Sunday, June 29, 2014

Canmake Cream Cheek Blush Review

Hey hey hey!

I'm back =D

As promised from my last favorites post, here's my review for the Canmake cream blushes :)

There really isn't much to say. I adore them ^_^ The only thing I would say like I mentioned my favorites post, they do contain glitters. BUT, the glitters don't really show up at all once applied to the face; rather, it translates to a gorgeous glow :) Other than that, it blends amazingly well, and dries matte (but the finish is glowy!) I guess by "dries matte" I mean it's not sticky at all. They're long-lasting as well-- but then in general I don't have problems with blushes fading on me, so I can't say for sure their lasting power for others.

I have them in three shades, 01, 02 and 05. Like I mentioned before, 01 is my favorite ^_^ 





Blended out

They're so pretty *-*

You can see the glitters quite well on those swatches. But don't worry they don't look glittery at all when applied to the face (at least not on me...)


Blush 01... Sorry I'm recycling pictures again XD

Blended. Me like sooooo much~

Sorry I was too lazy to put on a full face of makeup for those blush swatches... just ignore the rest of my face and look at the blushes please *covers eyes*

Blush 02
Blush 02 is a darker pink

I think 02 will be really lovely on someone with darker skin tone. On me it's alright... it's pretty but I don't love it.

I don't know why the but the blush comes off looking more orange in those pictures ._. please use the arm swatch as your reference lol.

I tried >.< it doesn't want to look pink in the pictures...

Blush 05

You guys should see me in person XD in order for the face swatch to show up I applied sooo much XD I look like a clown in person lol


You can't see any glitters, right ^_^ it looks matte but it gives a glow. I love how these blushes make my skin look really soft.

That's all for my review. Gonna look into more shades when I go back to Taiwan =D If there are more colors that I like I might pick some more up, otherwise I'm happy with what I currently have too (:  might sell 02 though cuz I don't find myself reaching for it.

Hope you guys have a wonderful week ^_^

<3 Frances

Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 2014 Favorites ^_^

Ello ello guys!

So... this month's "favorite" post probably won't be that exciting to most of you... at least for my long-time readers :") (hello if you're reading!) because lot of them are rediscovery of old favorites XD So you probably have seen most of them at some point. And the newer favorites I believe I've already done reviews on all of them, kkk. 

Let's first start with the new items I have for this month XD  Those are probably more exciting for you guys to read!

1. Canmake Cream Cheek Blush in 01
Guys. This thing. Is amazing!!!!

I used to avoid cream blushes-- I used to have this one from Stila called Convertible Color in Gerbera and I loved that color! But somehow I reasoned with myself that it's more hygienic to dip my brush into the cream blush than using my fingers =_= so that kind of ruined the blush for me (lint, brush hairs getting stuck in the blush... all that good stuff). So I pretty much avoided cream blushes after that. So glad I decided to give these a try!!! I have 3 colors but this is my favorite (review and swatches for the rest will come up soon). Been pretty much reaching for it non-stop over the last couple of months ^_^ Haha my new blush love affair after the Benefit Rockateur lol.



It's sooo pretty. It honestly goes with every look, and just makes my complexion look super super healthy and glowy :)

Caution: This blush does contain glitters. However it doesn't look glittery at all when applied to the face in my opinion. But if you really hate glitters then perhaps you might want to keep that in mind before purchasing.

What it looks like on me:

Honestly... blush is the hardest thing to photograph. Didn't want to overdo it but at the same time the color always comes off more washed out. But I hope you guys can kind of see it



2. LUSH BB Seaweed Fresh Face Mask
My attitude toward LUSH is always kind of ambivalent... I think their products are fun, but overpriced (aka luxurious items haha!)

But! This mask is pretty awesome *-*  This is kind of like a last-minute favorite for me... because I've only used this mask 4 times. But I'm loving it!

You can see chunks of seaweed in it


Skin feels super moisturized and baby soft after ^_^b Love it! Now I'm super interested in trying out more LUSH fresh masks. I wonder if they come in bigger tubs... cuz I kind of want one *-*

Ok from here on out all the products are old... I apologize ahead of time if I'm boring you guys XD

3. YSL Glossy Stain in #29 and Etude House Kissful Tint Choux in #4
I think because I'm working now I try to use more neutral colors T^T these two are the ones that I keep in my pocket to reapply :P these and a lip balm of course. I like how these don't require a mirror to put on-- I just dab a bit on the center on my lips and rub my lips together :) or smooth out with my fingers if I can. Super convenient.

Me wearing YSL
I've done a review/swatches on this lip stain before, please refer here if you're interested. But I decided to post these pics because they do look quite different from that post. I was more heavy handed here so I thought I'd put them so you guys can see the different finishes it offers.


