Hi! Thanks for visiting ^_^
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(formerly under the username francesvlogs but I don't have access to that anymore). I don't really do videos anymore simply because I think blog posts are more informative.
Hope you enjoyed your time here! :)
I finally got a haircut XD FINALLY. It's been about 6 months. Since I got it done in Taiwan this will be another dual language post.
Since this post is mainly for Taiwanese audience I'm gonna omit information about my experience and pricing and everything. If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments or e-mail me if you prefer (:
哈囉各位朋友大家好~! (不知道為什麼每次講這句都會想配上台語)
我終於剪頭毛啦!!! 六個月沒剪了XD 這次是在可墨Kmod剪的喔! 文末有附上地址電話那些資訊.
So here are some before pictures. 剪髮前的照片~~
花了好久的時間留長頭髮... Took me a long time to grow my hair out
LOL this pic goes on to show how flat my hair can be. I HATE. Laugh my friends. THIS IS WHY I ALWAYS WANT SHORT LAYERS. The shorter the better XD這張照片可以讓大家看到我頭髮可以有多塌XD 這就是為什麼我每次剪頭髮層次都打很高很高... 越短越好XD
居然還提供了衛生棉跟護墊?! 太神奇了. They even provided pads and panty liners?! LOL wow
在翻雜誌的時候覺得這個髮型很美說. 等我覺得頭髮開始要剪短的時候我想先嘗試這個 :D
Came across this hairstyle while flipping through the magazines. So pretty. I think I would go for this when I decide I'm done with long hair :D
阿瑛剪頭髮剪得滿快的 (不過我覺得他剪的有點心不在焉?! 因為他在剪一撮頭髮的時後居然跟別人講話然後剪刀在動但是他完全沒在看我的頭髮?! 我其實有心驚了一下不過... 呃... 要說是技術純熟嗎............... 我上次在波士頓剪的時候還有在科羅拉多剪的時候設計師都超仔細的哪有人敢look away while holding a scissor to your hair...) 不過剪出來ok所以就ok吧XD
Here's what I told my stylist:
I actually went in not knowing what I wanted (LMAO unless I get my hair cut short or go extreme with hair color there isn't much room for change anyway) I told the stylist I want to keep the length but get rid of all the split ends. I wanted to grow out my bangs (which also only had limitation to my style choices) so she thinned it out for me a bit so it won't be so heavy. and while she was cutting my hair I also asked her to do feathery effect on the hair framing around my face. Also even though I really wanted short short SHORT layers (my usual style) I decided against it because I asked her to do the crimped wave perm and she needs my hair on the top to be longer to cover the crimped hair. The reason why I asked her to do the hidden crimped perm is because it will add volume to my crown since I can't rely on short layers doing the job for me this time since I didn't get any for the sake of growing my bangs out.
偷偷拍了一張在等浸藥水的照片XD 作用是玉米鬚才會定型. 喔對了好像燙髮都在二樓. Sneaked in a pic of me waiting for the products to work so the crimps can hold.
他玉米鬚都放在我頭部比較凹的地方做支撐. 不是整頭都上XD Random permed crimps here and there for volume
看得到接近髮尾這些玉米鬚嗎?? 超難照的說
Can you see the tiny crimps near the roots of my hair? It was so hard to capture these crimps -__-
藏了很多玉米鬚 Crimps hidden under the top layers of hair
其實看起來像是被燙壞的頭髮XD they actually kind of look like badly permed hair LMAO
After 剪完+燙完結果~
其實我是回到家看剪髮前的照片才發現... 天啊頭髮短好多!!!!!我不是說髮尾分岔修掉就好嗎!!!! T__________________________T 怎麼感覺修掉這麼多... 我留頭髮很辛苦ㄋㄟ (泣) 不過還好啦我才哀悼他30秒吧哈哈哈因為真的涼快多了. 不過之前的金毛都被修掉了所以頭髮看起來更黑了.
