Monday, October 29, 2012

Weight loss.... at goal =D

Hi guys ^_^

I'm so happy to write this post XD because after about 9 months... I'm finally happy with my weight =DDDD

Let's look at my weight loss progress again shall me? XD


This was when I lost about 5 kg (11lb)

I was so frustrated for the longest time... I was at 51kg and unable to breakthrough for about 4 months. No matter how diligent I was with working out, how careful I was with eating healthily, I was at a plateau.  My initial goal was just 50kg, so being stuck at 51kg was excruciatingly frustrating.

Somehow I started losing weight after I returned to the US O_o I wasn't even working out (hahah kind of stopped working out since returning to Taiwan for the summer cuz it was SO hot... every time I worked out I felt like I was gonna have a heatstroke), but then I started noticing the the needle on the scale moving to the left XD I realized it was because I was eating much much less than I used to... at that time simply because I didn't feel all that hungry and only ate when I was hungry, and stopped as soon as I felt full.

So being highly encouraged =D I started working out/dieting again, but this time, focusing on dieting instead of working out.

And now I'm 48kg (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦)
Hahahah the scale says 47.5kg... but I consider myself 48kg because that's my normal/consistent weight (how much I weigh during the day/at night... as opposed to how much I weigh in the morning). I'm SO happy now!! I haven't seen myself below 50kg in years!!!!!!!  

Honestly this picture doesn't look too different from the one I took in April but I lost about 3kg since (3kg=6.6lb). Not that obvious in pictures but definitely visible in person =D I've had A LOT of my friends coming up to me telling me I've become so thin/skinny XDXDXDXD hahah you can tell I'm totally ecstatic XD what you guys don't know is that the word "thin" or "skinny" has never been said to me my entire life (although right now I still wouldn't call myself skinny haha cuz I'm not). It's true I've never been too big or fat but I've never been the skinny one.  My physique is just naturally more plump (that combined with the fact I'm short T^T) and I've always been the one being made fun of at family reunions... like "Been eating well huh?" or "Getting kind of chubby here aren't we?" "Wahh dude what have you been eating in America?!" I know my relatives don't say it in a mean way (it's just the way the Taiwanese culture is... ppl can call you fat without meaning to offend/insult you). So yeah, this is probably the only time in my life I've heard me being described as thin XD Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *happy dance*

LOL oh gawd. I LE CHUBBY. You guys can tell my face has slimmed down right?!?!! =DDDD


My arms are still fat... but ACTUALLY they are already better than before xD Nothing I can do about my arms it's just the way my body was built *shrugs* chubby arms for life TvT lol!!!

Ladies and gentlemen (?)!! As of this month I finally fit into my smallest jeans from Guess =D HELL YESSSSS  *gives self a big pat on the back*

So if you're curious how much weight I've lost since I started trying... I initially weighed about 56kg (123.2lb) (I'm not sure about this number though because I weighed myself last winter break before I went off to Boston... and I might have gained even more after that because I gorged myself like there's no tomorrow while I was there -.-|||),  and now I weigh about 48kg (about 105.6lb), so
I lost a total of 8kg (17.6lb) 


I'm very happy with my weight now, and I'm not planning to lose more. I'm just gonna try really really REALLY hard to maintain it. Since winter is coming it will be a bit more difficult cuz I always have the urge to stuff my face when it gets cold -.-"

Happy for a slimmer face XD although I still have double chin. Which has vastly improved actually cuz I really don't notice it as much as I used to.



That's all I'm sharing today =D  GOOD LUCK to all the ppl who are trying to lose weight!!!!!! DON'T GIVE UP. Stay focused. YOU CAN DO IT. You have to work for it, cuz I definitely worked really hard for my results, but it's well worth it. I feel so much more confident and happy and healthy now =D

If it helps anyone... I was inspired by Julia from MissChievous.

I was amazed by her transformation. I don't know why, but her weight loss experience just spoke to me more than any other weight loss videos out there. I think it's because her results are amazing, but at the same time really believable, if that makes any sense?

Hope you guys have a lovely day! My university was shut down for the day cuz of the hurricane... so I'm wrapping myself comfortably in a blanket now hehehe.

<3 Frances


  1. aww congrats Frances! So happy for you :) Actually now I think we weigh about the same!

    1. hahah really?! you're taller than me though XD should I say congrats that you gained weight? ;)

  2. Congrats on losing so much weight!!!! That's a lot! You look great and your face is VERY slim!! Def see the difference :D

    1. thank you <3 <3 <3 let's see if I can keep this up ahahah

  3. So inspirational & Congrats on going past your goal weight! :D
    I keep saying I want to lose weight but I don't have half the determination you do to actually continue with it :X

    1. thanks Mandy ^_^ hahaha I thought abt giving up so many times... but every time I have that thought I just said to myself "just do don't think" XD

  4. wowowow!! amazing!! so envious of you but also happy since you get to achieve your desired body ^_~ the lightest weight I have gone is 53kg and at that time I was doing pilates and aerobics everyday for 2-3hrs but I think I also hit plateau at that time. Because no matter how long I exercise I just couldn't get my weight lower than 53 TTTTT___TTTT
    And now since laziness strikes I was ballooning AGAIN >__< why is it so so hard to be women! lolz~

    1. dang 2-3 hours! that's A LOT O_O did you try working on your diet instead? When I first started working out it did so little to my weight... it's not until I really monitor what I eat when I actually starting to see/feel a difference!

