Thursday, November 10, 2011

Some ideas =)

Hey guys ^_^

So today I thought I'd share some style-related ideas with you guys ^_^ Just some styles that really caught my eyes =)

****I do not own any of these images!!!****

I. freaking. LOVE. her nails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_< Yellow leopard print!!!!!! Omg so SO freaking cute. I want to buy a yellow nail polish now =P And I adore her earrings hehe I adore the rocker style =P

I adore the style of the girl on the left ^_^ The loose-fitting/ off shoulder top thingy (it's not a sweater how do you call these type of clothing that you just pull it over something?) And lately I've been really into furry ankle heel-boots O_O++ I just think they are so chic and can instantly glam up an outfit ^_^

Never thought about pairing sweaters with ripped jeans. I have a pair of ripped jeans and I always pair them with tougher outfit. Hmmm but rethinking about that now ^_~  This model is so freaking hot anyone know who she is?? lol!

Again the loose-fitted/off-shoulder sweater. I like how the furry scarf balances the outfit too.

I've been wanting a loose, see-through shirt for the longest time >_< but cannot seem to find a perfect one that will flatter my body type... sigh... need to lose weight cuz right now nothing looks good on me when I go clothes shopping T_T. I've gained 10 pounds ever since I came to pharmacy school it's not even funny =_=  it's mainly due to the poor diet but I've been working hard on that T_T 

The stockings caught my eyes lol! I think it's kind of adorable =P I would totally wear something with similar concept but it's so freaking cold here and I don't think leggings/tights/stockings are enough to protect my legs -__-

I love how she has a really bold scarf with simple, casual grey sweater. Oh and with the messy updo as well =D I think I'm gonna try scarf+messy updo sometime ^_^ 

Over-sized sweater looks so adorable. The hard part is to find the perfect over-sized sweater that won't look too awkwardly large on me XD

Again off-shoulder clothing =) love love. 

Hmmm this last picture I kind of just put up cuz the girl looks so hot. LMAO!

That's all I have ^_^ What style have you guys been into lately?? =D

<3 Frances


  1. Ah the model with the sweater and ripped jeans is..... She's called Remi, I believe. I thought she was pretty when I picked up my first JELLY in August too!

    I'm just loving the sweater trends too. I love all of the trends, actually! Now, if only they would all look good on me >.<

  2. WOW! These styles are so pretty! I really like the sweater! It looks warm and comfy

  3. wOOO~ I love the red/pink star oversized sweater!!!

  4. I lovelovelove loose sweaters and off-shoulder tops. I wish I had more of them.
    And I like neutral colors with random pops of color! I'd wear a lot of these styles, if I had the money xD

  5. I like the ripped jeans with the sweater!

  6. Thank you! I Now I can stalk Remi on google wahahahah XD
    I know everything looks fantastic on models -_-" unlike me whenever I go clothes shopping... nothing works T^T...

  7. me toooo I want to find sweaters that don't make me look chunky >.<

  8. Me too! It all comes down to money.... so sad XD

  9. I can tell you are soooo into off sholder loose sweaters! I love them so much too! makes you feel cute and sexy at the same time!
    too bad i can't wear them now since its FREAKING HOT!!! lol

  10. lololol I'd trade with you anytime XD those loose sweaters are cute but don't keep me warm >_<;;


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