Saturday, February 21, 2015

Umm... Random Lip Product Swatches? Aritaum, Clio, VDL, Revlon, 3CE, Loreal, Maybelline

Yellow peeps!

How's everyone doing? Hope you guys are keeping warm. It's been bloody freezing here (don't ask me why I said bloody.... I think it must be the fake British in me XD)

I totally did not think there would be such a long gap between this post and my last... what can I say... I have dry eyes and sitting here staring at the computer is just such a pain these days. But anyway, since it's snowing hard today and I have nothing else to do but nest... I thought I'd come up here to distract myself from my urge of stuffing my face XD 

This post is gonna be pretty random XD hence the questionable title. Too lazy to think of a good title since there really isn't a cohesive theme here. But I just really want to share what some of the lip products look like on :) Oh by the way.... I forgot to do arm swatches of the lipsticks... as well as I forgot to take individual pics of the lip products -_- me is so scatterbrained. If you guys want arm swatches let me know. Otherwise I'm just not gonna bother, lol.

And before I start, I want to quickly mention that I did photoshop these photos. If you guys go back to my other posts, you can see there's always this ginormous blood vessel in my left eye (so it will be the right eye on screen). It's a permanent thing/nothing I can do about it, but it's been getting worse since my eyes have been SO DRY. Anyway it really bothered me so I just decided to photoshop it out. It doesn't affect the swatches so why not lol. Just want to be transparent with you guys... although it really isn't a big deal at all. Nobody will prob notice anything if I didn't say anything LOL.

As usual, here's me with my bare lips.

I have to pose with this. Had all the lippies that I wanted to show for this post in this bag. SO ADORABLE!!!! Who else here loves Stitch? =DDDDD

Oh I should also mention... the pics are kind of washed out... please keep that in mind. I tried =( sunlight did not want to work with me.

1. Tarte Amazonian Butter Lipstick in Pink Peony
It's a neutral pink. It's slightly pinker in person. It's so washed out here that it looks like a nude pink... although it does translate a bit more nude pink on me than arm swatches.

I actually don't like this lipstick as much as I thought I would... I think it's probably because when I first tried it... I was more tanned than now so it looked more flattering then. Now that I'm back to NC20... I don't find this shade particularly flattering. Eh, I don't know. It's a nice lipstick though but there's just something off about it. The formula is good though... moisturizing and buttery. Also minty. Although I don't find the formula any more superior than drugstore lippies, say like Revlon lip butters.



2. Aritaum Honey Melting Tint in No. 2 Sugar Syrup
This, is the worst swatch of all the lippies in this post. Not true to color at all. Why did I bother posting this -_-" it looks almost like the Tarte lipstick here but it's not remotely close in real life. It's a very neon peachy pink. Very cutesy and gives your lips that young look. I tried and tried but it just would NOT translate through the photo. Please imagine the color to be more vibrant and neon.

Not true to color!

Not true to color!

Not true to color!
Not true to color!
.... I REALLY TRIED. I swear -_-

3.  Aritaum Honey Melting Tint in No.3 Strawberry Chips
Again, this photographed HORRIBLY. It's a bright pink, also on the more neon side.

Not true to color! Funnily this actually looks a bit more like No.2 Sugar Syrup in real life cuz it's so washed out lol.

Imagine this color to be more intense and brighter... it's so washed out. But I feel like this one at least shows up a bit better than No.2 =_=

Not true to color!

I think I might just have to find another time and see if I can photograph these lippies better. Cuz they are so gorgeous and it kills me that you guys can't see how bright and pretty they are! Super flattering in my opinion. Did I mention I love the formula as well? By the way they smell like peaches :D 

4. Bobbi Brown Rich Lip Color in #7 Soft Coral
... You know what, now I look at it, this looks exactly like MAC Ravishing OMG!! Bobbi Brown perhaps look a bit darker/more orange in the tube... but they look pretty much the same on my lips. Oh gosh XD

Formula is okay... your typical creamy lipstick. Not excessively drying but also not moisturizing.

Oops, sorry for that stray hair lol


5. VDL  Triple Shot Tint Bar in 101 Triple Pink
I actually surprised myself by how much I like this color. Generally not a fan of pale/light pink on me, but I think this lipstick is pretty! And surprisingly the triple color/gradient lip thing actually works O_o so it's not a gimmick product LOL. These pics are kind of washed out too... but I think the effect is there.




In person, the pink in the person looks much darker and the gradient is much more obvious. Looks so blended/one color here.


6. Innisfree Creammellow Lipstick in #8
My lips were getting really dry at this point from putting on/removing all the lipsticks... so they weren't taking the color well /__\  so excuse the patchy application. Patchiness aside, isn't this red color gorgeous? Definitely one of my favs!

I think this red color is the perfect beginner red if you've never dabbled into red lips :) you can definitely build up the intensity, or wear it thinly for a more natural look like I did in these pics.

By the way... the formula of this lipstick is really interesting... I've never had any lipstick like this O_O it feels kind of "dry sticky"... it's really hard to describe because it's not like a super buttery lipstick that can be a bit sticky because it's so soft... it's more "sticky" in the sense that you can feel a very firm coating on the lips.  Sorry if that doesn't make any sense XD but it's a lipstick that you can feel that it's there once applied. I also wouldn't consider this formula moisturizing. It's on the drier side but not as drying as a matte lipstick would be.