  5. Congrats on the weght loss~ thanks for the video links too.. I need this XD I haven't been under 50kgs... ever (that i know of). so thank you for the inspiration ^.^

    1. thank you ^_^ lol maybe you don't need to be under 50kg... I set 50 as my goal cuz I'm short XD good luck!! =D

  6. yay happy for you ^^ 100% that you need to lose it anymore,you are so pretty! ><

    1. thank you <3 <3 hehe the real challenge is maintaining it O_o wish me luck XD

  7. hi frances thanks for youor lovely comment on my blog ^^ good luck to you & your work out pretty!! <3 <3


    1. thanks! hehe I'll try to keep it up (: and np ^_^

  8. You look amazing! Congrats on reaching your goal!! : D

  9. congratulations!! your face shape has definitely improved, you look so good now ^^
    i have to lose some weight too but can't really get the motivation to do it XD..

    1. LOL oh gosh you don't need to! you look perfect now! :D serious!

  10. congratulations bun bun :D Im so jealous T^T lolz~

    ive watched mischievous weightloss videos before, i got motivated but i dont have the time or stuffs for it >,< right now im so heavy like i used to be 48-50kilos thats already below the right weight for my height the nurse said, somehow i gained 10kilos in 2 years O_O i need to work out thinking of buying a static bike and looking after what i eat daily,

    1. awww... good luck! stationary bike sounds like a great idea! you can work out while you watch TV =D but I think starting on diet it's easier ^_^

  11. omg! I didn't even know you were trying to lose weight! It's been almost a year, I think? (Because the last post of yours that I could remember is the Halloween one). Congratulations Frances :D You truly are an inspiration.
    ps: Might want to consider changing your blog banner? hehe..

    1. thank you!! hahaha yeah I've been trying since the beginning of this year. And LOL I've been thinking about it! I'm so sick of looking at my header -.-||| hopefully it will be soon :D

  12. Babelicious Frances! I've always thought you were babelicious whether skinny or not. I can definitely see a difference. A huge difference. It's the whole body in genearl and your face is so much sharper now. Your arms did slim too. I understand the part on the arms coz no matter how people always say I'm skinny, my arms are actually thick. Muscular biceps and fatty triceps make them look broader than my usual frame.

    Back to you. I'm glad you did a combination of diet and exercise coz that is definitely the right way to go.

    Congratulations on hitting 48!

    1. Aw thanks so much Jo <3 <3 And omg please don't say your arms are thick!!! CUZ THAT IS JUST NOT TRUE. I've seen plenty of your photograph to know THAT AIN'T THE TRUTH. There any chance you're being too harsh on yourself? =P I remember you once said you think your calves are too thick... oh please! lol! On a side note, I think I have the largest deltoid muscle a girl can possibly ever have. HAHA

  13. Thanks for checking out my blog :D

    anyways, wow this is amazing!! :O you look awesome, pretty enough to be a kpop star~~ congrats on achieving what countless girls would kill for xD

    (hahaa yeah i decided to check out your more recent posts after all lol)

    1. Aw that is a very generous compliment! Seriously I cannot compare to kpop stars... if I'm ever one I'll be the chubbiest kpop star alive muahahaha!!

  14. Heyy don't know if you still remember me hahaa new account~

    anyways, I just had to come back and look at this again. it's actually inspiring. i'm super envious of you >.< how did you ever stick with this?? i never make it past a full month when i try to diet/exercise routinely lol

    1. Lol of course I remember you! What happened to your other account??!!? lol!

      Lol girl you're still in high school... I wouldn't sweat it unless you really are overweight. You're still growing so don't try to take extreme measures to change your body (: But to answer your question... it's simple. It just really depends on how bad you want it. I wanted to lose weight so, so SO bad, so I just prioritized working out over other things. As for diet... it's just really hard discipline, and I sort of adjusted it slowly over a month so my body has time to get used to it before I made drastic changes to my diet. It's all in your head, you just need the right mindset, of course following through is the hard part, but you just have you keep reminding yourself that it takes time for your body to change, so don't be discouraged if you can't see results. Think long term results. I had to remind myself everyday to be patient. Hope that helps (:

  15. Ugh, hearing peoples weight struggles always really confuses me. I have the worst trouble trying to gain and maintain! I guess it's all about how your body metabolizes what you eat but it just feels so wrong that I can't even skip dessert without fearing I'll wither away at 93lbs (super unhealthy at 5'5") and reading about someone else having trouble getting over a plateau! I'm literally seeing a doctor!

    1. lol I have a friend who's just like you! but seriously if you don't feel unwell/unhealthy then don't sweat it. Just enjoy it while it lasts :D


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