Friday, June 24, 2011

Did you guys try cleansing your face with oatmeal?!?!?!??!???? =))) Oatmeal as cleanser, and oatmeal/yogurt mask

See more detail here.^_^

Did you guys try it yet??? =D I already tried it, (and cleansed my face this way many times) and I must say I LOVE it!!! If you haven't tried it already, do it do it do it!! =D  My face feels AMAZINGLY hydrated after cleansing it with oatmeal! The hydration provided by oatmeal is so ridiculous it's CRAZY!!

But may I have a little suggestion... just put some oatmeal in a bowl with lukewarm/cold water and wait for it to soften up... I cringe at just letting the faucet run while you wait for oatmeal to get soft O_O what a waste of water >_< a lot of places are suffering water shortage, so don't waste water guys :)

At first I was worried about residue, and that oatmeal is not "strong" enough to remove all the remainder makeup/dirt and all that (of course I removed my makeup with cleansing oil first). But I've been cleansing my face quite frequently with oatmeal for these past two weeks, and so far no breakouts at all <3 oatmeal does really good cleansing job <3 However I do clean my face two times when I use oatmeal, just because I'm paranoid, haha.

Definitely give this a try guys! Yeah it does get pretty messy... so I like to do it while I'm in shower =P (one of the benefits living by myself... I can do crazy stuff with my face and no one will see it xD)

Happy skin ^_^

Oh and the next thing I want to tell you guys is... oatmeal+ Stonyfield natural yogurt is my new favorite yogurt mask =D I don't add honey though; I actually like my mask better without honey. I will still do the strawberry+yogurt combo if I'm looking for optimal whitening.

Immediately after cleansing my face with oatmeal+ using oatmeal/yogurt mask!

Yeah I have freckles all over my face. Told you guys I don't have perfect skin!

So conclusion... guys, listen to Bubz XD as she so rightfully stated, oatmeal is indeed the "shiz." LOL!
On the other hand, I thought the chocolate mask was just okay. I prefer old-school masks ^_^ Maybe I will try the chocolate mask again but without the honey. Lol.

That's all I have for you guys! Seriously, go try it out, cuz if you don't you're really missing out!

<3 frances="" p="">-------------------------------------------------------------------------

See my other more detailed post about oatmeal cleanser here ^_^


  1. WOAHHHHH~ This is such a good idea!! I'm going to try this right now right before I shower!! :DD It sounds like such a good idea cause it's 100% natural~ & it would be a good exfoliator too cause it's natural!~ I agree with the running water part too XD haha~ I always turn off the water when I can like when brushing my teeth!~ haha~ I can't believe people can leave the faucet on when they brush their teeth o___o

    You look like you have absolutely no black heads!!! Your nose looks so clean >< & wow I can't believe Bubz's skin changed so much!! There's still hope for me & my horrible cheek pimples!! (:

    Thank you for sharing! ^^

  2. I have tried cleansing my face with oatmeal for 2 days now~ and yeah, even only for 2 days...I can see slightly difference in my skin. ^^ I love all Bubz tips~

  3. I love your skin! It's so even toned, the freckles are just adorable ;P I so want to try this now, but I'm scared the oatmeal will clog up my drains? Haha & do you suggest a brand?

    Oh, more Boba updates?


  4. Woo hoo! It does really work. Will definitely do it when I get home.. don't want to scare flatmates with an oatmeal face >.<
    I'll definitely give your yoghurt + oatmeal mask a try ^^ need to get rid of my blackheads =/

  5. WAhhh i will try this out after im done with 3 of my masks :D btw how many times do u mask? how frequent?

  6. You have such nice skin! It sounds like a great mask :)

  7. i haven't had the time to try this out but it sounds amazing! must try it soon. my skin has been pretty clogged recently from wearing trying out too many foundations and such for prom >___<

  8. Frances,

    Even with your strawberry nose and freckles, your skin is already almost perfect! I've got strawberry nose and freckles on my cheekbones too but your skin looks more SKII doink doink than mine! After seeing your skin and bubzbeauty's, I really wanna try this oatmeal cleanser!

    I've recently invested in a whole range of treatment products from my facial place coz all the therapists and consultants have stopped using make up and their face it glowing as if they've got bb cream on, a little like how bubzbeauty's complexion is. They were all using the home treatment for the past few months. Their complexion itself it enough to make me invest in their treatment. So I gotta try this out to see the great results first and then I try the oatmeal coz I do not want to try too many things at once.

  9. Thanks Frances for the reply :D i was wondering how many times should i mask coz i have oily sensitive skin. i read online oatmeal mask twice a month. so i was like? twice a month ONLY? why?
    ur comment is really helful ^^ thank u again.
    about the sigma new palettes it does remind me too of the naked palette of urban decay, the thing is i live in the Philippines, both brands unavailable here huhu :(

  10. your skin looks AMAZING girl !
    i can't wait to try this oatmeal thing + thank you for the oatmeal&yogurt idea! >_<!!! <3<3<3

    - Coco

  11. Oooooooooo!!! This is soooo tempting! The next trip I go to the supermarket, I'm getting my self some oatmeal! Your skin looks sooo nice!! I was pretty skin tooo!! I think your freckles are cute!;)

    also, black heads? What black heads? I don't see any black heads!! You too pretty to have black heads > < lol

  12. Thanks Frances for the reply :D i was wondering how many times should i mask coz i have oily sensitive skin. i read online oatmeal mask twice a month. so i was like? twice a month ONLY? why?
    ur comment is really helful ^^ thank u again.
    about the sigma new palettes it does remind me too of the naked palette of urban decay, the thing is i live in the Philippines, both brands unavailable here huhu :(

  13. Woo hoo! It does really work. Will definitely do it when I get home.. don't want to scare flatmates with an oatmeal face >.<
    I'll definitely give your yoghurt + oatmeal mask a try ^^ need to get rid of my blackheads =/

  14. I have tried cleansing my face with oatmeal for 2 days now~ and yeah, even only for 2 days...I can see slightly difference in my skin. ^^ I love all Bubz tips~

  15. are you still using this cleansing method? whats your updates on it? :)

  16. hello! it's funny that you asked cuz actually I just started using oatmeal to cleanse my face again! because of the changing seasons my skin has been getting dry patches and little weird bumps... the oatmeal does improve my condition ^_^
    I don't use oatmeal to cleanse my face on a regular basis simply because it is quite messy... but when I feel like my skin needs that extra boost/hydration, this method is fantastic. hmm I guess my only update would be use instant oats instead of traditional oats. they're much softer =)

  17. Do you use this twice everyday like a normal cleanser?

    1. Nope I only use it when I feel like my skin needs it. And when I do I only do it only at night cuz no time in the morning lol

  18. is there anything specific you wanted to know?? cuz I'm not sure what more else I can say about it XD

  19. Hi there, I've been cleansing with oats for about a year now and I dont think I'd ever change it! I just wana share that I've always used it to remove even my make-up! Given that I don't wear much... Just some mineral powder and blush but I find it removes it well! I do repeat it twice like you do though. Just thought I'd share that And see what you thought. Do you think it's okay for me to use it as just a normal make-up removing cleanser? :)

    1. Hi Natalie! Thanks for reading ^_^ honestly I feel like you can do whatever you want... if it's been working well for you I see no reasons to change, you know? :D just make sure if you ever wear heavier makeup/waterproof makeup then definitely use a separate makeup remover :D


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