Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dolly Wink No.1 & No.7 False Lashes Review

Hello hello! Okay I made this vid in a hurry so I made a lot of mistakes XD enjoy laughing at me... cuz omg I seriously want to grab my head and bang it on the wall for so many amazing stupid mistakes XD

Anyways, my friend Lei and I were going to the sticker picture place, so we decided to doll ourselves up =P
aka super Asian fob look XD  trust me we don't ever walk around dressed like this...(hair bands, mainly. lol we're both uncomfortable walking around wearing bows on our heads haha) but anyway, let's get to the reviews first =D

Dolly Wink No.1 in Dolly Sweet
I got mine from JpMon for about $15 USD.

inside there's a manual, also there's a plastic lid over the false lashes

how they look compared to MAC #7. I actually got those hoping they'd be the cheaper alternative of my MAC #7... you can see they're a bit longer. but I don't know they don't fit me as well as MAC

- The stem of No.1 lashes are not as soft/flexible/fitting as my MAC #7 lashes (just like the No. 3 lashes I reviewed earlier). Not a big deal just takes a bit more effort to wear these than MAC. That's pretty much the only problem I have with these lashes! By the way I had to cut one bundle of hair off for these lashes to fit my eyes, as opposed to MAC #7 is the perfect fit/width for my eyes.

Now onto No. 7 lashes in Vivid Pop
- Those are the same price as the No.1 lashes
- they are more dramatic than I expected. Also, these are actually individual bottom lashes, without a stem connecting each of them, so it's super hard to work with X__X took FOREVER for me to put them on... but that's a good thing though, because for me, my eyes are so small that if I use all the lashes I would just look ridiculous. So I just chose the shorter/thinner hairs to put on the outer corner of my eyes like shown in the video =)
I apologize for not taking more detailed pics... I forgot >口< and lazy >_<

Here's how both lashes look on my eyes
bottom lashes are longggg
by the way there was one little chunk of other Koji false lashes I placed in front of the Dolly Wink to make the lashes flow a bit... better??? O_o?
Sorry for the blurry pics... was in a hurry for everything >_<

By the way, a little eye shadow trick I always do when I'm wearing dramatic lashes/eyeliner:
Apply neutral eye shadows in the folds, and IN THE FOLDS ONLY. You can see my fold pretty well in the video, and it's all thanks to this trick =D By doing that it really emphasizes your folds, so your folds/crease won't be overpowered by the extravagant lashes/eyeliner.  I can tell you my fold space isn't that big, it's all illusion babe! XD

A bit of cam-ho for you guys XD

ahh blurrry sorrryyyyy was in a hurryyyyyyy
By the way... my hand was positioned next to my face in all these pics because I wanted to include my Dolly Wink nail color XDDD in love with the color. buahahahaha

I will end the post with the sticker pics we took =D
I haven't been to one of those sticker pic machines in like 2 years so I was so rusty... we basically just copied everything the models do in the example pictures posted in the machine XD turned out good though =D



hahahaa lashes definitely look better in heavily photoshopped pics... I thought they look a bit scary in real life.

I was like huh? DOCK???? ohhh ROCK.... LOL

Both of us took the hair bands off the the second we walked out of the shop XD too much lol!

That's all I have for you guys today =D Hope you guys enjoyed it ^__~

PS: We're officially done with the Dolly Wink series!!!! XD wahahahaha *opens a bottle of champagne* Next up I have a review for some Lancome products :)

Take care everyone!!

<3 Frances


  1. love the vid ^^ make more make more!! hihihi, and the dolly wink lashes looks good on you =D and i like the color of your nails, which nail polish did you useee?

  2. haha, Lei looks like she's gonna punch her face in the rock one :P
    but i like the last one!

  3. lol! Wandom hahaha I still love watching your videos though. hahah I saw dock too!! then I read what you wrote and was like oh...rock..The lashes look super adorable on you! =]

  4. Hey sweetie, just letting you know I tagged you in my latest post!


  5. hehe you're so cute with the mistakes you made in the vid :) it's ok, they make your videos more enjoyable to watch ^_^

    you look so kawaii in the sticker pictures <3 and i'm also uncomfortable wearing a bow in my hair out in public xD

    and in reply to your comment: i just have 1 baby tooth, not teeth :P

  6. Aw, you look so cute! Theses lashes really look dolly. *^_^* Thanks for the review!

  7. ohh I love your eyeliner and eyelashes in these pics, it reminds me of christina aguilera in burlesque, soo hot!

  8. *points and laugh at all the mistakes*
    LOL! I'm jokng! You're just so adorable! and really love the dolly wink on you! Especially the lower lashes!!! so cute!!
    and you should wear the ribbon always!! You look soooooo cute!! and your friend too!!
    awww... :( dolly wink is over~? maaaaaaaaaaan! *drinks champagne sadly*

  9. wow! those lashes looked super cute ^^

  10. u look so pretty! i love dollywink lashes alot and am still trying to figure out how to wear them bottom lashes nicely! cute blog!

  11. wow! those lashes looked super cute ^^


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