I didn't realize how much shorter my hair is now until I compare the after photos with the before... OMG what happened to keeping my length?!?!?!!?!? Didn't I say I just want the dead ends trimmed off?! T______________T somehow it feels like she took off a lot more than that.... took me so long to grow my hair to that length *sob* but it's okay I'm not too upset in fact I only mourned my hair for like 30 seconds ahahah. But my hair does look a lot darker/blacker now she took off most of the blonde ends
我很滿意這次燙出來的微髮量的感覺~ 雖然沒有說很多可是真的有差, 不會覺得頭髮很塌了! 其實燙了以後變的超好整理的!! 這些照片我頭髮的樣子其實跟我剛起床的樣子一模一樣喔XD 根本就完全不用整理XDDDDDDDDDDD (慘了快得意忘形了) 而且現在照像以前不用把頭髮撥一撥了哇哈哈哈哈哈哈 (開心) I'm very happy with the extra added volume ^_^ in fact my hair is SUPER easy to manage now... I don't even have to try to ruffle it up before I take pics anymore wahahahaha (and believe it or not this is what my hair looks like exactly when I wake up *giddy* really, it's more like I don't have to manage it at all ^____^ )
然後劉海線在可以兩邊分 Oh and I can part my bangs both ways now
Now that my hair looks so much blacker, and with this particular haircut, I really do want to try some blonde highlights @_@ but I want more ash/platinum blonde with a lot less yellow 我現在的髮型+現在頭髮看起來超黑的讓我真的很想嘗試這個髮色@_@ 金色挑染. 但是我不要這麼黃!! 我想要比較偏灰的金色.
***I do not own this photo***
So you all probably went "?" when you
saw the Chinese in the title XD In honor of the fact that I am home in Taiwan
for the summer (so yeahhhh greetings from Taiwan =DDD), I decided to do this post in both English and Chinese... since
a lot of them are Asian products, I figure I can reach more audience =D
So to nobody's surprise I'm sure, I wasted
no time hoarding makeup products XD and I've found quite a number of good stuff
=D So excited to share them with you!
All pictures are taken under natural lighting unless otherwise mentioned ^_^ 除非有特別註明, 不然所有的照片都是自然日光下拍的喔!
But before I start I want to talk about two
products I purchased in the States, the Revlon Photoready Concealer and
Mayebelline Instand Age Rewind finishing powder.
不過在我分享這些好物之前我要先來講講我在美國時就已經入手的兩個商品-- 露華濃的Photoready遮瑕膏跟媚比琳的Instand Age Rewind的... 蜜粉餅?!?!?!?! (不好意思喔不知道中文翻成什麼所以大家就照片加減看一下吧! XD)
The reason why I wanted to talk about these
two products is because they do feel quite differently here under Taiwan's
humid climate. The Revlon Photoready Concealer actually blends a lot better
here (as opposed to when I used it in the States I found it dry so fast)-- I
think it's because of the heat here so the product melts better. It also looks
less dry on my face, although I still won't use it under my eyes because it
still accentuates fine lines although not as bad. But I still won't recommend
it for combination/oily skin since it's a creamier product and tends to slip
and slide (especially I sweat so easily here XD) I feel like it's a product
suitable for winter, as well as for those who live in humid areas.
塗在臉上的時候乾的挺快的所以要用手指快速塗開. 在台灣也許比較濕熱的關係所以就好一些. 看起來粉感也沒在美國嚴重. 不過我還是不建議拿來做眼下的遮瑕喔! 臉部的瑕疵還可以,
可是尤其是眼下跟我一樣有細紋的美人們 (泣) 就別用它了. 雖然卡粉程度沒有在美國時糟糕可是還是會卡粉. 另外就不推薦給混合肌或是油肌的美人囉! 因為是cream的產品,
一熱一出汗就很容易從臉上融掉... (汗) 我覺得是個比較適合在稍微潮濕地區+冬天使用的產品XD As for the Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Powder, I purchased it because TiffanyD said it's exactly the same thing as MAC Mineralize Skin Finish Natural. Hmmm while I agree the finish is similar in terms of the coverage, I do think the MAC's powder is finer and gives more natural finish. Also MAC MSF definitely does not have glitters in there. I noticed that Maybelline IAR has very fine glitters in which frankly I do not like. Especially by the end of the day when most of the powder is gone all that's left on your skin is sparkly glitters. Ugh! Interestingly enough though while I did not care for the IAR while I was in the US (to the point I almost returned it) I'm actually more pleased with its performance here in Taiwan. I guess this is another product where it looks better with humidity. So glad I took the powder with me so I can at least get some use out of it. I like to pair it with my SKIN79 BB cream. So bottom line I think this powder is not suitable for you if you live in a drier area. 