As for the Etude House one, I have plenty of pictures here.

4. SkinMD Natural Shielding Lotion
Remember a while back I said I feel like this lotion wasn't moisturizing enough? Well along comes summer and hello the perfect summer moisturizer =DDD

I put it side to side with my summer standby moisturizer-- the Shiseido Pureness Matifying Moisturizer, because the two are quite similar. Shiseido being more watery, and SkinMD being a bit thicker and more slippy in texture. But in any case, the hydration level of both is really similar. I'm glad to have SkinMD because now I can replace my Shiseido moisturizer with it! SkinMD is like half the price of Shiseido ^_^b

Top: Shiseido. Bottom: SkinMD

Granted it still might not be enough for dry skin. For my combination skin, it's perfect for the hot, humid summer weather. Recommend for combination (normal/oily) and oily skin ^_^

5. Canmake Blush in 02 as eye shadow application
I don't think I need to elaborate on this item since I pretty much raped your eyes with selfies where I was wearing this eye shadow. Been obsessed with using this as my eye shadow! Drama influence LOL. Check here if you want to see what this blush looks like as an eye shadow. Well also I'm wearing this as my eye shadow in all my pics for this post hehehe. 

6. IPSA Face Color Palette in #201
This is also an old favorite. This palette happens to contain my all-time favorite highlighter! I personally wouldn't waste money to buy this palette-- I personally can't wear that peachy blush on the upper right corner because it makes me look sun-burned. The setting powder on the lower left corner is completely and utterly rubbish-- it has no oil control whatsoever. The "contour" shade on the lower right corner I do like for a tan-blush look :)  but I don't think it's unique enough for me to want to go out there and purchase it. Also as a contour it's way too orange and unnatural. This highlighter though :") I really don't know what it is about it, but I just love it so much!!! You guys probably wouldn't think it's anything unique XD it looks really similar to the "Virgin" eye shadow from the NAKED 1 palette, but Virgin translates just ever so slightly on the silvery-white side on me... which can look a bit stark for highlight. This color on the other hand... just looks completely natural and subtle ❤ I wonder if IPSA sells the highlighter individually? I'll have to look it up.

I sort of did a review post on this palette, check here if you want to see my thoughts on this product when I first got it :)


It really doesn't look that special as a swatch XD

Okay these swatches photos are not doing this product justice. Need some face action here!

I like to apply some above my eye brows, and between my eye brows, like shown in this picture

Then I bring it half way down my nose bridge. The reason why I only do it half way and leave out the tip of my nose is because my nose gets mega oily -_- so I just skip the tip to avoid the mess.

I don't always do this step but sometimes I highlight the C shape here too. Nowadays forehead and nose bridge is more fun for me to highlight XD

Result *-* Even I think my skin looks pretty freaking amazing here. LOL the tricks of makeup PUAHAHA. 


Me no like this angle of my face, but thought you can the see highlight super well on my nose bridge XD I don't usually use this much, I was very heavy handed just for the purpose of taking pictures, so normally it wouldn't look so obvious LOL.

Comparison photos. Small difference, but difference nevertheless? :)
Left: Without highlight
Right: With highlight

Left: Without highlight
Right: With highlight

Readers probably be like... I didn't even notice any difference until you pointed it out XD

Here's an old pic of me, with no highlight whatsoever.

Here's a pic with highlight on forehead and nose bridge. Sorry I'm recycling old pics... in my defense... 回收也是一種美德啊!!! (遮臉) How do I translate that... recycling is a virtue XD *covers face*

Also with highlight on nose bridge. Nose looks just a wee bit taller??? Yes?? Can't see any difference??? XD I feel like if anything it makes my nose look straighter @_@

Is the difference better manifested in these pics?

Kkk, it looks like I have a nose bridge. Puahah


There's hardly any difference when you look at my nose from the front, but from side view I feel like it does a little sumthin' sumthing XD kind of crazy what a little bit of highlight can do to your face. 

I was surprised at how tall my nose looks (well I think so). It's probably the angle too but I think the highlight probably helped. I mean you guys have been reading my blog for a while now and you all know I have a relatively flat nose. This is kind of fun XD

So yeah I've been into highlighting my face again =P Truth be told, I'm never the person who cares a whole lot about nose... I'm all about eyes XD but it seems like people are getting nose jobs/rhinoplasties left and right these days. I wonder what I would look like with a super tall nose bridge and pointy tip... probably super fake and unnatural hahahaha.

That's all I have for my favorites! Sorry about the sparse posting. I'm actually on an off block now so I have some time. Hopefully I can get more blogging done! Is there anything you guys are interested in seeing?

Enjoy the beautiful summer ^_^ Time for me to hit the gym!

Laters :D

<3 Frances