Friday, January 25, 2013


Hey guys!

Haven't been on the blogsphere for a while... how's everyone? I'm already 2 weeks into the second semester and will be having my first exam next Friday -_-" sigh. Sorry for the lack of posts =/ Just haven't felt like blogging. Don't feel like doing reviews and I'm on no-buy so no hauls to share either XD Actually been doing pretty good on the no-buy. At least I haven't caved and bought anything this month =P well except for a perfume, which is not on my beauty ban list XD

Although last month I did buy a new eyelash curler, by Kevyn Aucoin =)
Bought this after seeing Lisa Eldrige talking about it several times in her videos. She mentioned that Shu Uemura and Kevyn Aucoin are her favorites. I have the Shu Uemura one, but the padding is so worn and I can't use it (AND Shu pulled out of the US... so where to buy the refills?! Can't seem to find the refills on Shu's website). My Shiseido eyelash curler is still functional but for some reason I just felt like replacing it -_-" and I have to say... after using Kevyn Aucoin... why did I ever switch to Shiseido?!?!?!???????? Kevyn Aucoin is essentially the same as Shu (slightly different, but almost the same in terms of shape and curve), and I like it so much better than Shiseido!! The handle of Kevyn Aucoin curler feels so smooth and buttery :P I like! Smoother than Shu in fact... but I'm not sure if it's simply because my Shu curler is pretty old (five years?) or if it's actually in fact smoother.

My only purchase in January... Dot by Marc Jacobs =D
Decided to buy it before all my Wrapp gift cards expire XD  On Sephora it's described as:

Red Berries, Dragonfruit, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Coconut Water, Orange Blossom, Vanilla, Driftwood, Musk.

Chic. Energetic. Upbeat.

So far loving it and wearing it everyday ^_^ (resolution going strong YERR!!!) I'm really not good with scents, but I love how it's not all floral and fruity... I love that it has a musk component to it ^_^ as far as the style... hmmm I actually wouldn't describe it as energetic and upbeat... to me it's sweet (duh! but sweet I mean as in personality not as in smell lol) and playful. I guess that can kind of be synonymous with energetic/upbeat, haha!

Now a bit more on my fitness/weight loss project...

Since I've already past my goal, I'm just continuing on dieting and working out to maintain my weight.
Still dieting because hey! The minute I start eating whatever I want and stuff myself, I know I will gain weight instantly. I'm not blessed with fast metabolism nor the body type that seems like no matter what you eat you stay thin. I gain weight easily. So controlling my diet will be a life-long thing.

As far as exercise goes... I'm trying to work out at the very least 3 times a week= taking group exercise classes at the university gym which are free. When the gym doesn't have any classes that interest me, I just  pick some videos from Blogilates to work out to. I discovered Cassey's channel very recently because of Jenn from ClothesEncounters when she talked about how she lost 10 pounds :P

Cassey's really good! At first I was like... the average of her videos are only about 10 minutes?! But man she really can have you sweat and burn in that time frame XD So I just try to do 3 of them to get a 30-minute workout :)

And of course for those who watch Bubzbeauty all know about her "Pump It Up!" workout XD

There are 8 parts to this video, you can find the rest in the suggestion bar.
Not exactly the one she said she's doing but oh well it's something =P I actually tried looking up that particular workout DVD but apparently it's from the UK and kind of pricey. So I'm just gonna stick to these for now. Haven't tried it yet, might do it tomorrow =P

These were taken on 1/25/2013
I have a belly ring that I never show off. HAHA. LOL at my face I think I was sniffling.


Really hoping to get some abs in. But it will be a gradual process; not trying to achieve abs in a short period of time because I want my results to be able to stick.

Still have fat arms. Haha this is a horrible angle but whatevs this is what my arms look like. I call them my chicken leg arms XD

But OMG I have a tiny bit of muscle peeking out through all that fat!!!!! (can you even tell? Picture's kind of washed out) LOL I was so shocked that my biceps actually show up a bit... my arms are so fat that when I used to flex my arms, there was absolutely NOTHING.

Last thing I want to share... Did you guys know that Sephora now carries Dolce & Gabbana?!
Don't know how long they've been carrying D&G but I know it's definitely not till recently and I'm SO excited!!! (although... no buy... haha -_- the products I want to try the most of course are the liquid/powder foundations).

Although there is this one particular eye shadow quad that I actually really want

After seeing swatches on MissBitter, a Taiwanese blogger who I follow, I'm immediately sold!!!!!
See the swatches here please ^_^

The color on the lower left is exactly what I've been looking for FOR THE LONGEST TIME.

I think it's the exact same quad as this one shown below; the leopard one is just a special Saks packaging (by the way shipping at Saks is $10 minimum... holy hell).
But it's out of stock =(( Which is okay since I'm on no-buy. Plus there's no way I can bring myself to spend $59 on an eye shadow quad without some kind of discount. So I shall wait patiently =D

Lastly... just because
Was playing with MAC "Russian Red" lipstick =D

Okay I'm off to bed now... haven't been up this late in a while O_o (been super healthy hehe)

Good night everyone and I hope you all have a lovely weekend ^_^


  1. Hey! Just wanted to let you know you look great! I know you can keep it up! I know I don't make posts anymore, but I still follow and read blogs. Yours included =]

    1. Leenda!! It's so good to hear from you!! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment... I'm so touched :') And thank you... I'll try my best =D When you do decide to come back to blogging be sure to let me know! I miss drooling all over your baking photos XD

  2. oo I've been thinking about getting a new eyelash curler.
    & You look great!

    1. thanks Mandy! KA is awesome!! I recommend =D

  3. I've always wondered what that marc Jacobs perfume smelt like, the bottle is so cute! Russian red looks amazing on you :)
    -Frances x (yay for same name!)

    1. omg!! I've never seen anyone on blogger with the same name!! hi Frances XD and thank you :) I LOVE the way DOT smells... Daisy smells pretty good too but I like DOT even more =P

  4. dieting a life long thing? just the thought of that makes my heart ache... how will you survive without ramen, french fries, and junk food? D: and you look great lol congrats on maintaining the weight loss so long. id be sooo happy if i could flatten my stomach like yours at least xD

  5. LOL but I didn't give them up! :P I still eat them! In fact... I still eat ramen a lot -_-||||| the curse of being a student lol! but if I do eat bad food I try to cut my calories down from other meals that day... just to balance it out :) and.... my belly is only flat when I suck it in XD it still poufs out when I'm sitting (like right now LMAO)

  6. Russian Red looks great on you! I'm so excited that sephora starts carrying D&G makeup too!!!!!! although lately I've discovered it being sold on Strawberrynet too (which I always order from and have discounts XD)

    Good thing on your no-buy! I failed mine everytime! Btw thanks for taking the time to comment on my post a few days ago :)

    1. never purchased from there before! I looked it up and some of the items are more expensive there?!

      And no prob... I enjoy reading your blog ^.^


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