至於媚比琳的定妝粉/蜜粉餅/它到底叫什麼啦XD 我會買它是因為我很喜歡的一個彩妝達人TiffanyD說這個根本就跟MAC的柔光炫彩餅是一樣的東西~! 可是老實講試了以後我還是覺得MAC的粉質比較細=w= 而且媚比琳這個粉體裡面有惱人的小亮片>口< 說亮片也沒那麼大顆啦! 但是看得出來一點一點亮亮的, 尤其是到晚上的時候粉掉的差不多的時候就只剩亮粉卡在臉上= = 實在是很不喜歡. 不過呢! 雖然我在美國用它時實在沒很喜歡 (差點要拿去退) 不過在台灣用我覺得比較ok耶! 亮粉沒那麼明顯, 粉感也沒在美國用的時候明顯, 可能因為台灣濕熱吧! 我滿喜歡搭配我的SKIN79 BB霜一起使用的. 整理來說~ 沒有特別推薦啦! 不過我覺得也是個比較適合在潮濕一點環境用的產品. Can you spot the tiny little glitters? 可以看到微小的亮粉嗎?
Swatches. Obviously the Revlon concealer in #4 is way too dark for me. And you can see the texture of the Maybelline powder is on the drier side. 上面那個很橘的是露華濃遮瑕膏(色號是#4) 一看就知道顏色對我來講太深XD 下面就是媚比琳的定妝粉囉! 看得出來是偏乾的質地.
Next my most excited find so far... the Lancome Teint Miracle Natural Light Creator Bare Skin Perfection
Compact Foundation (that's a mouthful xD) even though it's from the Teint
Miracle line I believe it's an Asia-exclusive product. Ladies and gentlemen, as
crazy as it may sound, I believe I've found my holy grail foundation... <3 maybe? XD
It's advertised to be a powder foundation
that actually contains water. As in when you pick up the product with a sponge,
you can actually see the moisture content on the sponge. Here's a product
promotion video:
I really loved my Lancome Maqui Blanc
Miracle Natural Brightening Creator Compact Foundation, which is supposed to
give 12h wear. At first I didn’t fully appreciate this foundation’s wear
because I still get oily and look shiny by the end of the day. But as I tried
more powder foundations, I always turned back to this foundation because it
stays on the best, and offers excellent coverage. The only downfall (of any
powder foundation really) is that it can look a bit powdery and made up.
However with the right amount applied with a powder brush, the finish can still
be relatively natural (I don’t like using sponges for compact foundation
because the makeup can look quite heavy).
The first time I've ever hit pan on a foundation XD 第一次用粉底用到看到鐵片君... BO-01 is the lightest color with a more whitening finish. BO-01是最淺色, 打造的是明亮肌 (現在夏天用整個就是太白)
Super battered compact case XD 看就知道它跟我衝鋒陷陣有一陣子了XD
When I bought the Teint Miracle compact
foundation, I was quite worried if this powder will hold up on my combination
skin since the powder is supposed to be moisturizing. However my worries
weren’t necessary :) it holds up really well without
disappearing/sliding throughout the day. And while it’s not supposed to do
anything about oil control, I actually found my face looks less oily when I
use this foundation. =D Not saying I won’t look
oil-less by the end of the day, but the powder just melts into the skin quite seamlessly. I love how it still looks really smooth even after I got oily ^_^ Also, what makes me like Teint Miracle more than Blanc Miracle is
that the powder seems to be even finer? Or maybe it’s because of the water
content, I found this powder to apply extra smoothly on my face and looks
really natural. It doesn’t give the traditional powdery/more made-up look.
Awesome! =D Also when I apply this powder onto my face (with a powder brush) I
can actually feel the “wet” powder, which is really interesting because the
powder of course doesn’t look wet.
