Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Jiyeon "Cry Cry" Music Video Inspired Look ^_^ and AWKWARD hair XD

See my video tutorial here if you're interested =D 

Hey guys ^_^

Before I start, I just wanted to mention that the imposter's profile has been taken down. I'm not sure if she figured I know so she deactivated it, or facebook deleted it, but either way it's gone. So thank you guys again for looking out for me/helping me report the person ^_^ Seriously, I found that I actually don't care that much... hence... I didn't do watermark for my pics again this time XD Laziness triumphs copyright XD okay okay I know I'm not being smart. I will watermark next time, when I have time XD And just wanted to let you guys know, the only reason why I wanted to clarify about the imposter is because I don't want anyone to mistakenly think she is me. Frances is my real name. And by the way I made my fb account non-searchable. So if you see me anywhere on fb it's probably not me XD 


Anyway, ever since I saw Jiyeon's look from the Cry Cry music video, I've been dying to try the look on myself. If you haven't seen the music video, check here. Seriously do it <3

Here are some screen shots from the music video ^_^ Hopefully you can see the makeup a little bit better.



OMG why is she so HOT even when she's crying?! If I were crying my eyes would turn red and my nose would turn red too -__-

Here's what I have. Obviously we have different features/eye shapes so it's hard for me to replicate it, but anyway this is just how I'd personally translate the look on myself.



I photoshopped most of my pictures because my hair doesn't appear as black due to the lighting and it bugged me >_< So I adjusted the contrast and brightness. And I changed some pics to black and white ;)

Much better with photoshop right? XD OMG I really want black hair and short hair now O_o I want her hair I want her hair I want her hair >_<
AHHHH I wish I have hair products to work with. I lost my clay when I moved -__- need to buy styling products *makes a mental note*












I know I know all my pics look the same XD hahahahahahahaha.

Lastly... a random video I made for you guys XD excuse the stuttering... I must have said it's funny like 5 thousand times LOL

And yes, I chose this thumbnail on purpose XD

Hope you guys enjoyed ^_^

<3 Frances

Stolen Pictures

Hey guys!

LOL! Ummm.... I'm not even sure what to say in this post LOL. Honestly I never thought this would happen to me so I never bothered doing watermarks (well that and I don't know how LMAO xD)

But anyway, a very sweet reader notified me that someone has been using my pictures, thank you Ayumi ^_^ <3

Anyway, here's the imposter's link:

And the other person's pictures which she claimed to be the "14-year-old" version of me is a Taiwanese celebrity. Her name is 丫頭. Just Google image "丫頭 黑澀會" and you'll see her.   

Honestly, I am more shocked than angry XD it's kind of funny actually. My first reaction was... "WTF I'm not even Japanese!!!"  LOLOLOL. I was so tempted to add her on fb to see how she reacts LMAO. But I don't want her to have access to my fb -_-

So anyway, thank you Ayumi again for letting me know, and all my other readers out there who look out for me =D You guys are the bestttt <3

I just finished my third test for this week O_O two more to come next week *dies* okay now the excitement is over I'm so sleepy! Going to take a nap then studyyyy.

Hope you guys are doing great ^_^ Stay warm!

<3 Frances

Monday, November 14, 2011

Girl Crush O/////O

Hi guys!

Real quick-- Saw this MV on my friend's fb... and omg I love this MV!!! And OBSESSED with this song <3

It's Cry Cry by T-ara. I was so sad at the beginning of the MV O_o

Anyway! I have a major crush on the female lead >_<T-araCryCryJiyeon2
It's Jiyeon ^_^ from T-ara obviously =D
Man the girl can act!!! O_o I wonder if she has ever acted in any K-drama??

