Tuesday, June 19, 2012

New haircut+ perm at Kmod 新竹可墨Kmod剪髮

Hi friends!

I finally got a haircut XD FINALLY. It's been about 6 months. Since I got it done in Taiwan this will be another dual language post.

Since this post is mainly for Taiwanese audience I'm gonna omit information about my experience and pricing and everything. If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments or e-mail me if you prefer (: 

哈囉各位朋友大家好~! (不知道為什麼每次講這句都會想配上台語)

我終於剪頭毛啦!!! 六個月沒剪了XD 這次是在可墨Kmod剪的喔! 文末有附上地址電話那些資訊. 

So here are some before pictures. 剪髮前的照片~~

花了好久的時間留長頭髮... Took me a long time to grow my hair out

LOL this pic goes on to show how flat my hair can be. I HATE. Laugh my friends. THIS IS WHY I ALWAYS WANT SHORT LAYERS. The shorter the better XD這張照片可以讓大家看到我頭髮可以有多塌XD 這就是為什麼我每次剪頭髮層次都打很高很高... 越短越好XD

hahaha ick. Hair is SO flat

可墨其實滿好找的~連我這個一年沒回國的大路癡都找到了所以大家不用怕XD (雖然我絕對沒有向路人問路... [驚])

到店門口記得門是用推的!!!  是  推 的. 我這個天才在門口站半天硬是想把它滑開來... 整個絕對沒有愚蠢到XD

進去的時候其實我有小小嚇一跳... 人超多的 =_= 我從網路上因為都說裡面裝潢很漂亮又會給你喝康福茶所以我以為會是很幽靜的環境勒... 哪知道人那麼多我其實有身在菜市場的感覺.尤其很多媽媽顧客還帶著小孩跟老公在那邊等.... orz. 裝潢很漂亮倒是真的.

華麗的廁所XD fancy bathroom ahahahaa

居然還提供了衛生棉跟護墊?! 太神奇了. They even provided pads and panty liners?! LOL wow

在翻雜誌的時候覺得這個髮型很美說. 等我覺得頭髮開始要剪短的時候我想先嘗試這個 :D
Came across this hairstyle while flipping through the magazines. So pretty. I think I would go for this when I decide I'm done with long hair :D

我去的時候是禮拜六, 那天他們剛好人手不夠所以整個忙得團團轉. 我進去的時候他們也只有時間拿我的外套跟皮包然後給我我的置物櫃鑰匙... 而且連等的地方都坐得很滿. 他們也沒端茶給我 T^T (我看別人都有). 不過這些沒有很在意啦~ 但是我要小小發個牢騷.... 就是為什麼他們都沒有擺出雜誌給等的人看呢=_____= 通常不論我去哪家剪髮店, 要是需要等的話他們最起碼都會拿雜誌給我看或是起碼有個書櫃/桌子什麼的上面有雜誌... 我看在旁邊等的人也沒事做所以表示他們真的沒擺出雜誌給客人瀏覽... -__-  他雜誌還是我後來洗好頭都坐到位置上的時候才拿來給我的 (坐到位置上時就有茶可以喝了 [開心] 而且他茶泡的沒有很淡喔! 是真材實料的康福茶)

洗髮方面我覺得沒什麼特別的啦~ 畢竟去過很多美髮店都會給你防止水噴到臉上的紙膜+幫你按摩+熱敷. 比較特別是你洗完頭坐在位置上的時候他還有用精油幫你按摩脖子肩膀跟手臂~ (覺得打工的妹妹好辛苦她個頭超小的我覺得他捏不動我的肥肉XDDD)

我的設計師是阿瑛 Holly. 人很親切喔~ 是個很可愛的媽媽XD


我說其實我不知道ㄟXD 因為這個髮型剪很久了, 要嘛就斜劉海要嘛就平劉海反正變來變去就是這樣, 沒什麼新意. 重點是我這次又不想剪劉海 囧 因為每次都要一直修對於住國外的我實在太麻煩了. 所以我跟他說我要保留我的長度, 但是髮尾分岔的地方修掉. 劉海我要留長所以幫我打薄. 他有稍微幫我劉海修出一個小小的弧度. 然後臉部周圍的頭髮我要求他幫我羽毛剪.