Honestly I think if you want to purchase Lancome compact foundations you really don't need to purchase a separate compact case. It's packed very sturdily in the plastic case and I think you can even travel with it like this. Oh by the way the Teint Miracle refills can fit the Blanc Miracle case as well. 老實說我覺得買蘭蔻的粉餅買新蕊就好了~ 不需要另外購入粉餅盒. 因為你瞧瞧~ 它整個很安穩的卡在塑膠盒裡... 我覺得這樣就可以隨身攜帶了說XD 喔對了光感的心蕊也可以收納在瞬白的粉餅盒裡喔! I purchased a couple shades darker this time cuz I'm darker at the moment. Plus I felt like BO-01 was too pale for me to begin with anyway. Also BO is for brighter finish, and O is more neutral/slightly yellow. 這次買的粉餅比之前深了兩個色號. BO-01真的太白了. BO是比較明亮, 而O的就比較大眾, 稍稍偏黃. You can see even two shades darker it's still quite light. 雖然深了兩個色號不過還是算白啦~ Can you tell that Teint Miracle powder adheres to the skin better? Teint Miracle looks less powdery and more smooth. 看得出來光感的粉體比較服貼嗎? 比較起來, 光感的粉體看起來比較細緻而且比較平滑. Let's see the foundation in action~ 來看看實際的妝容吧~ LOL. No big problems there just uneven skin tone and redness on the nose. 其實我本身膚況還不錯啦! 就膚色不均, 鼻子泛紅那樣 Applied a light layer with my powder brush. Skin looks much more even :) I really like how natural this powder looks >w< 用粉刷薄薄的上了一層. 是不是膚色均勻多了呢 :D 真的很喜歡這個粉餅的自然妝感 >w< Okay now let's see how well this foundation holds up after about 8 hours. 我們來看看這個粉餅大約八個小時後的持妝度吧! Hahaha you can see the obvious C shape I highlighted XD Okay this was taken under yellow lighting and directly under the light source (so shiny). You can obviously my nose has gotten oily, but what I love is that the powder just melts into the skin, it doesn't break down or form patches. I love! 哈哈哈你可以很明顯看到我C字打亮的地方XD 這個是在黃光下而且直接在光源下拍的 (閃閃油光啊~) 很明顯的鼻子出油很多XD 可是我覺得這個粉餅大優的地方就是它整個跟自然的皮脂溶合~ 完全沒有結塊, 分離或是斑駁. 我愛>/////< Close-up. Coverage still there. 近拍.該遮的還是有遮=D (黃燈. 光源下. Yellow lighting, directly under light source) Okay this is still the 8 hours later without blotting or powdering or anything =D the only difference is I didn't take the picture directly under the light source, so my face doesn't look that shiny. Doesn't look so shabby right ^_^? 嘿嘿這個也是八小時之後的喔! 而且沒有吸油也沒有撲粉! =D 唯一的差別就是我這次沒有直接在燈下面拍XD 看起來就沒那麼油了. 還不賴對吧 =D Again, yellow lighting, not directly under light source. I thought it still looks pretty flawless. 還是跟剛剛一樣, 黃光, 不是直接在光源下照的. 我覺得持妝度真的很不錯>////<
I highly recommend ^_^ I think it’s good
for combination/normal/dry skin. Can’t say for oily skin.
非常推薦喔 ^_^ 我覺得混合肌/正常肌/乾肌 應該都會喜歡. 油肌的話我就不知道了.
Next I have the IPSA Face Color Palette in
#201 (there are 6 different palettes available). I’ve been eying this for a
while since I saw bubzbeauty use it in her videos =D It’s contains four
products in one palette: a blush, a highlighting shade, a finishing powder, and
a contouring shade.
