Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Some looks I did in 2010

Hello everyone ^_^

So as I was trying to organize my pictures what-not... I decided to do a little compilation of looks I did from 2010 :D There aren't that many. And the sad thing is I don't have any from 2011 T_________T  yet. lol. Mainly because 2011 has been a really busy year for me so far (working full time... and now doing school on top of working almost full time... >_<) so I dedicated most of my time to reviews and stuff. Last year was sort of a gap year for me (was just applying for schools and job-hunting so basically had a lot of time lol) so I was able to do some looks. I miss creating and recreating looks! In fact, I've been really wanting to do a Burlesque Series (inspired by the movie Burlesque starring Christina Aguilera and Cher :D) for the longest time but just never have time to do it ='( Hopefully when I leave my work in about two weeks, I will have a little bit more extra time.

These are not all the looks I did... some looks I just don't even like anymore so I'm not gonna bother XD  but here are the majority of them :D

This was a look I did for DSK model contest. To be honest with you guys I wish I didn't enter -_- cuz before I entered I had no idea it was gonna be a popularity contest. I HATE any form of popularity contest. After I realized that I wanted to withdraw but I thought it'd be kind of rude lol -_- oh well. It was fun to do anyway! I really liked the thick thick eyeliner I used to do :) haven't sported that in a very long time. Might go back to it one of these days :) and by the way I almost swallowed that jewelry whilst taking this photo XD and I had lipstick and gloss all over it I had to wipe it down with alcohol XD I like the final effect though ^_^

Same eye makeup with different accessories XD

PS: these pics were taken with beauty function, that's why my face looked so flawless. HAHA.

A hime gyaru look (princess gal). Sort of. Very toned down gyaru. Again this photo was taken with beauty function. Was the time when I had straight bangs ^_^

Okay from this point on no more beauty function XD

I recreated MakeupGeek's classic Kardashian smokey eye look cuz I loved it SO MUCH!!!

Bronze smokey eye :P

Green smokey eye

Gold smokey eye =DDD

Recreated Girlicious' makeup look from their "Maniac" music video ;)

Spider girl look hahahaaha. Was an idea for Halloween but didn't end up using.

Abused school girl look for Halloween XD actually ended up being abused geisha for Halloween. All I used was lipstick and eye shadow XD 

Ayumi Hamasaki look :)

Kumiko look.... not the best shot
Also the Kumiko look which I'm sure you guys are all tired of looking at cuz I am... XD need a new header!!!

Taupe smokey eye

Purple smokey eye that doesn't really show up in this pic... lol

Silver smokey eye :D

Okay enough of procrastinating. Time for me to get back to work. Hope you guys enjoyed this post ^_^ How many of these looks do you remember from me? XD I think I did most of these looks when I barely had readers/followers. lol!

Oh and by the way, I added a widget thingy so now I can reply back to comments in my comment box =DDDDDDDDDDDDDD YAY!!! I always feel bad not replying to some comments... like I felt kind of stupid just going to their blogs to say something trivial... lol >< but now problem solved!! :D Big thanks to Jiawa for giving me detailed instructions on how to do this ^_^ <3

So I will reply here from now on, so feel free to check back for my reply ^_^ if it's a direct question I will still go to your blogs (if you have one!) to reply as always ^_^

Until the next post, take care!

<3 Frances


  1. the first picture is my fave, your hair and makeup in that pic is perrrrfect <3

  2. Aw, your pics are all so pretty I can't even pick a favorite one! :D

  3. Beauty function or not .. you look flawless and super cute!! ^_^

  4. Wow, you have perfect skin >.> the beauty function photos & non-beauty function photos look the same. GORGEOUS :)
    Love all your looks! you're so cute! ^^ Love your hair~

  5. Omg! You look so adorable and cute! Can I have your face?!?! HAHAHA! Chou kawaii ~

  6. Great looks! The spider one is so cool :)

  7. Whatever your look, you are still very cute ;)

  8. I love your first picture! ;)
    Btw, did you find some nice earplugs? :D

  9. i think all the looks are very cute~~~and very creative at the spider girl and abused school girl Halloween make~~~and i like MakeupGeeks too~~~her hot Bombshell look is my favorite, is a simple way to do a nice smokey eye~~~


  10. aw thank you <3 hehe I think my personal favorite is the abused school girl LMAO!! simply because I never did anything like that before XD

  11. lol thanks! the power of makeup and lighting!!!! WAHAHAHAHHAHA XD

  12. hehe thank you <3 I'm in a desperate need for a new haircut!! my hair style is so grown out I feel so gross and have no incentive to take pictures XD and nah I don't have perfect skin... I do have good skin, but really it comes down to makeup and lighting :P

  13. HAHAHAHA you probably don't want my face XD seriously it was the angle I took pics at (you have no idea how many pics I took and filtered through before I post them XD) + makeup+lighting... I only look good from certain angles XD if you've watched my videos you'll see what I mean XDXD but anyway thank you for your sweet words <3

