Tuesday, June 28, 2011

More detail about oatmeal cleanser and oatmeal/yogurt mask!

Hey guys ^_^

So I thought I'd make this quick and more detailed post in response to some of the questions I got from my last post :) hopefully this will help clarify things!

First, about the oatmeal cleanser...

1. It doesn't matter what brand you use lol. Oatmeal is oatmeal XD
2. I DO recommend getting INSTANT oatmeal, rather than quick or traditional oatmeal. Just because instant oatmeal have smaller oat pieces are least likely to scratch your face. When I used quick oatmeal or traditional oatmeal, I find that chunky oat pieces are somewhat scratchy on my face.

Can you see the difference? Instant oatmeal have much smaller oats.

There is not really right or wrong on how many times you do your mask, just do it however many times you feel like your skin needs it. For example, when I first came back to the US, my face was having a major breakout, so I treated my face with this mask two weeks straight. Then I took a break and do it probably two or three times a week. Sometimes I do it once a week or sometimes I only do it when I remember XD But I'd say do it as often as you can.

All you need is your PLAIN yogurt and oatmeal. Please please please make sure it's PLAIN yogurt. "Original" or "Vanilla" do not count as plain yogurt. If it's not plain then it's not going to do anything cuz it will be all sugar. It doesn't really matter if it's low fat yogurt or whole milk, but I generally prefer whole milk yogurt (because I don't buy it just for my face... I eat it too LOL and whole milk tastes much better... that's the only reason ahahahah).

It doesn't matter what brand of yogurt you use, as long as it's plain it's good. Besides Stonyfield, HighMountain and Dayton also make plain yogurt, but Stonyfield is my favorite (I don't know why my face does respond better to Stonyfield though... it does absorb better than Dayton. I have no idea why).

1 spoon of yogurt and 1 spoon of oatmeal is more than enough for the entire face

I usually mix them together before I go shower. Then I put it in the fridge before I go shower. That way when I'm done, oatmeal soaking in yogurt allows oatmeal to soften up and the yogurt to absorb the oatmeal. Apply generously on your face (I use an old foundation brush. Try not to use your fingers because the warmth of your fingers will make the yogurt really runny and hard to apply), and I like to let it sit 20-25 minutes. I like to use a paper towel as a bib to catch any accidental fall-outs, cuz oatmeal is chunky and might slip down your face. When time's up, I'd try to remove the oatmeal gently first with kleenex or paper towel, that way there will not be oatmeal chunks to clog up the drain. Make sure you rinse your face really really well cuz you don't want any food residue on your face! And after that, just do your skin care routine.

Hope that helps and clarifies some questions! :) Good luck ^_^

<3 Frances

Friday, June 24, 2011

Did you guys try cleansing your face with oatmeal?!?!?!??!???? =))) Oatmeal as cleanser, and oatmeal/yogurt mask

See more detail here.^_^

Did you guys try it yet??? =D I already tried it, (and cleansed my face this way many times) and I must say I LOVE it!!! If you haven't tried it already, do it do it do it!! =D  My face feels AMAZINGLY hydrated after cleansing it with oatmeal! The hydration provided by oatmeal is so ridiculous it's CRAZY!!

But may I have a little suggestion... just put some oatmeal in a bowl with lukewarm/cold water and wait for it to soften up... I cringe at just letting the faucet run while you wait for oatmeal to get soft O_O what a waste of water >_< a lot of places are suffering water shortage, so don't waste water guys :)

At first I was worried about residue, and that oatmeal is not "strong" enough to remove all the remainder makeup/dirt and all that (of course I removed my makeup with cleansing oil first). But I've been cleansing my face quite frequently with oatmeal for these past two weeks, and so far no breakouts at all <3 oatmeal does really good cleansing job <3 However I do clean my face two times when I use oatmeal, just because I'm paranoid, haha.