再來要介紹的就是IPSA, 茵芙莎的3D微整型臉彩盒. 我買的色號是#201 (總共有六色) 話說我覬覦它大概有一年的時間了吧XD
自從看了bubzbeauty以後就很想試用它. 裡面有四種不同的粉體: 腮紅, 打亮, 蜜粉, 修容. The case itself can be used as mirror too, which is kind of cool in my opinion XD (a deceptive way to check your makeup XD). The case attracts fingerprints though. But I'm more worried if it scratches easily. 它本身的盒子可以當鏡子用喔 (覺得是很心機的偷照鏡子的方法XD) 盒子滿容易沾指紋的. 不過我比較擔心它會不會容易刮@@ Isn't it pretty >w< 登登登~~ 看起來很漂亮齁 >w<
The blush has very subtle shimmer which is
really nice. The highlighting shade is slightly on the more metallic side
(although not as metallic as MAC MSF soft and gentle). I noticed at the store some finishing
powder has more shimmers than the other so I chose the least shimmery one
(although I think once you apply it on your face it wouldn’t look so shimmery as
it does in the pan, but it’s something to keep in mind especially if you want to purchase it over
the Internet). The contouring shade is on the orange side. In fact, I think it’s more orange than
Benefit Hoola??? So I find it kind of unnatural when used to slim down the sides
of my face. Make sure you don’t use too much so the orange wouldn’t be so apparent. Other
than that I think it would be a great contouring blush (honestly I feel like
this is more of a blush color than contour).
On a side note the brush that comes with
this palette is really awesome. Super soft and functional (unlike the brush
that comes with Hoola… how on earth am I gonna use that =_=) except probably for the setting
powder cuz it will take a long time to use those tiny brushes to cover the
whole face.
Let's take a look at the application ^_^ With just Lancome Teint Miracle compact foundation just like before. 修容前. 跟之前一樣只有上蘭蔻光感粉餅. After-- put some highlighter under and above brow bone, C shape around the eye. With subtle blusher and subtle bronzer to contour the sides of my face from the ear along the jaw. Because of the shadow the contouring didn't really show up lol. 修容後. 在眉骨上下都有打亮. 還有眼外的C字部位. 淡淡了刷上了一些腮紅. 還有臉部邊緣也很淡的用修容餅從耳朵到臉頰下側都修過. 修容部分因為本來那邊就有陰影的關係所以照片沒有拍出來XD
Next I picked up L'oreal Lash Architect 4D
False Lash Effect in 4 dimensions (what is 4 dimension anyway?! Outer space?
LOL). And I’ve got to say I’m pretty impressed =D Might get a backup before I return to the States.
Very impressive volumizing, very impressive lengthening, and very buildable. Waterproof.
Doesn’t smudge. The only major downfall is that its curl hold isn't great. I found that if I just apply a lot on the first go (and let's face it, who has time in the morning to apply mascara coat by coat?!) my lashes will droop. However if I apply slowly coat by coat (meaning I will apply a thin first coat, wait for it to dry, then apply a second, so on and so forth), then the curls will hold. So far I'm pairing this with Majolica Majorca
lash primer (although I’m looking for a better primer). I gotta say this mascara has better
volumizing and lengthening than Majolica Majorca, however due to the fact that
MJ holds curls like no other, MJ mascara’s still the winner for me XD
Edit: I'm no longer fond of this mascara. It dries up quickly in the tube that the formula becomes rather clumpy.
The wand. 刷頭長這個樣子喔! K bare lashes XD I lined the upper lash line and curled my lashes. 素睫毛XD (整個就沒幾根哈哈哈看起來好禿喔) 有在睫毛根部上了眼線. 睫毛也夾翹了. the other eye 另一隻眼 One thin coat of mascara. 薄薄第一層睫毛膏~ One thin coat of mascara. 薄薄第一層睫毛膏~ After the first coat dried, second coat applied. 乾了以後上了第二層. After the first coat dried, second coat applied. 乾了以後上了第二層 (有沒有氣勢都出來了XD) Yep, I did a third coat XD 是的, 我又上了第三層XD (整個就不怕死XD) Third coat 第三層.
Lashes ^_^ 嘿嘿睫毛有存在感了XD
OMG I can’t believe I’ve only talked about 3 products so far… so much rambling XD
please bear with me ahahaha.