不過我有問他因為要留長劉海, 頭髮會顯得很塌, 可不可以在下層一點的頭髮幫我燙玉米鬚增加蓬鬆度? 他說其實滿多人這樣弄的耶XD 他說過程大概2個小時然後$2000塊. 我想說反正每次剪出來都一樣就乾脆試試看好了~

阿瑛剪頭髮剪得滿快的 (不過我覺得他剪的有點心不在焉?! 因為他在剪一撮頭髮的時後居然跟別人講話然後剪刀在動但是他完全沒在看我的頭髮?! 我其實有心驚了一下不過... 呃... 要說是技術純熟嗎............... 我上次在波士頓剪的時候還有在科羅拉多剪的時候設計師都超仔細的哪有人敢look away while holding a scissor to your hair...)  不過剪出來ok所以就ok吧XD

Here's what I told my stylist:

I actually went in not knowing what I wanted (LMAO unless I get my hair cut short or go extreme with hair color there isn't much room for change anyway) I told the stylist I want to keep the length but get rid of all the split ends. I wanted to grow out my bangs (which also only had limitation to my style choices) so she thinned it out for me a bit so it won't be so heavy. and while she was cutting my hair I also asked her to do feathery effect on the hair framing around my face. Also even though I really wanted short short SHORT layers (my usual style) I decided against it because I asked her to do the crimped wave perm and she needs my hair on the top to be longer to cover the crimped hair. The reason why I asked her to do the hidden crimped perm is because it will add volume to my crown since I can't rely on short layers doing the job for me this time since I didn't get any for the sake of growing my bangs out.

偷偷拍了一張在等浸藥水的照片XD 作用是玉米鬚才會定型. 喔對了好像燙髮都在二樓. Sneaked in a pic of me waiting for the products to work so the crimps can hold.

他玉米鬚都放在我頭部比較凹的地方做支撐. 不是整頭都上XD Random permed crimps here and there for volume
看得到接近髮尾這些玉米鬚嗎?? 超難照的說
Can you see the tiny crimps near the roots of my hair? It was so hard to capture these crimps -__-
藏了很多玉米鬚 Crimps hidden under the top layers of hair

其實看起來像是被燙壞的頭髮XD they actually kind of look like badly permed hair LMAO

After 剪完+燙完結果~
其實我是回到家看剪髮前的照片才發現... 天啊頭髮短好多!!!!!我不是說髮尾分岔修掉就好嗎!!!! T__________________________T 怎麼感覺修掉這麼多... 我留頭髮很辛苦ㄋㄟ (泣) 不過還好啦我才哀悼他30秒吧哈哈哈因為真的涼快多了. 不過之前的金毛都被修掉了所以頭髮看起來更黑了. 
I didn't realize how much shorter my hair is now until I compare the after photos with the before... OMG what happened to keeping my length?!?!?!!?!? Didn't I say I just want the dead ends trimmed off?! T______________T somehow it feels like she took off a lot more than that.... took me so long to grow my hair to that length *sob* but it's okay I'm not too upset in fact I only mourned my hair for like 30 seconds ahahah. But my hair does look a lot darker/blacker now she took off most of the blonde ends 
 我很滿意這次燙出來的微髮量的感覺~ 雖然沒有說很多可是真的有差, 不會覺得頭髮很塌了! 其實燙了以後變的超好整理的!!  這些照片我頭髮的樣子其實跟我剛起床的樣子一模一樣喔XD 根本就完全不用整理XDDDDDDDDDDD (慘了快得意忘形了)  而且現在照像以前不用把頭髮撥一撥了哇哈哈哈哈哈哈 (開心) I'm very happy with the extra added volume ^_^ in fact my hair is SUPER easy to manage now... I don't even have to try to ruffle it up before I take pics anymore wahahahaha (and believe it or not this is what my hair looks like exactly when I wake up *giddy* really, it's more like I don't have to manage it at all ^____^ )
然後劉海線在可以兩邊分 Oh and I can part my bangs both ways now