Definitely give this a try guys! Yeah it does get pretty messy... so I like to do it while I'm in shower =P (one of the benefits living by myself... I can do crazy stuff with my face and no one will see it xD)

Happy skin ^_^

Oh and the next thing I want to tell you guys is... oatmeal+ Stonyfield natural yogurt is my new favorite yogurt mask =D I don't add honey though; I actually like my mask better without honey. I will still do the strawberry+yogurt combo if I'm looking for optimal whitening.

Immediately after cleansing my face with oatmeal+ using oatmeal/yogurt mask!

Yeah I have freckles all over my face. Told you guys I don't have perfect skin!

So conclusion... guys, listen to Bubz XD as she so rightfully stated, oatmeal is indeed the "shiz." LOL!
On the other hand, I thought the chocolate mask was just okay. I prefer old-school masks ^_^ Maybe I will try the chocolate mask again but without the honey. Lol.

That's all I have for you guys! Seriously, go try it out, cuz if you don't you're really missing out!

<3 frances="" p="">-------------------------------------------------------------------------

See my other more detailed post about oatmeal cleanser here ^_^

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Laneige Snow Crystal Dual Foundation Review

Hello beautifuls ^_^

Hehe today I will be reviewing this foundation that has probably already been reviewed to death XD Nevertheless I'd just like to throw mine to the sea of Laneige foundation reviews out there XD

Before I get into the review, I just wanted to let you guys know the difference between the two Snow Crystal Foundation

There is this one, which is the one I bought: Snow Crystal Dual Foundation SPF22 PA+

There's also the Snow Crystal Dual Foundation [White Plus Renew] SPF41 PA++

So aside from the difference in SPF, these two foundations do give absolutely different finish. The blue one gives super pale/light-reflecting finish O_O cuz it's meant for whitening/ look paler. So after seeing it at the department store, I know for sure the blue one is not for me. **** Image credit goes to Google****

Price: $1500 TWD (about $52 USD freaking EXPENSIVE!!!! even more expensive than Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua foundation =_= ......................................... what the f. Laneige is SO expensive in Taiwan no joke. Taiwanese department stores over-prize EVERYTHING).

Volume: 30ml (1 oz.)

As usual, let's look at the packaging first!

OMG do you see that?! the snow flake actually reflects pink!!! *sucker for packaging mode fully ON*



It's hot pink on the inside!!!!!!!!! *excited dance*



So so so beautiful >///<

Since the concealer is part of the package, I figure might as well talk about it.


Can you spot the little freckle on my hand?
lol... um... coverage... fail?

I'm not a concealer user so I can't really tell you when a concealer is good or bad, but I'm genuinely unimpressed with this concealer. The coverage isn't too impressive, but the worst is that this concealer looks pretty dry and powdery.

I wish Laneige would just sell the foundation WITHOUT the concealer. I feel like it's a complete waste of money having to pay for both products when I just want the foundation (or can you actually purchase the foundation/refill alone in Korea?? Does anyone know??)

Now foundation time!!





Other things I want to mention about this foundation...

-SPF22 PA+
- Dries relatively fast (although I'd say it's mostly because Colorado is really dry)
- Doesn't oxidize. 
- Wears pretty well, doesn't slip and slide much (although I always always set my foundations with powders). I found that both Jill Stuart and Laneige wear best if I spritz my face with facial mist over the day. 

- Light to medium coverage. The coverage is definitely on the lighter side (Jill Stuart and Laneige are the lightest I've ever owned-- the coverage is definitely lighter than Chanel VITALUMIERE Aqua).

- Since the coverage is on the lighter side, I would suggest ppl who have more problematic skin to go with BB cream instead of this foundation, cuz BB creams in general give better coverage. If you have good/decent skin, or if you have a really nice primer/base, then I think you could give this foundation a try :)

- I DON'T like to use this foundation alone, because the coverage is a bit too light for my liking. I could see my blackheads through this foundation when I use this foundation alone. I usually use this foundation in conjunction with my Biotherm white D-TOX correcting base, or my Jill Stuart primer. Either that, or I will use this foundation alone but set it with powder foundation instead of loose powder for more coverage. You don't need to use a primer to achieve better coverage, you can simply just build it up with the foundation for the same effect. However I find that my foundation tends to cake up more if I do that.