*yellow lighting (黃光) Next I want to talk about this blusher from
Kanebo’s drugstore line called “Media.” I got mine in OR01 which is slightly
orangy pinky blush. I gotta say I really like this blush ^_^ finely milled, good
pigmentation, soft shimmers (so stay away if you only like matte blushes) and
really pretty. The brush that comes with it is also really nice and soft and
functional. Pretty cheap and cheerful. I'm tempted go back and pick up a couple
others ^_^
*yellow lighting (黃光) *yellow lighting (黃光). I ran out of sunlight when I got to this blush. In person it looks much darker.等到拍這塊腮紅時太陽不給面子下山了 T^T 實際上這個腮紅顏色比這張照片還要深喔! *yellow lighting (黃光). You can see the pearly shimmer. 可以看到美美的珠光
*yellow lighting (黃光). Slight shimmer. I adore ^_^ 美美珠光第二拍. 我喜歡XD
Next I also have this Canmake shading
powder =D which has replaced my Hoola powder XD nah I will still try to use my
Hoola. But at the moment I much prefer the Canmake one because it’s a nice matte, true brown. Hoola is very orange in
comparison and I found Canmake complements my skin tone pretty well. Even
though it looks really really dark in the pan, but don’t be intimidated! It actually
applies pretty softly and can be applied all over the face =DD which is the
main reason I really love it!
The brush is meh I wouldn't use it for contouring it looks very awkward and patchy. 這個刷具就不怎麼樣了. 非常不適合拿來修容的刷具, 會一塊一塊的.
I also tried out some new hair products as well ^_^
(Don't mind the Instagram picture too lazy to snap another photo) (請別介意我直接用Instagram的照片啦XD 太懶得再去照了) Ascience Shine Therapy. I highly highly recommend Ascience Shine Therapy conditioner =D The shampoo is nice but the conditioner is the winner! It makes my hair so smooth and silky... love it! I actually might love this more than the Aussie 3 minute miracle! (although I will have to wait to see if this Ascience conditioner performs the same after I return to the States. Nonetheless great stuff!)
picked up an extra conditioner from Ascience, a conditioner from
Essential, and Ultra Honey & Shea Butter hair mask from
Essential (haven't used anything from Essential yet XD).
Edit: I've tried the Ultra Honey & Shea Butter... it's alright. Personally like my Aussie 3 minute miracle much better. I won't mind repurchasing but at the same time I won't miss it either when I've used it up.
Okay I’m almost done here XD last product I want
to talk about is Ponds cleansing oil. Initially I was debating if I should get
the one from Hada Labo but ended up getting Ponds because 1. It’s half the price 2. It
was buy one get one free hell yeahhhh =DDD 3. I’ve had good experience with Ponds cleansers
before so I trust Ponds XD So short story here. I really like it. Does an
awesome job taking off my makeup. As good as Shu Uemura/ MAC cleansing oil but
much much cheaper. Smells great. So in conclusion—I love it and I might just use this from
now on and save some money from the expensive department brands XD For girls
who love using cleansing oils to take off their makeup, I highly recommend =D
Edit: Actually, I take that back. It's not as good as the high end ones. It's not good enough for my MAC Liquislast eyeliner!
Okay lastly just want to quickly mention
that I also purchased the Za Impact Lash mascara (volume). I went for volume
because there's a curve in the mascara wand which I prefer (the
lengthening one has the traditional straight lash wand). I haven’t used it yet so I
can’t do my mini review XD still working on three mascaras. Will get to the
review once I use this mascara.
Lastly, and I mean lastly for real!!! XD
Been LOVING the Revlon lip butter in 015 Tutti Frutti!! Been wearing this so
much even though I’m not a big lipstick girl. I always pair it with the Carmex lip balm
because no matter how moisturizing/expensive the lipstick, my lips always get
dried up and peel at the end of the day. Using any lipstick in conjunction with
Carmex really helps ^_^
Light orange/tangerine color ^_^ 嫩橘~ Bare lips. 素唇 Tutti Frutti on. 上了Tutti Frutti以後~
Must pair it with Carmex. 一定都搭配Carmex使用~ 不然嘴唇會乾+脫皮. Excuse my hair I desperately need a new haircut XD 請別介意我醜醜的頭髮XD 極需剪髮啊!!!
So this was the look from today. Teint Miracle compact foundation+ IPSA+ Tutti Frutti. 所以今天大致上的妝容就是這樣囉~ 光感粉餅+IPSA修容臉彩+露華濃Tutti Frutti. Really like to do double wing lately XD 最近眼線很喜歡畫兩條XD
Okay that’s really all! Hope you guys enjoyed the LONG
haul/review =)) If you read the whole thing, I put my hands together for
you!!!! I hope it wasn't too hard to read between the two languages and the pictures XD Until my next post (who knows when), take care everyone ^_^