Friday, July 8, 2011

Yo yo yo yo yo =DD

Watch me watch me =D

<3 Frances


  1. love the bun bunny :"> its on the background doing some military action lol XD
    btw hihi lovely post i love the idea of it :D

  2. Your bunny is so cute! :3

  3. Awwwww he's SO cute! I really want a rabbit. I love how he's just laying in the background! Great prizes. I think it's really nice that you don't want people talking about your giveaway so a true follower wins. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Boba hopping around in the background cracks me up, just thought I'd let you know :)

  5. Haha Boba is so cute!! I can't vlog with my kitten because he hates being held and can't stay still >< Would love to see you with ombre hair :) Hehe 'transfooming'

  6. That bunny is sooo cute <3 i always wanted a bunny when i was younger but my parents gave me a guinea pig :( they are so boring

  7. wahahahahaha bunnyyyyyyyy =DDDDD

  8. haha I know... i kept getting distracted when I edited the film cuz I was like... oh there he goes! LOL

  9. hehe thank you I will tell him that XD <3

  10. ^_^ thank you for watching the whole thing :D you should get one! but be careful with their teeth they are DESTRUCTIVE and chew through pretty much everything O_O

  11. hahah he was attention whore XD

  12. hahahaha oh right! haven't seen your kitten on your blog... ??? since you first got him??? haha Boba's the same way you saw it XD bunnies and kitties are kind of similar in that way... they hate to be manipulated! (at least ours are!)

    haha I hope my ombre hair "transfoomation" will go well XD

  13. haha I have a guinea pig as well and I agree they're less active/ interactive >< but I still love him cuz he's easy to manipulate LMAO XD

  14. OMGGG BOBA is sooooo cute!!!~ ^^ & such a cute name!! My boyfriend and my dog is named mochi!! hahaha~ so they're both like QQ chewy things XD ahahaha~
    Ahhhhh I want a bunny too!!! ): & you look so pretty in the video!! Goodluck with dying your hair~ (: I'm going to subscribe to your youtube account now!!! (: hehehe~

  15. HAHAHAHHAHAHA you're so cute!! they're both chewy delicious names huh =DDD Boba wouldn't sound so cute in Chinese though... like... 波霸?!?!??!?!?!?!!?!? 囧!!!!

  16. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I thought this video was going to be all about boba but what a surprise!! Going to go email you now! I really love your blog and care about you aloooot!
    Boba is just so cute how he later in your vlog he just sat there in the back ground!! <3 <3 <3

  17. Can he be any cuter???

  18. YAY!!!!!!!! hahaha I know... Boba secretly wants attention... I knew it = =++

  19. You are so freaking CUTE I can't even contain the amount of cuteness! *_* and that bunny! My Saya would samurai my arm if I picked her up for that long -__-" She's so vicious lately.

    YAY I'm so glad the updates are working now! My last entry barely got any comments, so I was like "*boo face* where did everybody gooo? : (" depressing. BUT, I'm somewhat back now. Hopefully I can post an update before I leave ; D HEHEHE, I'm going on a semi-vacation thing. Dog show! YAYY!

    Oh my.. -__-" I'm not even that good at makeup to do VK. I found a tutorial on Ruki's makeup (he's the vocalist from the GazettE) but I have a feeling that it's gonna look odd on me because my eyes are so hooded : ( blegh. -fails as a rockstar- lol.
    I didn't really know what to do with my tumblr to begin with either. It's mainly just about reblogging other people and speaking your mind, posting selcas and stuff : D

  20. gosh bunnies are just too cute! X3 my bf calls me wabbit i think thats kinda silly but fun lol btw i tried oatmeal im surprised O_O it works i tried it twice last week, its kinda messy though XD

  21. YAY!! you tried it!!! I LOVE it =DD glad it works for you too =D yeah it does get messy >< hehe that's why I do it in the shower so it's easy to clean XD

  22. BUN BUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I shall call you Aimee Bun Bun from now on =DD


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