Saturday, December 24, 2011

ToFebruary Asian Clothing Haul+ Review

Hey guys ^_^

So today I'm excited to bring you this review of this online shop called "To February" ^_^

I totally just stumbled upon this website xD As you guys know, I was addicted to City Hunter XD
After finishing the drama, I decided to Google for some of the fashion style I saw in the drama, particularly the bullet necklace, and the usamimi Kim Na Na was wearing. So I randomly Googled "City Hunter fashion" and I came across, lol!

By the way I finally finished Boys over Flowers... errr... well... I kind of fast-fowarded the last five episodes -__- Honestly I didn't enjoy this drama at all orz.... Maybe I'm just too old for the high school/bully theme lol... plus I really didn't like the main girl in the drama orz... damsel in distress doesn't really suit my taste... I don't understand why this drama was so popular >_< lol!!

You: Did you ever stop to think that the problem is you cuz everybody else likes it? *points*

Me: Σ(☉▽☉"a

So here are some of the pictures of the styles that caught my eye from the drama ^_^

The bullet necklace of course ^_^ can't find a good screen shot of Na Na wearing it. 

I love this overlarge hoodie! Looks so comfy and homey!

Love how big and long it is ^_^

This striped usamimi Na Na was wearing was my favorite. I know usamimi was in trend a LONG while back but for some reason when it was popular I wasn't into it at all @_@ but after seeing Na Na sporting it, I like ^_^ Want to find something that look like it. Anyone know what how to say usamimi in Korean??

Really like this green jacket she was wearing as well. Looks so light and flowy ^_^

I thought this green skull shirt was adorable!

By the way, what's up with Korean dramas and ramen?!?!?! They're like eating ramen in every single K drama I'm watching now (well, just two so far xD)  makes me want to eat ramen noodles too T_T

So anyway, onto the actual haul+ review XD

Everything comes in plastic wraps. By the way shipping is $1 if you're US resident.

I made a video for the review, to better show you guys how the clothes wear on me. I finished filming few days ago but editing took forever -__-

The video is mega long... -___-  I tried my best to condense it T_________________T if they have a fast forward button on Youtube xD By the way I apologize for the lack of my voice volume... I thought I was speaking loud enough and clearly I wasn't orz...

And as promised, closed up pictures of the fabric of the clothes:

fabric on the inside

Heart Ring 
this top in person looks more like green to me O_O



the sleeve fabric


So of course I had to put up some camho pics xD these are all taken a while ago when I first received them lol!
my cat hoodie

My favorite-- the panda top ^_^



I have to admit, watching all those Korean dramas have triggered a certain amount of fobbiness within me XD I haven't dressed like this in yearsssss -__-a



LOL being my goofy self. I want a haircut T_T

Okay this post is way too long lol. If you watched the whole video I salute you <(^-^)\ that means I'm worth 17 minutes of your life (*^‧^*) lol!

Merry Christmas everyone ^_^ Wish you a very happy holiday ^____________^ <3

<3 Frances


  1. cute hoodie ^^ Merry Christmas!!! (^3^)-☆

  2. cute hoodie :) Merry Christmas!!! (^3^)-☆

  3. LOOOOOOVE the oversized hoodie from the show! : D And you're such a cutie! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  4. Who can say no to $1 shipping? I'll have to check it out soon :D Have you ever shopped from any of those wholesale clothing from china? Do you have any you recommend from overseas?

    Hope you're having a nice holiday. You're totally worth 17 mins of my life haha =)

  5. Ohh i love this website! Everything you got is cuteee!

  6. Merry Christmas!!

    I didn't know there was a place where people can buy these drama things directly...I've always only seen them through soompi sellers (who I assumed got them from wholesalers..) Awesome! :D

    Now that I think back...Boys Over Flowers was pretty cheesy. But that kind of story line once in a while (for me) is still okay haha..But yup City Hunter was pretty great! ^__^ Which are you watching next?

  7. Love ToFebruary, they always have great stuff. And I just started watching City Hunter last wkend, on ep 11, so addicting!!!! Hope you had a great Christmas!

  8. thank you Fanny! Happy holidays to you too ^____^

  9. lol thanks Nani! Happy holidays to you too ^______________^

  10. hmmmm I haven't... this was my first time purchasing Asian clothes O_O although I've looked through a number of those wholesale websites I'm too scared to order since I have no confidence that I'm gonna fit... so yeah... sorry I'm not any help >_< Hope you're having an awesome holiday too =D and thanks for the kind words hehe <3 I was like I don't think anybody wants to watch me for 17 min -.-" LOL!

  11. hahahaha I didn't know either!! Google FTW!! XD BOF is pretty cheesy. I don't really mind cheesy but I guess I just really don't like the main girl, hence didn't enjoy the drama orz...

  12. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh episode 11 T_T I watched the ending of that episode so many times!!! makes me wanna T_____________________________________T are you finished watching it by now? :D I got my other roommate to watch it too and she got addicted too XD I remember when I was watching episode... 8??? I was like dammit kiss the girl, kiss her!!!! XD!!

  13. I want to watch your video but internet sooo crap.... just to load your pictures took forever!!
    Trust meeeee you is worth 17 min of my life... i pwomise.... T^T
    but love the stuff! I really want to green skull one! you gotta wear it and post it! i wanna see ittttt!! Pictures picture!!

    don't worry, i'll join you with being weird but I too don't really care much of damsell in distress... i'm more of a WOMAN POWER!! RAWR!! lol

    *raises hand for epic high five!*

  14. i forgot to comment here :"> i commented on youtube lolz...anyway PANDA!!!
    p.s.- you last photos are so cute! the last one is chooo kyoot :"D

  15. Thank you for your super detailed review! I am considering to order from them, so this was really helpful!

  16. Glad you found it helpful =DDDDDD Thanks for watching/reading ^_^

  17. hi! i'm interested to buy the bullet necklace so i do research it. then i found this too. do u have in hand that bullet necklace??? is that the exact design as we seen in City Hunter?? and which one? the small one, right?? hope you can answer me, this would be very helpful to me thank you!!

  18. by the way you're so cute!! i forgot to mention =)

  19. hi hi Ms Jenn! actually I didn't purchase the bullet necklace... so I don't have it and I can't say anything about the design :T But I'd go for the small one though cuz the big one looks longer than the one in drama lol! (the big one is sold out anyway xD) Sorry I can't be more helpful =X but if you want you can always e-mail and ask them which design is more true to the drama ^_^ hope that helps =)

  20. how about for shipping to other than US?

    1. why don't you check out the website and find out? :)


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