-While it gives me a dewy finish in Taiwan, it gives me a matte finish here in Colorado.  I have to say... I realized that climate does make a huge difference on how your foundation wears. When I wore it in Taiwan where it's super humid, I was AMAZED by how absolutely glowy, healthy my skin looks. Seriously, after I used it, I was like... wow... now I understand why Korean actresses/singers all look like they have AMAZINGLY healthy glowy skin XD okay that's an overstatement. But you know what I mean?

This was the effect that I was able to achieve while I was in Taiwan (pic from my glasses post lol. Excuse computer glare!) Seriously, I couldn't stop marveling at how absolutely amazingly glowy and dewy my skin looked with this foundation. Trust me it wasn't the lighting. It really looked great in real life. 

But now I'm back in Colorado where it's super dry, this foundation to me really isn't that much different from the Jill Stuart one anymore ='( 
This was all I was able to achieve (yeah I was bored last week when I wore this foundation XD)
Still looks pretty natural and great, but nowhere as glowy as it was in Taiwan ='( just matte now. Kind of defeats the purpose why I bought this foundation. I bought this AND Jill Stuart cuz I want a dewy AND a matte foundation =( I tried using wet sponge (beautyblender) with it, but it still doesn't give the same effect. The effect is pretty much the same as Jill Stuart. Sigh.

Since I compare this foundation so much with Jill Stuart (see my detailed review here), I'm gonna actually swatch them side by side. Please note that the following pics are taken with yellow lighting. Sorry for the inconsistent lighting >_<


Aside from the fact Laneige is a tad darker than Jill Stuart, they basically look the same/ give same finish... ***under dry climate***! 

Demo demo demoooooo timeeeeee lololol I'm sure you guys are all dying to see my naked face har har!

Watch in HD please! 
I just realized that I'm like really comfortable with showing my complete naked face in my videos now O_O At first I was so self-conscious, now I just don't care XD

That's all! Hope some of you find the review helpful ^_^

<3 Frances

Sunday, June 19, 2011



Dior Limited Mitzah Collection for Fall 2011.

I know I'm really behind with collections and stuff... but omg, I think I never wanted a makeup item so bad >_<

I found out about this palette through a Taiwanese blogger, if you'd like to see swatches and more, please visit here :) The swatches looked absolutely gorgeous. OMG I wish I could've gotten my hands on this... Actually I'm not even sure when this was/will be released. The blogger where I saw this got it in May (it wasn't released in Taiwan, and she had to ask a friend in Japan to get one for her), but on some website I saw it says it will be available in September??? O__O???????? This palette is $90 though O_o

Any other suckers for leopard prints? XD

<3 Frances

Saturday, June 18, 2011

When you're on a shopping ban, everything looks THRICE tempting!!! UGH

Lol doesn't it always work that way? When you're not allowed to do something the more you want to do it >.< ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I've been REALLY wanting a bronzer!!!! dammit I want a bronzer dammit. Any suggestions guys? Bronzers I'm considering are:

1. NARS Laguna Bronzer

2. Benefit Hoola Bronzer

3. The Body Shop Shimmer Waves

But really, I had my eye on the Paul & Joe's new summer collections, Blue Horizon Bronzer

This is available on Urban Outfitter's website for $40. Guys guys guys I CANNOT believe it's only sold for $40 here in America! In Taiwan it costs $1950 TWD, which is about $67 USD!!! Major WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can it be so much more expensive being sold in Taiwan when it's so much closer to Japan! (Well I guess Japanese products in general are over-priced anywhere else but Japan).

Isn't it absolutely adorable and gorgeous? >_<

However $40 is pretty expensive for a bronzer. Don't know if I can bring myself to spend that much. Plus I'd probably get something from Sephora cuz I have a gift card. Maybe if there's free shipping on Urban Outfitter's website then I'll reconsider it :P The Body Shop sometimes have pretty amazing sales too, so I might look there. I'm actually looking for a more shimmery bronzer rather than a matte one.