  14. hehe thank you :) I wish I could perfect it more though lol XD

  15. thanks ^_^ don't believe the pictures though... seriously. I only picked the good ones XD

  16. thank you =D and yes I did and they ARE so cheap!!! I am SO getting the Domo one!!! >w< there are so many that I'm still trying to sift through the pages :D thanks for the link <3

  17. thank you <3 I will have to look the Bombshell makeup up cuz I don't really recall it XD thanks for the suggestion ^_^

  18. Hii cutie!!~ <3
    You look so pretty/cute/hot in your pictures omg!! You look so hot in your first picture~ 好正!! I hate how many contests are mostly about popularity! ): sometimes the winner doesn't even deserve it because they only won because they have 1282349832 friends :/ haha~ you should have won!!
    I think you look cute with 妹妹頭!! I want to try those bangs sometime but I have a giant head so i think i would look weird x__x & I like your headband in the hime gyaru picture! (:
    The beauty function makes skin look sooooo smooth!! Even though you already have smooth skin but it makes it like glow o__o omg what camera is it?? I want it! hahaha~ ><

  19. Wow .. the punk'ish looks suits you really well :O

  20. Oooh so pretty! My faves are the first two and the spider one :)
    Aaah teach me how you do it please! No matter what I can't follow tutorials well, lol. And good luck finishing that last class!

  21. hallo hallo XD aiyo thank you la >< lol it didn't upset me at all I didn't win :P (didn't even try to ask my friends to vote for me XD just did it for fun you know? ^_^) mostly it was the popularity thing that bugged me. XD. you know I'm actually considering getting 妹妹頭again~ (bang-less is not a good look for me O_O) but but but!! 妹妹頭makes me look so short O__________O cuz it really just cuts off half of my head so... 看起來整個人就矮了一大截XD I need my forehead XDXD I got the headband thing from Forever 21 last year for really cheap haha. I think less than 3 bucks?! oh oh oh and btw!! I did cut those bangs myself back at that time XD I did make a post abt it


    in case you want to try it out ^_^ 切記切記劉海的寬度絕對不可以超過眉尖!!! (? 眉尖? well the arch of your brows XD) or else your face will look big! that's my ground rule for straight bangs :D and naw you do not have giant head... in fact I think you look so petite in your pics ^_^

    I'm not exactly sure what model was that camera cuz that camera was stolen T__________________________T it was a samsung dualview though ^_^ I "think" it was TL220. Actually I think I'm pretty sure it's TL220. If you're buying it primarily for the beauty function, don't get the newer one cuz the beauty function in the newer one isn't as strong (or at least TL225... which is the one I have now). I bought it cuz it has a screen in the front, perfect for self portraits XDXD but keep in mind though this camera pretty much is only good for 自拍. for anything else it's pretty bad.

  22. lol thanks :D I like the punk-ish style as well... but I just never have the guts to wear it out >< lol!!

  23. teach you how to do the spider girl look?!?!?? or the first two??? if it's the spider look... it's easy... I basically just doodled a web on my face XD I still like my beat-up look better LMAO. Now I know how I'd look if I ever get abused. oops shouldn't jinx myself. XD

    ah thank you thank you la >< my exam got postponed to next monday... YES!! more time to procrastinate!! ... I mean, more time to study! XD

  24. LOL XD ahahaha its so unique btw and u can try it for events XD

  25. i like the second look the most

  26. lol, I meant the first two :)
    yay for procrastination! but bake cookies too, then you'll have good food (hopefully) to snack on while you study sunday

  27. lol sure! let's try that on you next time XD Hm actually I think I'll have to skip the cookies this wkend T_T you won't believe how many antibiotics I have to memorize ugh.... did you have to take microbio for med school?!

  28. You look so cute in all of your pictures! <33

  29. thank you =DDD you're so sweet <3

  30. you look great with curls frances!!!! thanks for the congratulations you posted on my blog! ;)

  31. Hehe, I remember most of the looks you did! i loved them! but for some reason I don't remember the hime gyaru one... D: nooooo I missed an entry~!? :(

  32. hehe YOU would have seen most of it <3 I think you're one of the few bloggers I've actually known for almost over a year now? ^_________________^ hahaha the hime gyaru one.... I did it when I first got started XD that's probably why ^.^

  33. Thanks Kym! And thank you for coming here to say thank you ^_^ I am so happy for you Mrs. Kym =DDDDDDDDDDDD

  34. Did you manage to order them?! :D
    I dont know if you read my reply, but the quality is really.. no so good :(

    ps. i really think that you look like Hyuna from 4minute :P

  35. HI SEXY - get out of the apothecary business and go into the modeling business instead! lololol found this blog completely by accident - good for you Frances - you look great!


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