Bringing you my last round of review for circle lenses lol.
Got these last winter when I was in Taiwan. Not sure where else you can buy them. But if you like the look/effect, just look for similar design :)
既然是台灣的牌子~ 文末會用中文寫一下心得! 反正照片也沒啥好解釋的 XD
No lenses
Notice it has a very defined outer ring.
Those are 14.0mm by the way/
With color lenses
I think this kind of design really give that doll, puppy-like effect?
Overall effect
Hahaha uhhhh the lighting here makes my eyes look so scary LOL. Half face under the light half face in the shadow
I think out of the three brands I tried, these are by far the softest/thinnest, but the most hard to wear because of how soft they are. That said, I can still feel them -_- still drying and irritating, but less so compared to the other two brands.
It looks super obvious that I'm wearing color lenses here in photos... but in real life... for some reason none of my friends/family ever noticed any difference -_- oh well. As long I know there's a difference T^T
I really like the design/effect of those! I think they give a nice effect but not over the top. Although I prefer the grey ones better. Will show them in the next post.
好了~ 中文來了!
老實說, 本姑娘這生中目前只試過三副瞳孔變色片 (其他兩牌都是韓國的). 因為沒有戴隱形眼鏡所以老實說我真的不曉得怎麼樣算舒服? 只能說我目前的經驗就是永遠都感覺得到它們的存在. 舒麗康的我有戴過一整天啦! 可是老實講我真的很不喜歡戴隱形眼鏡/瞳孔放大片/變色片的感覺. 眼睛真的會乾. 不蘇胡 QQ 但是是可以接受(忍受?!) 的程度. 還可以??
沒錯. 是篇沒用的分享文. 哈哈哈. 說推薦也不推薦, 說不推薦好像也沒那麼慘. 個人覺得設計挺不錯的這點我喜番~ 可是年紀越大真的越覺得舒適度重要度位居第一!!! 所以不會回購. 嗯. 應該是這樣.
喔對了, 我其實有買灰色的. 個人覺得灰色比較好看. 下次再PO照片.
以上~沒意義的分享文結束! XD
<3 Frances
Oh, it's so lovely and girly *__*
LOL I know... girly points maxed out whenever I wear these xD