Sunday, June 12, 2016

Empties/Mini Reviews June 2016

Hi guys!

Been forever since I last blogged. Lol!! I've successfully phased out of my makeup obsession =D  Truth be told, it was an obsession I created for myself cuz I needed a hobby then (prior to my makeup obsession it was dance obsession lol). Was I ever truly a makeup fanatic? I really don't think so. I mean I love wearing it to make myself look 100x better hahaha,  and it's always exciting to discover new products that work well O_O+ but keeping up with new trends and collections was more of a distraction for myself (cuz... I had no other hobbies other than workout, YouTube and blog while I was eating and breathing pharmacy when I was in school). Uhhh why did I start talking about all that? I guess my point is... I haven't shopped for makeup at all lol! Just been focusing on using up my current stash. I still have a bunch of stuff that I'm still trying to decide what to do with cuz making a blog sale just takes up too much time/effort... but I also don't have the heart to just toss them out. Ehhh I'll figure something out.

Anyway... a lot of repeat products here that most of you will recognize. I'll skip those and just talk about the new ones

Milani eyeliner

Mini sampler. I like :) might repurchase

Lost my love for this. On my second bottle that I bought as a backup. Think it has lost its effect on me :/


Nice little face wash. Fond memories. I think this might be my second one... that or I still have a backup or something.

Still using it. More using this out of habit more than anything. By the way it's much cheaper to purchase on rather than through Sephora cuz sometimes they have really good promotions

Still think Shu makes the best cleansing oils. Didn't repurchase this one but did purchase another one from Shu.

Fav shampoo next to Pure Abundance


New fav face mask :) not as brightening as BB Seaweed, but very calming and pretty hydrating.


Used this to line my upper lash line and nothing else. It's not opaque at all. I don't even line my upper lash line anymore LOL so lazy.


Didn't use this up just decided too lazy to use it so I tossed it. Used to do my eye brows with this when I'm just going out with foundation and lip tint, but these days I just go bare all the way XD

Still have a couple I'm working on

Super moisturizing and nourishing face mask. My face actually felt nourished after using this lol. But not interested in splurging. Liked it but didn't love it.

Cheap and cheerful face mist. Have a backup.

I want the full size if I ever get a chance!


Have a full size bottle that I'm currently using. Also holy grail status. Keeping this bottle for traveling though :)

.... can't remember anything about this except the consistency is an interesting watery gel?

Interestingly has become my new fav mascara XD really grew on me. I switched to my old fav the second generation Majolica Majorca mascara only to find that one applies more thick. It's still a good mascara but the finish isn't as clean looking. Have a ton of these that I bought on sale haha

Bought it on sale. Didn't dig the smell. Glad to get rid of it.

Repurchased and currently using.


Have a backup that I'm currently using. Also holy grail status



Lol these go by fast since fiber-heavy mascaras tend up dry up faster. But I'm also trying to be better at tossing out mascaras after about 1 month.

It did grow on me. With Shu I just need a pump to get everything off my face, with this I need like 1.5-2 pumps for things to melt off easily. Not sure if will repurchase. Leaning toward no.

For some reason this one dried out super fast so I had to toss it. It was still so new =( think I just got a bad batch.

Sorry if the content of my blog is less and less exciting lol. I'm going the practical route now lol. Going to bed. Good night Blogger =D

<3 Frances


  1. Welcome back! Glad to see you posting again. Your foundation reviews have been super helpful for me because we are almost skintone twins, and your photos are very comprehensive :)

    1. Aw thank you Belle! such a sweet comment :) you made my day!

      Hope you're having a good 2016 so far =DDDD

    2. You're welcome! By the way, I just read your note in the previous post about giving up liquid foundations. I get it, I went through the same phase a few years ago when I was concerned about not putting excess chemicals on my skin. And I get that you're over your makeup obsession too. It's a kind of hobby fueled by constant purchasing and consuming, and it's totally normal to get burned out on it.

      I hope you will keep this blog up though so that people can still access your old posts, and I'm sure many of us would still be happy to see your updates just to know what you're up to these days. Congrats on finishing school! I'm sure you'll find a new hobby to be passionate about now that you no longer have the stress and workload of school. Happy 2016 to you too! :D

    3. Hi Belle!

      Sorry for some reason I didn't receive notification that there were comments posted on my blog... so I didn't check it for... well... since I last replied LOL omg.

      Haha yeah I think I'll just leave my blog up, even though I found my own posts kind of horrific to look at X'D but if it helps a single person out there :D :D :D

      thanks for your kind words and support... I'm super happy about finishing school too haha. Uhhhh my new hobbies nowadays is mostly just food... XD is that even considered a hobby *kicks fly self

      I will definitely post here and there ^_^ sorry again for the super late reply!!

  2. I love your reviews, I'm getting into skincare so it's nice to have some real reviews. I'll be keeping an eye out if you end up doing some skincare lots.


I'd love to hear your thoughts =) Please provide a link back so I can visit your blog too if you have one =D

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