Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Makeup for ppl who have lower folds-- Night-out look

Hi again.... =)

Again, this post features my friend, Joyce =) (I'm gonna miss you my model =*( )
As you can tell, this will be a night-out look :)

For eyeliner:
-Notice for the cat-eye, I brought it up very high, like way way pass the fold (cuz the nature of her eyelid it kind of folds down on the eyeliner, so I have to compensate by bringing up high)
- I lined the waterline on the bottom as well, all the way in, but still thicker on the outer corner

For eye shadow:
I used four colors:
-shimmery white under her brow bone (cuz the eye is really dark you want the shimmer for a nice contrast)
-Navy blue eye shadow all over lid (serves as a base color so the black wouldn't look dull)
-black shadow lightly over the navy blue for the dark smokey effect, but concentrating on the outer corner, blending in with the cat-eye. I also use the black eye shadow over the eyeliner after I lined her lower lash liner, not only to set the makeup, but also gives it a smokier effect
- silver eye shadow on the to blend out the edges, focusing on inner half on the eye only cuz you want to keep the corners dark and smokey.

As you can see, I brought the eye shadow even higher than the natural look cuz I really wanted the dark eye shadow to show, to get that dark eye effect. Again, use the put on some color, then look straight and check with the mirror method too see the ideal placement of you eye shadow. Don't be afraid to go too far up the lid-- you can always fix it with a Q-tip or with some makeup remover! It's all about experimenting.


You could put on some fake lashes if you wish... I just forgot hahahahah.
And you can darken up your eye brows as well.

Extra pics:

See even I brought the eye shadow really up high it really doesn't look like it's a lot if you look straight... it's just the way her folds are. So if you have similar folds, don't be afraid to try! ... and it might just take some getting used to lol... I toughened Joyce up pretty well wahahahaha now she's in for the heavy flavors heeheehee.
For her hair I just teased it really well and scrunch her hair from the roots with some clay.



I also contoured her face: the sides of her forehead, hollow of cheeks, jaw line and under her chin
And I put a bit of MAC MSF in soft and gentle in C shape on her cheek bones, above her brow bone (only inner 1/2)
and down her nose to make her features pop.
Hi there sexy! *wink wink*




That's it! hope you guys like it =)

<3 Frances


  1. An awesome night time look! Great pics, too -- thank you for explaining!

  2. this is a great look for people with a smaller crease space! thanks for sharing. ( :
    i will do a review on the Guerlain primer soon. Most likely in my next post! ( : thanks for commenting and following!

  3. I LOVE IT XD. You are so good with makeup unlike moi T_T. Lolz, I'm not sure what nikky do to that hello kitty, she just chomping it away so fast XD. And no, I don't think the guy is right for me. Idk, I think he should have try a little harder since he rarely talk to me and then just come up and ask me out =_=.

  4. I LOVE IT XD. You are so good with makeup unlike moi T_T. Lolz, I'm not sure what nikky do to that hello kitty, she just chomping it away so fast XD. And no, I don't think the guy is right for me. Idk, I think he should have try a little harder since he rarely talk to me and then just come up and ask me out =_=.

  5. An awesome night time look! Great pics, too -- thank you for explaining!


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