Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Jiyeon "Cry Cry" Music Video Inspired Look ^_^ and AWKWARD hair XD

See my video tutorial here if you're interested =D 

Hey guys ^_^

Before I start, I just wanted to mention that the imposter's profile has been taken down. I'm not sure if she figured I know so she deactivated it, or facebook deleted it, but either way it's gone. So thank you guys again for looking out for me/helping me report the person ^_^ Seriously, I found that I actually don't care that much... hence... I didn't do watermark for my pics again this time XD Laziness triumphs copyright XD okay okay I know I'm not being smart. I will watermark next time, when I have time XD And just wanted to let you guys know, the only reason why I wanted to clarify about the imposter is because I don't want anyone to mistakenly think she is me. Frances is my real name. And by the way I made my fb account non-searchable. So if you see me anywhere on fb it's probably not me XD 


Anyway, ever since I saw Jiyeon's look from the Cry Cry music video, I've been dying to try the look on myself. If you haven't seen the music video, check here. Seriously do it <3

Here are some screen shots from the music video ^_^ Hopefully you can see the makeup a little bit better.



OMG why is she so HOT even when she's crying?! If I were crying my eyes would turn red and my nose would turn red too -__-

Here's what I have. Obviously we have different features/eye shapes so it's hard for me to replicate it, but anyway this is just how I'd personally translate the look on myself.



I photoshopped most of my pictures because my hair doesn't appear as black due to the lighting and it bugged me >_< So I adjusted the contrast and brightness. And I changed some pics to black and white ;)

Much better with photoshop right? XD OMG I really want black hair and short hair now O_o I want her hair I want her hair I want her hair >_<
AHHHH I wish I have hair products to work with. I lost my clay when I moved -__- need to buy styling products *makes a mental note*












I know I know all my pics look the same XD hahahahahahahaha.

Lastly... a random video I made for you guys XD excuse the stuttering... I must have said it's funny like 5 thousand times LOL

And yes, I chose this thumbnail on purpose XD

Hope you guys enjoyed ^_^

<3 Frances


  1. Great to hear that the imposter is gone ^_^ And hey your hair would actually look good like this! Awesome job on the makeup look, and your coat matches it nicely :)

    RE: Yes I'm back hehe thank you! Suzy from MissA is the youngest member and yeah I've noticed that she looks a little different in MVs (maybe less makeup? or more lol)~ The hands thing well, I'd just have that sudden urge to run them under tap water if they feel dry :/ And after 'washing' my hands I'd just try to keep the water on my hands as long as possible without drying with a paper towel or hand dryer? Lol sounds strange but this RARELY happens to me xD So I'm not weird or anything xP

    I can go without cleansers when I don't put makeup on, like if I'm at home all day and I go wash my face I can just use water :] When I go out and have foundation on I must use cleanser, even if it sort of dries out my face =|

    Non-surgical rhinoplasty is like... botox for your nose xD Using injected fillers to 'plump up' and create a more distinct nose bridge, which I guess makes it also appear more taller and narrower. It's not a permanent thing though, it lasts for maybe 6 months and then you just get it done again if you want. If not and/or if you don't like it, it'll just go back to normal or improve slightly. Haha I'm just curious about how it would work and whether there would be an improvement ^^"

    Lol even if spiders became the nicest creatures in the world, they'd still freak me out with their fast running and 8 legs >_<

    So sorry for this long comment!! Just wanted to reply to everything you said <3 :D

  2. whao! soo edgy, a new look for you! i like it :) and i misss youuuu too!

  3. love this look!! you look so hardcore but still so gorgeous at the same time!!! a badass hottie!!

  4. Kelsey! sorry I never called back T_T I'm drowning in exams ToT but there's Thanksgiving =P

  5. thank you <3 yesssss for the badassness XD

  6. wahahahaha I want to go dark/gangster now XD

  7. You look like her with that makeup! Love how edgy it looks!

  8. lol I wonder what the 'gangster' look is!!

  9. hahaha she's wayyyy hotter >_< love your smokey eye btw ^_^

  10. waaah u look totally like her!!! I think bcuz of the hairstyle and eyemake~~~ ^^

  11. hahahaha she's way hotter LOL I wish I have a wig that's exactly her hair style to complete this look >_<

  12. fair. You getting prettier by the day. Thank you so much for the interview advise. I love this look. It make a very bold statement =D. (good for clubbing too lolz).
    ~XOXO Charlotte

  13. WOW this looks really good! Great job!

  14. kyaaaaaa bun bun im back >^______^< HUGS U!!!! oh i love this kind of looks so much and i have a new girl crush! u look good with that hair for real! ;)

  15. Sup! lol you so funny in your vid XD
    love this look! suits you, i think you both have similar eye structure! Its really cool and yes, she is really hot. Haha, when I cry I look like a dead bunny that got run over by a truck TWICE!
    and LOOOOOOOOOOVE the pictures~!! love it love it that i'm gonna die of your cuteness! XD

    p.s. sorry for stealing your hair products.... while you moved.... boba helped me...

  16. yay! I love how similar your looks are. ;)))

  17. Cute~!!! This look looks good on you <3 I love Cry Cry and Jiyeon looks so hott damn with that short hair too <333

    xoxo tifuani

  18. hahaha trust me it's just makeup and the angle I took the pics at... definitely not getting prettier by the day XD but thanks <3 I hope you get into med school ^_^

  19. Helloooooooooo there!!!!!!!!!!!! long time no talk!!! I was checking your blog earlier XD hehe I'm thinking about chopping my hair short short as soon as I grow all my black hair out WAKAKAKAKAKA!!!

  20. DANG I KNEW IT. you and Boba. LMAO!!!

  21. Can you do tutorial video to show how you made your eyes? It's so cool!!

  22. hi hi! thanks ^_^ I will definitely try as soon as I have time :D

  23. awwwwie........this is soooooo nyc..!!!!!!!!me 2.created 1 look Of eunjungs';s Lovey Dobey...loook..N.ewayz u know any haestyle. 4 Round faces..>??.nd ua ideas,.R amazing..xoxo

  24. lol thank you!

    hairstyle for round face? I have round face too and side swept bangs have always worked for me! ask your stylist to have the hair around your face to "frame around your face" (the feather cut) ^_^ that is my standard haircut


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