Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Biotherm Celluli Laser Slim Code Review+ other randomness

Hey all you gorgeous girls out there ^_^

Today I've got a body-firming product review for you =D

So this is only the sample size product I got when I made a purchase at the Biotherm counter when I was in Taiwan.

The instructions says "massage morning and evening, from ankles to waist."  Well since I only have 40ml of products to work with, I only apply it on my thighs and hips XD  I just started to apply it on my flabby upper arms as well we'll see if it does anything to my arms.
Here's what the product looks like. It has a citrus scent???????? Not really sure how to describe the product. As you can see this product contains some shimmers (not sure why) so yeah I do look somewhat shimmery after using it. It's not too noticeable though. Although this product does have a slightly sticky texture... it doesn't feel sticky on my body, but it does feel unpleasantly sticky on my hands after application so I have to go wash my hands every time I use this.

So as I mentioned before, I have been working out to Jillian Michaels' "30 day shred" workout DVD, and I'm kind of using this product in conjunction with the workout routine.

Do you guys remember the 2B Alternative Skirt Ready product that Bubbi once mentioned in her favorites video like from... wayyyy back? I can understand now what she meant when she described how her legs felt after using that product.

I have been using using this product for 13 days now along with my workout routine (I've used this before but without exercise) and I can really tell the difference in my thighs. My thighs and hips feel a lot firmer and feel a lot smoother, kind of like how Bubbi described how her bumps/cellulite disappeared. I apply a pretty generous amount over my thighs and hips after I workout/shower. I've heard these kind of products will be more effective if you apply it before you workout, because it will work more effectively against the cellulite as you're working out. But for me showering off the products after you work out is just too much waste XD I'd rather it stay on my skin and work through the rest of the day/night after. But anyway, I just want to point out, from my experience this product only works if you do work out. I have applied this product on its own before (during my winter break when I was busy just sitting on my ass and fattening myself up) and noticed no difference. You might ask maybe it was all that exercise and toning that attribute to the firming? I can positively tell you nope that's not it. Because I used to work out and dance regularly in my undergrad years and I could still always feel the cellulite in my thighs and hips (on top of my stretch marks ahahaha -__-)

So yeah, bottom line is, if you want this product to work, better start working out yo! Which is good for you anyway =)

Will I repurchase this? Hmm I would say yes but I actually do want to try the Clarins High Definition Body Lift next (Biotherm is only available online anyway so makes it quite inconvenient).
****image credit goes to Google****

It targets cellulite as well. A friend of mine owns both the Biotherm and Clarins. Although she does not work out at all (she does have more of a sedentary lifestyle) and she said neither product does much for her, she does feel that the Clarins work better than Biotherm. I'm going to pick this product up next time I have discount from Sephora.

Since we're on the topic of firming/contouring product, this Clarins product is also high on my wishlist
****image credit goes to Google****

The website describes it as:
"Clarins’ No.1 serum in Asia creates perfect V-shaped contours from every angle—in just 4 weeks! A complex of powerful plant extracts deliver three proven benefits. Baccharin defines facial contours. Horse Chestnut drains to reduce puffiness. Blue Button Flower refines by reducing trapped fat. Apply with Clarins’ exclusive 2-minute Manual Auto-Lifting Method for maximum lift."

Reducing trapped fat? THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I NEED!!!! My double chin got ridiculous after my winter break.

Just to illustrate how ridiculous my double chin has gotten, I'm gonna post two pictures here so you wouldn't think I'm the kind of girl who freaks out and exaggerates.
No I'm not posting full face pictures. Nobody wants to see their own ugly pictures. Hopefully posting this here will help motivate me even more XD

It's absolutely HORRIFIC when I tuck my chin/laugh.

So there you go, nope I don't have an unhealthy obsession for losing weight. I genuinely need to and am working hard on it. Feel so shitty about myself now lol.

Anyway back to the product. Sadly this product is exclusively available on Clarins website... so I prob have to purchase it at full price... sighh... we'll see. I'm gonna wait till I'm done with my 30-day work out routine and see if I want extra help.

