Wednesday, November 9, 2011

D.U.P. Eyelashes No.909 and camwhore pictures for my new header XD

Hey guys ^_^

I finally changed my header XD WAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! So happy! I had that old header for like more than a year and it was driving me crazy =_= I swear if I left it there for any longer I would go crazy!!! xD

Anyway, while I'm at it, I thought I might as well do a mini review on those D.U.P lashes that I was wearing ^_^ They are produced by the model Aiku Maikawa (舞川亞郁/ 舞川あいく) 

****Image credit goes to Google****

I got these while I was in Taiwan :D I have a couple pairs of D.U.P lashes available at my online shop if you're interested ^_^

So as much as I love my Dolly Wink No.1 lashes, the Dolly Wink line in general are just too dramatic and overdone for my little Asian eyes T_T No.1 and No.2 are the only designs I can wear without looking weird. D.U.P. on the other hand, are dramatic enough but at the same time also natural looking, and they fit my eyes much much better ^_^

Here are No.909. They come in 2 pairs and the price is more expensive than Dolly Wink (at least they are in Taiwan)

it says No.909 features thicker lashes in the middle

Clear bands
I like how each pair comes with its little box thing =P it does come with a tube of glue but I didn't use it so I don't know how good it is. And I forgot to take a pic of the glue...


So I don't have much to say in terms of reviewing these lashes... the quality and lash hairs feel a lot like Dolly Wink :) the bands are soft and bendy and easy to wear. Their lash length are definitely shorter than Dolly Wink, me likey! =D



They are pretty long and dramatic, but at the same time kind of natural looking too.


Okay now onto my camho pics XD You can see I took wayyy too many pics trying to get the best ones for my header. LOL

so obviously taken with beauty function lol makes my skin look so fake haha but me likey

without beauty function looks so much more natural

beauty function again here


Those lashes do look quite natural right? ^_^ I love them!





And finally, because I love my glass frames XD
LOL my pony tail was on the other side so it looks like I have short hair here lol
Glasses can be so cute or sexy, depending on what kind of makeup and outfit you wear with it ^_^

Oh by the way, Tsubasa is launching new makeup items later this November I believe ^_^ And clothing items as well? I saw the news on Eki's blog ^_^

My favorite promo pic ^_____^
So so so cute. I really want to buy larger frames =D

That's all I have today ^_^ Hope you don't mind all the camho pics XD I'm gonna camwhore as much as I can until I'm 30!!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!! xD

Until my next post, take care guys ^_^

<3 Frances


  1. I think tsubasa is so cute!!! : D I love the eyelashes, it looks like it is very well built and of good quality!

  2. fake lashes are quite expensiv... can u tell me how long we can use one pair or how many times we can reuse it??

  3. Reooooowr. You look so cute & sexy in your pics :D Love the new camho header ^____^ Haha, I saw these at my Japanese cosmetic store.. I wasn't sure if it was worth it but I think i might buy a set to try out.. could you tell me how good the lash glue works when you try it? :)

  4. LOL Why not camwhore past 30? xD

  5. Ah Ha. Somebody changed her header! That's the first thing I noticed. Lol... You're so cute. Why would the old header be driving you crazy? Anyway, I like the new one coz it shows more variety of your make up creations.

  6. I know I still can't get over that she's a mom... if I can only still look cute when I have kids XD they are pretty nice ^_^

  7. Hi Shyi :)

    Ummm there's not a specific number of times you can reuse your lashes... it really depends on how careful you are in terms of handling them and how they are built. I find MAC's lashes really easy to wear but they are SO delicate that 1-2 uses can kill them O_O you will have better luck with the more rubbery/synthetic kind. Be really gentle when you handle them so you won't mess up the shape and structure. After you remove them be sure to clean them (I soak them in warm water for 1-2 min, that way the glue softens up and are easier to peel off, that way you won't handle the lashes as rough) save the containers that come with the lashes and put them back into their original shape. I find that they tend to lose their shape more easily if I just let them sit around in a box. You can reuse them as long as they look good you know ^_~ I have lashes that I reuse more than 5 times lol!! I hope that helps :)

  8. *scratches head* that's an excellent question xD maybe I will camwhore until I'm 80!!! ahahahaha

  9. hehe thanks <3 yes I will let you know ^_^ the glue is in a rather cheap looking container though -_- not as appealing lol!!

  10. Hehe thanks <3 I don't know I'm just really sick of staring that same face of mine (like my face is going change or something xD) every time I open up my blog.... I go "BLAH!!!" LOL.

  11. The eyelashes look amazing on you!! (: well.. you always look amazing! ^^ haha omg there's a cricket in my room and I don't want to kill it but i dont know how to get it out of my room so i m scared o___O hahaha! anyways! I never knew there were lashes that are more expensive than dolly wink! haha Do you like the lashes with the clear bands or the lashes with the black bands better? >< Does it make a big difference if you use the clear bands? I'm really bad at putting on fake eyelashes.. ):

    I love your new header 美女! <3

  12. 哈哈謝謝~~ 唉唷全部都是自拍出來的假象啦XDXD 本人不是正妹XDXD 只要看生活照都亂七八糟的, 哈哈哈 XD 而且我放的照片都是篩選過的-__- 別被我的照片騙了哈哈XD
    ohh noo did you eventually get the cricket out?!?!?? I hate it when there are bugs in my room!! that's when roommates come into handy hahah XD yeah these DUP lashes are actually more popular than Dolly Wink in Taiwan... I don't know if that's why it's more expensive?!?!?!? O_o Dolly Wink actually isn't as popular in Taiwan as here lol!!
    I definitely prefer clear bands! Clear bands are in general softer so easier to wear, but most importantly clear bands don't look as heavy if you know what I mean???? They look a lot more natural :) hehe it's all about practice ^0^ after you get the hang of it... it literally takes seconds ;) 加油 <3 <3

  13. The lashes look really good on you! Also, I love how your hair looks styled up!
    That's one of my fav. promo pics too. ^^

  14. lol thank you <3 I don't normally put my hair up cuz it's not long enough to give a very voluminous bun O_O hehe still trying to grow it out <3

  15. so pretty!! the lashes are GORGEOUS on you!! those glasses are adorable on you!!

  16. loving the camho pictures~!! Love the new header too!
    was wondering where this post was! Really love it!
    Especially the one with you holding the lipstick! Soooo cute XD


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