series a while back and was absolutely obsessed!! (the first book is the best among the three in my opinion) so going to see the movie when it comes out in March 2012 ^_^ Right now I'm reading "The Help" and so far really enjoying it. I am reading "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" next but that book is so thick and the fonts are tiny O_o if you guys have good books to recommend would appreciate it ^_^

Okay it's 3:30am now. Yes my schedule's all messed up now I'm on break XD Going to bed now. Night everyone!

PS: Can you believe it's 2 days until New Year? Wah~~~~~~~~

Saturday, December 24, 2011

ToFebruary Asian Clothing Haul+ Review

Hey guys ^_^

So today I'm excited to bring you this review of this online shop called "To February" ^_^

I totally just stumbled upon this website xD As you guys know, I was addicted to City Hunter XD
After finishing the drama, I decided to Google for some of the fashion style I saw in the drama, particularly the bullet necklace, and the usamimi Kim Na Na was wearing. So I randomly Googled "City Hunter fashion" and I came across, lol!

By the way I finally finished Boys over Flowers... errr... well... I kind of fast-fowarded the last five episodes -__- Honestly I didn't enjoy this drama at all orz.... Maybe I'm just too old for the high school/bully theme lol... plus I really didn't like the main girl in the drama orz... damsel in distress doesn't really suit my taste... I don't understand why this drama was so popular >_< lol!!

You: Did you ever stop to think that the problem is you cuz everybody else likes it? *points*

Me: Σ(☉▽☉"a

So here are some of the pictures of the styles that caught my eye from the drama ^_^

The bullet necklace of course ^_^ can't find a good screen shot of Na Na wearing it. 

I love this overlarge hoodie! Looks so comfy and homey!

Love how big and long it is ^_^

This striped usamimi Na Na was wearing was my favorite. I know usamimi was in trend a LONG while back but for some reason when it was popular I wasn't into it at all @_@ but after seeing Na Na sporting it, I like ^_^ Want to find something that look like it. Anyone know what how to say usamimi in Korean??

Really like this green jacket she was wearing as well. Looks so light and flowy ^_^

I thought this green skull shirt was adorable!

By the way, what's up with Korean dramas and ramen?!?!?! They're like eating ramen in every single K drama I'm watching now (well, just two so far xD)  makes me want to eat ramen noodles too T_T

So anyway, onto the actual haul+ review XD

Everything comes in plastic wraps. By the way shipping is $1 if you're US resident.

I made a video for the review, to better show you guys how the clothes wear on me. I finished filming few days ago but editing took forever -__-

The video is mega long... -___-  I tried my best to condense it T_________________T if they have a fast forward button on Youtube xD By the way I apologize for the lack of my voice volume... I thought I was speaking loud enough and clearly I wasn't orz...

And as promised, closed up pictures of the fabric of the clothes:

fabric on the inside

Heart Ring 
this top in person looks more like green to me O_O



the sleeve fabric


So of course I had to put up some camho pics xD these are all taken a while ago when I first received them lol!
my cat hoodie

My favorite-- the panda top ^_^



I have to admit, watching all those Korean dramas have triggered a certain amount of fobbiness within me XD I haven't dressed like this in yearsssss -__-a



LOL being my goofy self. I want a haircut T_T

Okay this post is way too long lol. If you watched the whole video I salute you <(^-^)\ that means I'm worth 17 minutes of your life (*^‧^*) lol!

Merry Christmas everyone ^_^ Wish you a very happy holiday ^____________^ <3

<3 Frances

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Laura Mercier Mineral Powder Foundation Review

Hey everyone! ^_^

YERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I'm on holidays now =DDDDDDDDDDD just finished my last final yesterday WAHAHAHAHAHA omg I think I bombed my last exam but oh well it's done XD Har har har!!! Have so many posts lined up and under construction ^_^

Gonna start out with this powder foundation review =D

Price: $35



My shade is natural beige which is just slightly darker than my skin tone.


You can see it doesn't give a matte finish, it gives glowy finish =D 


My camera doesn't capture it well but it actually contains a lot of very finely milled shimmers.
Blended out

My thoughts:
- Medium coverage. Buildable coverage but you can overpowder

- When I swatched it in the store it looks really shimmery so I was worried if it would make me look shiny, it doesnt ^_^ it's the most natural-looking powder I've ever used because it gives a natural dewy look unlike most powder foundations that give completely matte finish.

- I like to use it in conjunction with my Lancome instant retouch pen or YSL touche eclat. I just use them around my nose because that's where I have most redness, and I do this extra step to prevent myself from overpowdering (especially in the corners around the nose where powder can cake very easily)

- Slightly accentuate my pores. Ppl with enlarged pores beware!

- While I absolutely LOVE the finish it gives, this powder does oxidize. That combined with the fact I have combination skin (normal + oily), it does make my complexion look rather drab and shiny on my oily areas by the end of the day. I am planning to return this product.

- I think dry skin will really appreciate this product, while combination to oily skin ppl probably want to avoid this product. And since this product does oxidize you might want to be careful with color selection.

And that's all I have ^_^ I hope some of you found this review helpful!

I'm planning on watching some Korean dramas during my break XD hahaha since City Hunter kind of got me hooked. LOL. Just started watching Boys over Flowers (on episode 2) (watching it for Lee Min Ho WAHAHA) but so far not liking it O_o hopefully it would pick up soon?? lol. Do you guys have exciting plans for the holidays? =D

<3 Frances