7. Clio Lipnicure in #5 Revenge Pink
Haha, sorry for the uneven application. It looked pretty even in person, but I guess not XD



Can you tell by all these extra selfies that I ADORE this color? =D



LOVE this color. But keep in mind that all the photos are a bit washed out and it's more vibrant/in your face in person lol.


Personally, I do not like using this lipnicure on my bare lips. I have to apply this OVER some lip balm because otherwise, I can taste the product, which is like tasting fragrance (ever accidentally get perfume on your lips? That's what it feels like, ugh).

I don't find this product exceptionally long lasting?? So I don't really think it lives up to its name. Even when I apply it directly over my bare lips, it doesn't really set or stay. Also, when I apply it directly over my bare lips, I find it really hard to blend out cuz it's so dry and thick. I'd have to blend it out with some lip balm.
When it's applied over some lip balm, it's staying power is just like any other lipstick-- it comes off as you eat/drink/talk.

8. 3CE Lip Laquer in Dahlia
One of my favorite colors over the winter. Actually can't believe I forgot to include in my January favs -_-  Got too excited over my Japanese makeup haul lol. Gorgeous gorgeous deep dark red that is not intimidating at all... in fact, it's really perfect for dark gradient red lips!





Yep... my lips were not having it. They were so dry T_T



Formula-wise... it's slightly on the drier side, since it does give matte finish.

I actually have another 3CE lip product that I wanted to show you guys... but I could not find it when I was taking pictures for this post -_- so it will have to wait. I used to never be able to understand how some girls say "I have no idea where such makeup product went!" ... I'd be like... how can you not know?! But now I'm guilty of becoming one of them XD Especially now I have the habit of taking out lip products with me... they get lost so easily in the purse... in my pockets... etc etc. Haha

9. Maybelline Super Stay 14HR Lipstick in 065 Ravishing Rouge
May I formally introduce you guys, my all time favorite red lipstick? =) a true red lipstick, that is XD

MAC's Ruby Woo and Russian Red have nothing on this lipstick. It complements me the best!





10. Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick in 415 Pink In The Afternoon
It's a dusty pink color. Hahaha I forgot to take lip swatches for this lippie... but yeah basically just posting these pics here to show you guys that...  I'm not crazy about this color lol. Does not go with my skin tone. Prob a good choice if you're going for smokey eyes though.
But Revlon Lustrous Lipsticks have pretty good formula and a wide range of colors... Definitely a line that I'd recommend checking out :)

11. L'oreal Colour Riche Extraordinaire Liquid Lipstick in 202 Coral Encore



I like the formula! It's slightly thick but moisturizing.


12. Maybelline  Matte Lipstick in 680 Mesmerizing Magenta
Not sure if this is discontinued... cuz it was like half off/rollback price when I got it last year. Not crazy about the formula... it has a certain slippy feeling to it. Also not really feeling the color. It smells like very sweet vanilla lipstick haha, so it has a certain plastic-y scent to it.




13. Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick in 720 Fire & Ice
One of my all time favorite orange-y reds. Again, never introduced it on my blog before cuz I was waiting to write about it in my red lipstick collection post, haha.


I look like I was in pain. Or having a facial spasm. HAHA.



Alrighty folks! Hope you guys enjoyed this post. I'm gonna continue to nest... and do a little bit of baking =D

See you guys in the next one! Stay warm and safe!

<3 Frances


  1. Hello - I am very pleased with your video about the dry skin on your youtube channel. I noticed you don't have any access anymore. It would be great to know your current routine as we live now in 2015. Do you still use the pincet on your nose? I am a boy and have those flakes as well. Maybe you can be my saving angel. Looking out to hear from you

  2. HI Frances.. I hope you can give me a quick reply. I am very charmed about your youtube dryskin video. I am a boy and have the same problem. As for now in 2015 I hope you did find a better treatment and if so if you would be able to share this very meningfull secret with me:)
    looking out for your reply. thx

    1. Hi Martin! I Actually I did discover something new last year LOL. Have you tried Clinique smart custom-repair serum? This thing somehow miraculously smooths away all the flakiness O_o but keep in mind the flakes are still there-- just smoothed down. Just make sure you don't run/disturb the skin after... I would still do the same thing after... powder foundation and stuff. I don't find myself needing to use the tweezer these days... but exfoliating is still a must of course lol.Please keep in mind everyone's skin reacts to skin products differently... I'm not sure if this serum has the same effect for others (I'm saying that because I'd feel bad recommending a product if it doesn't work on you. Try to test it out first before you can since it is quite pricey!)

    2. and as to my current routine... I only have the flakiness after I squeeze my blackheads (because squeezing blackheads basically causes trauma to the skin lol so it heals by peeling off the "injured" skin) so I just wanted to let you know that I normally don't have flaky skin. My routine is super simple... just toner and moisturizer (I only reserve the serum for my flaky days haha). Honestly I don't think anything else from my skincare routine makes any difference on the flakiness, except for the Clinique serum (:


I'd love to hear your thoughts =) Please provide a link back so I can visit your blog too if you have one =D

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