Aside from bronzers, I also really want to buy summer dresses! T_T Maybe something along these lines (image credits go to Forever 21):
Something simple
Something floral
Something different

Although why I want summer dresses really bad I don't know... cuz I don't really ever wear skirts or dresses XD they tend to make me look ultimately girly O_O

Anything you guys want really badly lately? ^_^?

Whew, three posts in 2 days! And I'm working on more XD

Laters ^_^

<3 Frances

A simple and basic tip to help your sheet masks adhere better

Hello beautifuls!

So I've been wearing sheet masks a lot more frequently than I used to, simply because my face is recovering from breaking out, I need MAXIMUM whitening possible! For me, using whitening products is not about trying to get paler, but to help reduce scarring and hyperpigmentation.

Super easy and basic video. But somehow a lot of ppl don't usually think about doing?

If you already know this trick, sorry if it wasted your time XD just see it as a super sexy video of me where you can see me wearing sheet masks, fair fair? ... no? XD haha. I hope it helped some of you.

Happy wearing sheet masks! ^_~ Okay now I'm really off to bed... gonna sleep and sleep and sleeeeep... zzzZZzzZZzzZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

<3 Frances

Loreal Base Magique Transforming Smoothing Primer Review

Hello hello!

Happy weekend ^_^ I am so excited! Don't really have plans for this weekend, but I am SO freaking excited that I finally get to sleep in! You guys doing anything fun?

Doing things a bit differently, let's look at the product demonstration video first ^_^ I apologize for all the stuttering and stumbling in the video... clearly I wasn't prepared for the video (spur of a moment decision XD) and I was really really tired. lol.

Please watch in HD! (Does anyone know if there's a setting where I can just change it so it plays as HD automatically?

Okay, now let's get into the review ^_^
Price: $450 TWD(around $15.5 USD)
Volume: 15ml

Darn them for slapping a picture of Hebe on the product! *hopelessly lured, XD*


For Chinese readers like myself out there ;D






Onto review...

This product claims to have a photoshopping effect, as well as help with five things:
1. pores
2. fine lines
3. shine (from oiliness)
4. dullness
5. freckles

What I think:
1. Pores-- Yes! It does help! It gives a very smooth finish. In fact, I think this product is best for pores!
2. Fine lines-- Somewhat but not significant. I'm focusing particularly on the fine lines under my eyes though, didn't particularly help much with that.
3. Shine-- Ummm it's alright. Does help somewhat but I still get oily at the end of the day. Nothing impressive.
4. Dullness-- Definitely, cuz the pink tint really brightens up and enhances my complexion, almost giving a lifting effect
5. Freckles-- lol are you kidding? NOPE! lol if you want to cover up your freckles you will want to use foundation or concealer.

Other things I'd like to mention...
- This mousse doesn't break me out. You guys might have noticed that I don't use a lot of drug store products on my face (except for BB cream), and I was worried it might break me out, it didn't ^_^

- Avoid this product if you have dry and flaky skin. Mousse products generally don't work well with flaky skin at all.

And... you guys will HAVE to see pictures to really see how this product works!

Look closely and you will see lines on the back of my hand! Or maybe you don't have to look that close to see them XD



LOL I can see why they say there's a photoshopping effect!

Now let's see how this product works on face. I took these pics with MACRO focusing *sob sob* so yeah... all my flaws are in yo face. *feels vulnerable* be nice okay? =D

Admittedly I don't have large pores, but they're still there. Also you can see redness around my nose (See I keep telling you guys my face has a lot of redness and you guys wouldn't believe me! LOL well there you go LOL!!)

Pretty amazing isn't it? You can also see redness around my nose is also reduced.
And of course, it DOES NOT help with freckles. LOL!

Hope that was helpful and you guys enjoyed this review! By the way I'm not sure if this is an Asia-limited product?!

Have a wonderful weekend ^_^

<3 Frances