Now that my hair looks so much blacker, and with this particular haircut, I really do want to try some blonde highlights @_@ but I want more ash/platinum blonde with a lot less yellow 我現在的髮型+現在頭髮看起來超黑的讓我真的很想嘗試這個髮色@_@ 金色挑染. 但是我不要這麼黃!! 我想要比較偏灰的金色. 
***I do not own this photo***


怎麼說呢, 我覺得總結來講我覺得對剪出來的髮型算是挺滿意的.
剪髮1000我覺得ok. 可是燙髮2000 =________=
燙髮本來就貴我是可以理解... 可是才燙那麼幾撮頭髮也要2000嗎?!?!?!?!?!?!???? 老實講我有點被敲詐的感覺 -__- 問我的話我覺得1000塊燙這幾撮頭髮才是合理的價錢. 不過它既然這麼好整理XD 我還是很愛它哈哈哈哈 (說有沒有值得這個價錢.... 這個嘛... 只能說我下次如果還要弄會去找比較便宜的店家試試看). 如果要去挑染應該還是會回去給同一個設計師弄???? 可是真的好貴=  = 搞不好會試試看工谷?

所以! 結論是! 雖然滿意, 但是沒有特別推薦... 囧! 

後記更新: 這個微髮量根本維持不到兩個月 =______= 所以結論是... 不值得!!!
Edit: The volume from the crimps lasted less than two months =______= so my conclusion is.... it's so not worth the money.


地址: 新竹市仁愛街三號 (迎曦飯店旁)
電話: 03-5318953
營業時間: 周一~周六 10AM- 8PM
周日及國定假日 10AM- 7PM

對了, 附上我有拿來參考的網誌: http://blog.yam.com/GadgetMania/article/15246805

希望大家會喜歡我的分享 ^_^
Hope you guys enjoyed the post ^_^

<3 Frances


  1. Not sure if you notice this yourself, but in most of your pictures you do this super cute curl with your eyebrows T_T you almost look confused or frustrated BUT IT'S SO CUTE. Almost ulzzang-ish : D Love it!

  2. 我覺得你的新髮型很有好看,層次很漂亮又設計感十足
    只是價格方面~赫赫~有點太高了。 。 。
    聽說台灣最近滿多颱風的,hope you guys are not that affected with the typhoon
    and just be sure to take care always ^_~
    I haven't been typing in chinese for years, I just hope I get those grammers
    and words correctly..haha XD!

  3. Gah I have very poofy and thick hair that also can get very flat at the roots. It looks hideous =.= But I love your new cut! So that is the secret to voluminous crown :D I always thought crimping was a terrible hair perm option but I like how subtle and effective it is on you!!

  4. hahahaha really? XD I didn't even know my brows are capable of curling XD i guess my squiggly eye brows have a mind of their own hehehe XD

  5. Hello Janet!! what a surprise =D so I do have Chinese readers YAYY XD
    謝謝 ^_____^ 我也覺得真的很貴=_= 我覺得他們家價錢都隨便他們自己定吧 -.- 真的不太合理. 還好沒有剪壞XD

    其實颱風對我們這邊沒什麼影響耶~ (起碼我住的地方沒有) 謝謝你的關心 ^_^ 呵呵你的中文很ok啊~ 你是哪裡人啊?? 也是台灣人嗎?! (因為你也是打繁體中文, 嘻嘻)

  6. hehe thanks Mandy! We'll see how the crimps hold when my hair grows longer O_O it will be interesting to manage cuz according to my stylist the crimp is gonna move from the crown of my head to the side... not sure how much i will like that then XD i wish i have thick hair!!!!

  7. wah u look so cute specially 2nd-3rd photo <3

  8. wow nice haircut! you look cute :)
    blogwalking here and find your blog. mind to follow each others? :D

    xoxo, rheapunya.blogspot.com


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