Hmmm onto some other random stuff.... look what my friend brought for me from China =D
Usamimi!!! lololol. Yeah my shirt doesn't go with the usamimi cuz I was just too excited to try this on XD Will I wear this thing out?  Heck no! XD don't have guts to. I'm just gonna use this to put my hair back when I'm at home XD

And took this pic yesterday... after working out O_O Sighhh I will never be skinny. My body just isn't built that way. But really really really want to tone up and slim down. I spent my whole winter break (a full month) gorging myself and had zero physical activity. I gained A LOT of weight (on top of the weight I gained during school) and some friends actually pointed it out to me... I was like thanks a lot XD *laughs with double chin*
I was on day 13 (level 2)  today. Ahhhhhhh hope I will be slimmer than now after 30 days!! T_T 
All sweaty and gross XD can you see my bangs sticking together? XD  I got to say level 2 is a LOT more challenging than level 1. It has me pouring and literally dripping sweat like there's no tomorrow. But that means I'm working hard ^0^

Okay that's all I have for you guys. Oh wait I actually posted a blog sale earlier today. Please check it out if you're interested ^_^

 Okay now that's really all. Happy Chinese New Year ^_^ Night Blogger!

<3 Frances


  1. gambateh! im trying to lose weight too! hv a slight double chin prob too, if u know hw to fix tat pls post it!

  2. I can't wait to see the results of the workout!
    I've been pretty fat and chubby my whole life too and being so use to not moving around much doesn't help :(
    I never believed in those products but now they sound more interesting :D

  3. I can't wait to see the results of the workout!
    I've been pretty fat and chubby my whole life too and being so use to not moving around much doesn't help :(
    I never believed in those products but now they sound more interesting :D

  4. I tagged you for the Cute Blog Award :]

  5. I'm really skeptical about body cream firmer and I just don't understand how it's possible they can work. If you've noticed results I believe it's probably just from you working out. Which, yay for keeping it up!! I really hope you get the results you wish. I hate seeing girls complain about their weight and just decide to eat unhealthy but am always grateful finding the girl who will actually do it properly. c:

  6. lol I can understand why you're skeptical cuz honestly I didn't expect it to work either! I actually had zero expectations when I started using it XD but now I believe it actually works. As I stated I used to work out/dance regularly but could always feel the little bumps on the back on my thighs/hips, so the cream definitely did something. As to how... you can google it XD there's a lot of information about what ingredients there are/what they do... so I'm not gonna try to explain it XD but anyway I'm not using it to expect it to help me lose weight... just for a little extra firming :D could do with or without but it's definitely nice to feel more bumpless thighs XD

  7. but you live in ny! shouldn't you be walking all over places??? :P (or you just don't live in NYC?) hahaha I never used to believe in these products either that's why I wasn't in a hurry to use it... but now I'm keeping an eye out for firming products XD they don't help you lose weight though so keep that in mind ^_^

    ahhhhhhhhhhh I'm on 21st day and every time I have to keep telling myself... i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this ..... LOL!!!!

  8. aw thank you girl! sorry it took so long to get back to you. been so busy. will go read it soon <3

  9. thank you! hahahaha hmmmm I've had double chin since middle school though -__-;;; I have the misfortune of inheriting my dad's short chin and my mom's short neck... so it's always been a struggle for me. it seems like no matter how skinny i was/am I always have double chin. but if something works I will definitely share ^_^

  10. I'm glad you added the part about it's not just the working out that's making you see the effects but the working out plus the product coz you made comparisons with when you work out solely with no products. That's a good disclaimer or I would just be skeptical.

    I need to trim my thighs too. I know you would go "Nooooooooooooooooooooo...." but my friend actually commented on my fat thighs without knowing the photo showed my thigh. As in I cropped the upper half of the body and my good friend said the model has fat thighs and not to use that picture. I was like "Those are my thighs!!!" lol. It's funny coz a month ago when I told her my thighs and legs are nto what they used to be, she said I have very high expectations.

    It's good to know that you are working out more. It's not just about trimming but also, your body would feel better and you would also feel better mentally.

    I think I need to start exercising too. I'm getting too sedentary.

  11. HAHAHAHA you were right on when you said I'd go "Noooooooo!!!" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!! hmmmm maybe it's just the picture??? lol. But I know what you mean, we all know what we used to be like/ what our best potentials are, so I can understand when you say you need to trim your thighs eventhough I really don't think you need to :P

    Yesss working out is doing me much good!!! I actually start eating healthier and less after I started working out too.... not intentionally, but just feel like it ^_^ What do you do for exercise????? =DDD

  12. Actually i think ur pretty cute :P <---- male from Aust
    keep up the go0d work tho, gym with make u feel
    so much better bout urself, good luck

    1. lol thanks! I've lost all of the weight since this post hehe


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