Anyway, I love everything about her in this MV ^_^ Her makeup, her hair, her style <3 <3 So bad ass, so HOT!! >o<

****Image credits go to Google****

Cannot wait until the second part of the music video is released in December ^_^

Cheers =D

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Some ideas =)

Hey guys ^_^

So today I thought I'd share some style-related ideas with you guys ^_^ Just some styles that really caught my eyes =)

****I do not own any of these images!!!****

I. freaking. LOVE. her nails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_< Yellow leopard print!!!!!! Omg so SO freaking cute. I want to buy a yellow nail polish now =P And I adore her earrings hehe I adore the rocker style =P

I adore the style of the girl on the left ^_^ The loose-fitting/ off shoulder top thingy (it's not a sweater how do you call these type of clothing that you just pull it over something?) And lately I've been really into furry ankle heel-boots O_O++ I just think they are so chic and can instantly glam up an outfit ^_^

Never thought about pairing sweaters with ripped jeans. I have a pair of ripped jeans and I always pair them with tougher outfit. Hmmm but rethinking about that now ^_~  This model is so freaking hot anyone know who she is?? lol!

Again the loose-fitted/off-shoulder sweater. I like how the furry scarf balances the outfit too.

I've been wanting a loose, see-through shirt for the longest time >_< but cannot seem to find a perfect one that will flatter my body type... sigh... need to lose weight cuz right now nothing looks good on me when I go clothes shopping T_T. I've gained 10 pounds ever since I came to pharmacy school it's not even funny =_=  it's mainly due to the poor diet but I've been working hard on that T_T 

The stockings caught my eyes lol! I think it's kind of adorable =P I would totally wear something with similar concept but it's so freaking cold here and I don't think leggings/tights/stockings are enough to protect my legs -__-

I love how she has a really bold scarf with simple, casual grey sweater. Oh and with the messy updo as well =D I think I'm gonna try scarf+messy updo sometime ^_^ 

Over-sized sweater looks so adorable. The hard part is to find the perfect over-sized sweater that won't look too awkwardly large on me XD

Again off-shoulder clothing =) love love. 

Hmmm this last picture I kind of just put up cuz the girl looks so hot. LMAO!

That's all I have ^_^ What style have you guys been into lately?? =D

<3 Frances

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

D.U.P. Eyelashes No.909 and camwhore pictures for my new header XD

Hey guys ^_^

I finally changed my header XD WAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! So happy! I had that old header for like more than a year and it was driving me crazy =_= I swear if I left it there for any longer I would go crazy!!! xD

Anyway, while I'm at it, I thought I might as well do a mini review on those D.U.P lashes that I was wearing ^_^ They are produced by the model Aiku Maikawa (舞川亞郁/ 舞川あいく) 

****Image credit goes to Google****

I got these while I was in Taiwan :D I have a couple pairs of D.U.P lashes available at my online shop if you're interested ^_^

So as much as I love my Dolly Wink No.1 lashes, the Dolly Wink line in general are just too dramatic and overdone for my little Asian eyes T_T No.1 and No.2 are the only designs I can wear without looking weird. D.U.P. on the other hand, are dramatic enough but at the same time also natural looking, and they fit my eyes much much better ^_^

Here are No.909. They come in 2 pairs and the price is more expensive than Dolly Wink (at least they are in Taiwan)

it says No.909 features thicker lashes in the middle

Clear bands
I like how each pair comes with its little box thing =P it does come with a tube of glue but I didn't use it so I don't know how good it is. And I forgot to take a pic of the glue...


So I don't have much to say in terms of reviewing these lashes... the quality and lash hairs feel a lot like Dolly Wink :) the bands are soft and bendy and easy to wear. Their lash length are definitely shorter than Dolly Wink, me likey! =D



They are pretty long and dramatic, but at the same time kind of natural looking too.


Okay now onto my camho pics XD You can see I took wayyy too many pics trying to get the best ones for my header. LOL

so obviously taken with beauty function lol makes my skin look so fake haha but me likey

without beauty function looks so much more natural

beauty function again here


Those lashes do look quite natural right? ^_^ I love them!





And finally, because I love my glass frames XD
LOL my pony tail was on the other side so it looks like I have short hair here lol
Glasses can be so cute or sexy, depending on what kind of makeup and outfit you wear with it ^_^

Oh by the way, Tsubasa is launching new makeup items later this November I believe ^_^ And clothing items as well? I saw the news on Eki's blog ^_^

My favorite promo pic ^_____^
So so so cute. I really want to buy larger frames =D

That's all I have today ^_^ Hope you don't mind all the camho pics XD I'm gonna camwhore as much as I can until I'm 30!!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!! xD

Until my next post, take care guys ^_^

<3 Frances